30 Day Shred Worth It

Hello all,
I am having an extremely difficult time losing any weight while I'm breastfeeding and I'm thinking I need to step up my workout routine. Right now I do Walk Away the Pounds (2 miles in 30 minutes) and I do it 5 times a week!!! I am not losing a pound! I just recently measured myself to see in a few weeks if inches are coming off instead but I don't think any of my clothes are fitting better so I doubt it. I am wondering if anyone has had any luck with the Jillian 30 Day Shred or any other program for that matter. I am seriously ready for results and looking for suggestions. I feel like I am working so hard but nothing is happening.
Thanks much!


  • FunkBunny
    FunkBunny Posts: 417 Member
    Everyone says it works wonders...I'm starting it this week myself. I'll join you! Worth a shot, right?
    I know I've done the level one once and my legs feel like they are on fire! (It's been two days since I did it) I posted a topic about pushing through or resting and everyone says push through...so I'll be shredding tonight in spite of my flaming quads!
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    I like the 30 day shred--it's a challenge for me! Just a warning, if you're breastfeeding and highly endowed as a result, there are a lot of jumping jacks and jumping, so you may want to double up on a sports bra to keep the ladies from getting hurt.
  • treasurep
    treasurep Posts: 88 Member
    I know people are going to ask you about water and eating habbits so it may help opening up your diary. Don't get discouraged it took me almost a month to see a 2 lb weight loss and then only a pound or so a week after that. I then hit a plateau and didn't loose for 3 weeks. Our bodies need to adjust to our new lifestyles. Don't quit, you'll see results soon enough.
  • CombatVet_Armywife
    I use her 30 day shred often and I'm on level 2 (I mix her DVD with others as well as my treadmill workouts). Every time I do her DVD I am sore for days! My first day on her level 2, I literally could not sit for 2 days without yelling out in pain! Even though I do not do it everyday, I can see a difference, much of which I am convinced is from her DVD. Good luck....and I suggest a good cool down & stretching afterwards!
  • Kandy4mel
    Kandy4mel Posts: 95 Member
    Yes any of the Jillian Michaels videos are worth trying.They are very intense workouts. I have her no more trouble zones. I would suggest starting out the first time you try anyone of her videos to only do half of it. You will feel it for sure. I did all of it the first time i tried it and couldn't move the next the day without groaning. Best of luck to you!
  • amandalc980
    amandalc980 Posts: 383 Member
    I started it on Sunday and do it after dinner. I am sore in places I wasn't aware of. I also do a twenty minute work out from exercise tv earlier in the day. So far I really like it. She is fast pace and you don't get a break even for water, but thats her motto, if you want results in twenty minutes than you have to work for twenty minutes!

    The ONLY thing I don't like is that I have to get an introduction of the smash each workout, I can't fast forward through that part. Oh and the music is HORRIBLE.
  • thisemmabites
    The 30 day shred is amazing. I too am breast feeding and it was difficult to figure out exactly how much I should be eating. Our bodies don't want to give up the fat because it's needed to make the milk. What's your calorie intake? You should be able to eat about 1500-1700 calories and still lose. I'm not feeding my daughter nearly as much as I used to and I still eat about 1400-1600 calories. My advice is to eat well and add exercise, try not to worry about your weight. That's pretty much what I've been doing and it works rather well. Good luck!
  • Shaqueta
    I started using the 30 day shred Friday, the same day I brought a heart rate monitor watch that counts calories. level 1 the first time was a B***h but I felt great later. I burned 308 calories in 25 mins ( taking my height and weight into consideration I'm 5'9 245lbs). I've been doing it every other day. I also take classes at the gym. but I love the tape. Sunday I did level 2 it was harder but I burned 315 calories. I just did level 1 again to day and stepped it up a bit and burned 348 calories. I love burning more in less time so its definitely working for me
  • kncollier
    I definitely would do it. I am doing it for the 2nd time. I started out doing it every other day. Now I am on D8L1 and LOVE it. I am doing it every day now.
    It is worth it. Trust me, I thought I would die after the first work out but now, I look forward to it.

    I also get in 40 minutes on the stationary bike at incline 5 4x week too.
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    I have it but unfortunately I live in an apartment building and I've tried doing it and did the jumping jacks and butt kicks and it was just too loud and bouncy for my floor. So I don't want to put a hole in it or anything... kinda scary. I have to do it outside I guess but there are other people sometimes, and there's a restaurant downstairs they're working on opening, so the basement doors are always open, which are right by our front door. I don't want to be embarassed because some dude working sees me acting like a fool. I really hate that I can't do it!
  • Minee16
    i too am breastfeeding, and i have been shredding since 9/7/10... (2nd time around) i started the 1st 5 days doing it twice a day. as long as you are eating healthier for the baby, the working out shouldnt interfere with your milk. i've dropped 10 pounds since i've started, but i CUT out all the fast food, and junk, and i drink lots and lots and lots of water....tonight will be day 14 level 2. stick with it...it will work for you....
  • wiseg2
    wiseg2 Posts: 210 Member
    I like the 30 day shred but I don't find it very challenging. Its more likely that the issue is with what you're eating. I can't see your diary but while you're breastfeeding you should be eating at least 1500-1800 cals/day. Most women need closer to 1800 but you should try to never fall below 1500.
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    I have it but unfortunately I live in an apartment building and I've tried doing it and did the jumping jacks and butt kicks and it was just too loud and bouncy for my floor. So I don't want to put a hole in it or anything... kinda scary. I have to do it outside I guess but there are other people sometimes, and there's a restaurant downstairs they're working on opening, so the basement doors are always open, which are right by our front door. I don't want to be embarassed because some dude working sees me acting like a fool. I really hate that I can't do it!

    I had this exact same problem with my apartment but then i bought a really padded exercise mat and you can't hear me jumping about now - even doing jumping jacks. I love 30DS, i lost 3lbs the first week i did it and inches.
  • highrise
    highrise Posts: 147 Member
    Can't resist cheerleading for 30DS; it was a miracle, more or less, for me! I used to do it in tandem with cardio, and still do it occasionally with cardio and pilates. The woman knows her stuff!
  • goal30Lori
    goal30Lori Posts: 307 Member
    I just started again last night, with a HRM I only burned 150 calories in the 25 minutes... I was a little disappointed, but I can tell that it's working muscles in different ways, so that's a good thing too!