Feeling sorry for myself...

I really hate that. I generally try to be the one who lifts people up and drags them kicking and screaming to where they want to be. I need someone to do that for me right now. I'm not sure what my problem is. I guess we all go through such nonsense every now and then. It's just very frustrating for me because I am in charge of my emotions but right now, my emotions are taking charge of me. Somebody give me an attitude adjustment!


  • nyboer
    nyboer Posts: 346 Member
    Dude. Snap out of it! ;-)

    Nah, we all have crummy days. Tomorrow will be better. Stop beating yourself up over it. This too shall pass. Not sure if you're working or at home or what your schedule/life is like... Do you have a few minutes to walk around the block? Or just go outside and soak up some sunshine? You GOT this! Don't let your emotions drag you down. Don't!
  • dougii
    dougii Posts: 679 Member
    Give yourself a swift kick in the you-know-where and get out and move a bit. Go for a run. Go walk the dog. Lift some weights. And you will feel better in no time. We all have down days and sometimes they last for a bit but getting up and doing something cures this. Give yourself a pat on the back for all of your accomplishments, wake up tomorrow, and move forward. You have this in the bag!
  • JavaJael
    JavaJael Posts: 43 Member
    Take a few minutes to think of all the positive and good things in your life. I do this when I start to get bogged down with the negative feelings. I don't know you or your particular situation, but do you have a friend you could go out for a walk with? Or sit down for a coffee and a chat? Do you have a favorite hobby? Sometimes spending even 15 minutes doing something that you love to do can lift your spirits. Music is another pick-me-up for me.
  • jenniferevon
    Thanks guys! I really appreciate you taking the time out of your busy day to respond. I rarely get like this so your words of encouragement and advice really help. I know I'll snap out of it and will try your suggestions to get me there sooner!
  • Janyaa
    Janyaa Posts: 64 Member
    Chin up! It's okay to feel down once in awhile. Nobody can be a cheerleader all the time. Luckily, all that positive energy you've put out can come back to you on your down days. I agree with the suggestion to try and take a walk or move around a bit. Get some endorphins going!

    If you have an office job, see if you can take a walk to the water cooler or step outside and stand in the sun for a couple of minutes. And remember, this, too will pass.
  • onecatleadstoanother
    you're almost half way to goal - there's inspiration!! and a reminder of all your hard work! enjoy your weekend
  • rowanwood
    rowanwood Posts: 510 Member
    I give myself extra love on those days. They happen. No point beating yourself up more for just being a person. :)
  • crazorbaq
    crazorbaq Posts: 74 Member
    35 pounds down is A-MAZING! Look at your accomplishment! If I get to feeling too blue, I get the hell outside and into some sunshine. If you can't get out, get moving regardless...it always makes you feel better mentally and physically! You got this, don't let the turkeys get you down!
  • witmer1
    witmer1 Posts: 128 Member
    Stop looking at the past. You can't do anything about what's already done. Make a plan and commit to it. If you're motivating others, what's wrong with motivating yourself? You know how. You're no different. Be selfish and do it for you. You got this.
  • kanadian_bear
    Put on some up-beat music (Walks Like Rihanna usually does it for me) and let it all hang out! Then .. hit up Starbucks and enjoy a double chocolate chip frappucino. Oh yeah ... now I know what my afternoon looks like. :drinker:
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    It happens every year in Lexington right before football season...chin up it will be a painful couple of months and all will be well!
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Get busy with something - that's what I do when I feel that way. I can't tell you the number of times I've done deep cleaning with tears running down my face. Seeing the results of my efforts makes me feel a lot better.

    Best wishes for feeling better soon.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    You've made some solid progress. I suspect you're feeling better, looking better, etc. I suspect the complacency creep is setting up shop in your head and telling you its okay be less diligent than you have been. I think its okay to take a short break and indulge a little bit once you've made some progress....but do it for a planned amount of time and don't go too crazy. And, most important...if you take a small break...know that you're doing it as part of a greater plan and you're going to get back to your former super fierce self as soon as the planned break is over.

    The complacency creep has no business deterring your progress or keeping you away from your goals. Ignore the "press clippings"...you know, your friends and co-workers who are telling you how much better you look...and that person over there who is asking you "really, you still want to lose more weight. you look great.". These folks aren't living YOUR life and YOU have a greater goal for yourself. YOU know where you want to end up (or at least you know you're not at your destination right now). YOU know how absolutely fierce you have been to lose those 35 pounds and get where you are today. But, your story isn't over. Perhaps you're taking a page break, but there are more pages to be written in your amazing story. Don't saunter along too long before you start writing more pages in your amazing story.
  • jenniferevon
    You just made me laugh REALLY loud in my office. Fortunately, I don't like football. UK's football team is sooooo bad. Thanks for the laugh!!
  • BobcatGirl110
    BobcatGirl110 Posts: 364 Member
    When I am frustrated click on reports, choose 3 months, see your progress line. It's a reminder that I am moving DOWN which is the totally right direction when I get a little caught up in the scale or motivation to keep going. Put on something you wore before you started losing as a reminder of your weight loss and what you are working toward. :) You got this!:love:
  • jenniferevon
    Went outside during lunch in the BEAUTIFUL sunshine. That was a huge pick me up! I've been a member for over a year and this is my first forum post. I didn't realize what I was missing. I've already made a couple of new friends and you guys really gave me the encouragement I needed for today. Thank you so much! :happy:
  • doomspark
    doomspark Posts: 228 Member
    You just made me laugh REALLY loud in my office. Fortunately, I don't like football. UK's football team is sooooo bad. Thanks for the laugh!!

    Expatriated Kentucky boy here, and UK faculty brat as well. I left KY years ago, but I still bleed blue. I agree that UK's football team stinks... basketball on the other hand...

    Back on topic: if you can take a walk outside in fresh air, you may find that helps. I know I feel better if I get outside during the day, even if it's just a few minutes.