need friends? need support?



  • Minifelly
    Minifelly Posts: 9 Member
    My name is Stephanie, I am doing body fitness, p90x and running for the second time. Last time I had to stop for a injury and it got me completely discouraged but I am ready to get back to being healthy again. Looking for friends who want to join in the process to help keep each other motivated to either become healthy or lose any amount of weight. I am 23 and married and just looking to get back to my athletic days and feel the way i use to.
  • IsabelleAnna
    Add me please I'm new and I need some motivation
  • glenverrier
    glenverrier Posts: 38 Member
    Any can add me!! I love giving and receiving the support!! I will be out of the loop for a few days while away since my Blackberry does not allow the posting part of the program. But will be back in full force on Monday!!
  • Sarah_cm
    Sarah_cm Posts: 20 Member
    Hi! Feel free to add me too :D
  • harleygroomer
    harleygroomer Posts: 373 Member
    Would like some support.. I dropped one because she spent her days going over what I needed to do and NOT do. I have a trainer to do that--but alittle support goes along way. Just started the horrible torture of running!!!!!!!!!! WHY DO PEOPLE DO THIS??? I be sore---SOOOO sore right now. BUT I have a mean trainer to tell me daily POWER THRU IT COME ON POWER THRU IT.....
    I want to pluck each hair out of her head. BUT I go back again and again---I weak weak weak
  • CharlieMonroe
    CharlieMonroe Posts: 12 Member
    Could really do with some support right now. I think I've hit a plateau at a really early stage in my weight loss and it's so demotivating!