What triggers your binge ?

For me its as soon as I give in to temptation and put ONE bad thing in my mouth ...the binge begins and somehow that 100 calorie unplanned snack turns into a 900 calories!:explode:

Of course others would be social events or when I see a super good deal at the super market. Ie. 2 for the price of one box of ice cream or crisps


  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    Deprivation. That's why I don't do it.

  • chainone
    chainone Posts: 42
    Generally speaking, it's a response to high-stress or a fibromyalgia flare.

    Last night I hit my elbow in the shower, which sent me into flare-city, so I ended up eating a huge stack of pancakes after dinner. I don't feel particularly happy about it, but I just roll with it.
  • playitagainsam
    playitagainsam Posts: 84 Member
    I've learned over the past several years that a few things set me off in binge mode. First would be depression, stress and general upset that leads me to self-medicate with food. I've learned that when I start getting into these moods, I need to self-medicate with exercise rather than food. Getting better with that and learning that I feel much better taking out my frustrations on my workout rather than food. Next would be certain foods that seem to send me into a tailspin - cookies, cakes, Coca-Cola tend to be huge culprits. These processed cookies, cakes and just general sugary junk food and sodas seem to make me spin out of control. Once they enter my system, I seem to be done for! Some may see it as deprivation, but I just know that I cannot handle these types of foods. They are like a drug to me or like alcohol to an alcoholic. Once I start, I cannot stop! Am I saying I'll never eat a cookie again or drink a Coke? No! But, I'll only allow it as a treat every once in a very great while. To me, the battle of gaining and losing weight (and gaining and losing and gaining and losing and gaining and losing...!) is a much worse battle than trying to avoid these foods. I'm in about my 4th round of losing weight since 2008 and I DO NOT WANT TO GO THROUGH THIS AGAIN! This battle to me is simply worse than not having these trigger foods again. I'm learning to focus more on other more beneficial ways of dealing with issues that make me wan to binge and turning to other healthier foods that I may want to overeat on somewhat, but that will not harm my body as much should I overeat them.
  • When I tried to deny myself the foods I like, the temptation would just build and build until I'd eventually just decide to let it go one day and eat tons of terrible stuff. Then sometimes the next day I'd feel bad and turn it into two days, etc. The trigger was almost always something not directly under my control, probably so I could feel like it wasn't really my fault. But it was my fault. I never once had someone threaten me if I didn't go on a binge, so every binge was definitely my fault. And the binges were often worse than necessary because I convinced myself I should finish whatever unhealthy food so it wasn't in the house to tempt me any more.

    Now, I just eat unhealthy stuff in moderation instead of trying to pretend I can avoid the foods I like. I let myself eat a small snack that is unhealthy each day. The snack is always with a meal or immediately after so I don't eat more than intended. And once a week I allow myself to eat whatever I want from my exercise calories. I like feeling rewarded from exercise, even if it is self-imposed. I also like looking forward to that unhealthy snack each day. I like thinking about what I want to eat as that snack. I like the build-up probably as much or more than actually eating the snack. So moderation is what is working for me.
  • mountaindewbass
    mountaindewbass Posts: 17 Member
    For me Stress causes me to eat unhealthy. But then once I start I simply state "Why does it matter" and then I eat anything and everything I want. Then a week will go by, ill gain like 5 pounds and notice my face is fatter and I begin to feel uncomfortable in my clothes. Then ill start eating right again
  • _Krys10_
    _Krys10_ Posts: 1,234 Member
    Vodka :drinker:
  • I've learned over the past several years that a few things set me off in binge mode. First would be depression, stress and general upset that leads me to self-medicate with food. I've learned that when I start getting into these moods, I need to self-medicate with exercise rather than food. Getting better with that and learning that I feel much better taking out my frustrations on my workout rather than food. Next would be certain foods that seem to send me into a tailspin - cookies, cakes, Coca-Cola tend to be huge culprits. These processed cookies, cakes and just general sugary junk food and sodas seem to make me spin out of control. Once they enter my system, I seem to be done for! Some may see it as deprivation, but I just know that I cannot handle these types of foods. They are like a drug to me or like alcohol to an alcoholic. Once I start, I cannot stop! Am I saying I'll never eat a cookie again or drink a Coke? No! But, I'll only allow it as a treat every once in a very great while. To me, the battle of gaining and losing weight (and gaining and losing and gaining and losing and gaining and losing...!) is a much worse battle than trying to avoid these foods. I'm in about my 4th round of losing weight since 2008 and I DO NOT WANT TO GO THROUGH THIS AGAIN! This battle to me is simply worse than not having these trigger foods again. I'm learning to focus more on other more beneficial ways of dealing with issues that make me wan to binge and turning to other healthier foods that I may want to overeat on somewhat, but that will not harm my body as much should I overeat them.

    Quoted because Thank you for putting words on my thoughts exactly. I want to keep this for further reference.
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    Too much deprivation. Gotta have a small treat a couple of times a week just so I know I can.
    Eating too low cal, which I no longer do.
    Letting myself get too hungry/waiting too long between meals.
    Stress/emotional upset. I'm getting much better about not turning to food these days. It's not an automatic reaction anymore.
  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    Vodka :drinker:

  • benjib84
    benjib84 Posts: 125
    Shopping when im hungry - every time!
  • cadaverousbones
    cadaverousbones Posts: 421 Member
    Being alive.
  • soupandcookies
    soupandcookies Posts: 212 Member
    Being alive.

    This. And sugar.
  • bethannien
    bethannien Posts: 556 Member
    If I let myself eat when the impulse stems from boredom or sadness, it turns into a binge. Say, for example, someone screamed at me that I was a fat *kitten* while I was on a walk with my baby, this led to an impromptu trip to the grocery store and a bag of cookies coming home with me. I let it become an excuse rather than motivation for change. So that little voice that says "it doesn't matter and food tastes soooo gooood" is my trigger