
  • The doctor I seen told me that metformin made you ovulate and its also used for diabetes
  • RockinTerri
    RockinTerri Posts: 499 Member
    I don't/didn't have PCOS, but had struggled with other infertility issues, culminating in requiring a hysterectomy at age 28 (11 years ago). I have struggled with my weight during those struggles (beginning at age 25) up through now.

    Feel free to add me if you would like! Any of you are welcome to!

    And I'm always happy to share my infertility history, including some attempted treatments I would NOT recommend.
  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    Get this book
    > The Infertility Diet. Helped me have my 3 boys! I had gained with each and did not loose the weight and now have a hernia to deal with as well! I am far from done on my journey to get in shape and maybe have another baby!

    Getting your hormones in order is paramount! Eating better and exercising is just as important! If your Dr is smart he or she will run a blood test on you to check your hormone levels! Check out Dr Neal Rouzier. Preventative medicine is not new but this doctor's work is fantastic!

    Good luck on your journey OP and to all of you that posted here! Have a great weekend! ; )
  • almasf
    almasf Posts: 3
    gals ,i have developed a serious allergy on my way to having metformin for my pcos. I am developing hives and its very very irritating and bad.i am so much in pain, i am getting up in night with itching severely. i just read on internet that its due to the high progestrone or there might be a chancei have developed auto immune progestrone APD . which will be havoc to my life as then i wont be able to conceive.but so far i am considering that its due to high levels of progestrone and that might be due to the medicine but last month i dint developed any such disease. or anything.so there could be two reaosns forit either its due to metformin producing too much progestrone or either i am pregnant in which already my body is producing progestrone naturally and plus the metformin also. so it is doubling and i am getting hives.please suggest if somebody has faced the same situation in her way to conception. i am passing through a difficult phase in my life emotionally and now its physical too. :(
  • crazorbaq
    crazorbaq Posts: 74 Member
    My brother and his gf went paleo about 2 years ago..she also has PCOS and had not concieved in over 13 years. With paleo and dropping some weight, my niece is about to turn 9 months...LOL keep your chin up, weight loss can/will help!!
  • sabrafox
    sabrafox Posts: 70 Member
    I have PCOS and while we were able have our first child after only trying for about 8 months, this time around is proving very challenging. It's tough to get pregnant when you're not having periods :/
    I wish you the best of luck but try not to stress too much.
    My Mom is a Women's Health Nurse Practitioner and she has said many times if she had a dollar for every pregnant woman who came into her office that had been told she'd never conceive, she'd be a wealthy woman.
  • jen81uk
    jen81uk Posts: 177 Member
    I don't but i havent tried for a baby yet either! my friend got told she had and I've watched her struggle for 7/8 years cos she doesn't want to go or ivf or iui. They've now told her she does not have it and just to lose weight and she will conceive ! Good luck with your journey and I hope things work out. She was told to follow a low GI diet like a diabetic really and I have another friend who was given a dose of chlomid after years of not conceiving and she fell first time! So fingers crossed! Xx
  • I have PCOS and struggled with both infertility and pregnancy loss. The doc put me on Metformin as soon as I was diagnosed (which was during a doctor's visit to see why I wasn't getting pregnant.) I have two wonderful children, now 8 and 5 years old. I was on Metformin throughout my entire pregnancy with my son, but managed to conceive and stay pregnant with my daughter without the help of any sort of drugs what so ever.
  • NBeehler
    NBeehler Posts: 24
    Yes. My husband and I have been TTC since September 2011. Plently of people around me have become pregnant and have had babies during this time. We went to a fertility clinic in April 2013 and they informed me that they could not begin any kind of treatment until I lose 80lbs (apparently the treatment is ineffective for anyone with a BMI of over 35). So now as I am getting closer to the 80lbs weight loss, I am happy to have had to go through this journey with my body. I feel so much better, I eat better and most importantly I have so much more energy. Not only do I now feel ready to have a baby, I have the energy required to be the best parent I can possibly be!

    Best of luck!
  • AbstractAsterism
    AbstractAsterism Posts: 153 Member
    I have PCOS, was on Metformin, and struggle with my weight. I had huge infertility issues. Basically my GYNO put me on birth control for three months to regulate everything, and then the week after I was off BC, BAM, hello baby! (results obviously may vary!) Even though I was still overweight during pregnancy, my little man came out just fine. Talk to your GYNO about it birth control for regulation, and see if that may help!

    Good luck!
  • BluejayNY
    BluejayNY Posts: 301 Member
    Hey there! Infertility is frustrating. I have PCO and do not seem to ovulate. I do not have the weight or hormone issues so they retracted the PCOS diagnosis and put "unexplained infertility"
  • cjcmrn
    cjcmrn Posts: 134 Member
    I have it... I don't care whether or not I conceive. I've decided I love my life, my lifestyle and myself and don't need kids to complete that.

    I'd much rather have sleep and a dog(s) :laugh:

    Correction - Rescue Dogs!

    I'm totally with this... I'm good with my rotti and sleep! although want to add another furry addition that i can go running with
  • bexyando
    bexyando Posts: 10 Member

    Me too, I have PCOS and was put on metformin, doesn't seem to effect me in anyway, reading these posts I guess i'm lucky...ish. Had a HGS last week which was incredibly painful! Have to go back in December, I presume next step is chlomid. Was told I needed to lose weight, i'm 20 odd pounds down, not too much to go before i'm at a weight they feel is acceptable, although I would like to lose a few more stone, feel free to add me :)

    Ps I have two dogs and love my sleep but a couple of children too would be great, more the merrier haha x
  • I have PCOS and am currently on the Paleo diet to help with the symptoms and to lose 26lb. I was told I would have issues conceiving as was only having two cycles per year, but I was blessed with a beautiful baby girl who is now 11 weeks old. Don't lose hope! Sending you luck and hugs. PCOS is no fun at all. Feel free to add me if you would like :)

    Awww, congratulations on your precious bundle of joy! Now, THAT is a miracle. :) Did you do anything special or take any fertility medication leading up to conceiving?

    (And I agree, PCOS is no fun.)

    Thank you :D

    I cut out dairy and dramatically reduced my stress levels by moving to an easy part time job, and conceived 2 months later. I don't think it was a coincidence :)
  • nettleboo
    nettleboo Posts: 177 Member
    hi ladies i have pcos was trying for 4 1/2 years to fall pregnant took a three stone weight loss but i fell naturally which i was told would never happen and now i have a very busy 11 month old. weight loss for me was the key so im back to lose again we want another baby and dont want a 4 year plus wait. it can happen ladies stay strong big hugs add me if you like xx
  • Hello! I was diagnosed with PCOS and have been on birth control since age 17 (I am 22 now). I also have fibro myalgia and GAD. I am currently 5'3" at 182 lbs. I am taking loads of meds for all my ailments.

    YOU ARE NOT ALONE OUT THERE! Its always great to find encouragement through others who are like you. I want to be within the 140-152lb weight limit.

    Lets help each other ^__^
  • Hello all, check out this site www.plantogetpregnant.net it discusses infertility and acupunture/chinese medicine and the impact on diet and cleansing. PCOS is also covered.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    im a little late to the post, but I was finally able to conceive (6 months pregnant) after weight loss. Portion control has worked the best for me along with avoid sugared/calorie drinks besides alcohol.
  • Losing weight can be really beneficial in helping with conceiving and also health in general. I set out to get in good shape before getting pregnant and was really glad I did - I hate to imagine the effort of carrying my old weight around as well as a baby!
    I started on a vegetable and fruit juicing diet for breakfast and lunch and lost loads of weight in a couple of months as well as having a lot more energy.
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    It took my 5 years to conceive with my first. Turns out I had hypothyroidism and PCOS. As soon as I started treatment for those 2 things, and lost my first 25 lbs, I got pregnant. I have 2 now!