need friends? need support?



  • _Shane_
    _Shane_ Posts: 12 Member
    I am on daily and would love for more friends to hold me accountable and for me to motivate. Anyone can feel free to add me.
  • ayonna1108
    ayonna1108 Posts: 1 Member
    I really need suppprt. I have no friends on here and I'm in for rhe long run. I have 190lbs to lose and I'm not stopping until I get there. I'm good at supporting other as well. 1 friend 2 friend any friends.... have great day.
  • stacek4
    stacek4 Posts: 30 Member
    Always up for new and motivating friends! Feel free to add :happy:
  • Hello All,

    I have been see-sawing like many of you. I developed high blood pressure a few months ago and that was it for me. I am going to beat the battle of the pounds. I made a promise to myself that I will not end up with all kinds of health problem because I refuse to control myself. I have about 50lbs to lose.

    I am back and have made a commitment to get this weight loss party started. Feel free to add me if anyone needs advice and motivation.

    Good Luck!
  • christinemeyer76
    christinemeyer76 Posts: 2 Member
    I could use a lot of motivation
  • Always looking for new friends to encourage and support! We need eahc other! :) Friend request sent!
  • VpinkLotus
    VpinkLotus Posts: 849 Member
    I'm on every day and just got rid of a bunch of inactive friends :)
  • Add me too! I need the motivation daily as all the people I started with dropped off completely.
  • klyn05
    klyn05 Posts: 88 Member
    Hi guys! Feel free to add me as well. I am on here every day & would love to have more active friends who need/give support!
  • Feel free to add me! This site is REALLY good with friends. I will add you all tomorrow when I wake up. Good luck on your goals everyone and goodnight!
  • maemalcy
    maemalcy Posts: 31 Member
    add me... i could use some motivations around here... losing weight while having pain all the time is not easy... :)
  • ToolRat
    ToolRat Posts: 42 Member
    Always looking...I am on everyday if people want to add me.
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    Feel free to add me, I am going into a Semi Paleo diet *can't give up my yogurt or cheese here and there* and looking to add just some new friends :)
  • JonTse
    JonTse Posts: 4 Member
    Feel free to add me; I started my journey last year and this app helped me tons. Still use it everyday religiously!
  • beckhole69
    beckhole69 Posts: 69 Member
    Yes please! Anyone feel free to add me. I need motivation and someone to creep my diary and yell at me when I haven't exercised
  • aubrie917
    aubrie917 Posts: 41 Member
    I want more friends!! Add me =]
  • FancyGirl7
    FancyGirl7 Posts: 11 Member
    I would love to be friends! :) Having the encouragement of friends is a huge benefit!
  • Sarahndipity30
    Sarahndipity30 Posts: 312 Member
    New here as well. on a year long journey to shed 100+ lbs by my 30th Birthday. Feel free to add me if you are active and supportive! :)
  • Beastmode454
    Beastmode454 Posts: 340 Member
    hey eveyone add me the more people the more you can get new ideas in dieting and exercise!
  • oreyna
    oreyna Posts: 88 Member
    I agree...the more the merrier!!! Anyone can add long as you don't mind the occasional joke now and then. Good luck to all...keep kicking butt!!!