Preventing Muscle Knots



  • dkhuff1
    dkhuff1 Posts: 67 Member
    that does seem unusual. I'd check with your doctor or a physical therapist. Also my physical therapist says you need to hold a stretch for 60 seconds or longer in order to change a muscle--so for my hamstring streches, I have to hold those for a very long time to actually loosen them and take pressure off of my lower back. And my PT has a PhD in physical therapy and is a certified athletic trainer in addition to being a certified strenght and conditioning coach so I would say that is a well educated opinion.
  • kganc001
    kganc001 Posts: 317
    Maybe see a chiropractor. I have terrible tendonitis, so my joints get funky if I don't go every few weeks and it prevents me from working out.

    Mine helps my knees, hips, and shoulders. :)
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    Hmmm, ok here's the plan of action. I'm going to start with a potassium suppliment. I actually know my multivitamin doesn't have enough. In theory I should be getting enough from my foods, even if its not showing up in my MFP reports because from my research it appears that most nutritional info on products don't include potassium, but my reports DO say that I'm low on potassium so we'll give that a try. I'll continue with the massage as well. If I'm not seeing an improvement in the number of muscle knots after two weeks then we'll get in to the doctor, I do need a general physical anyways, as my husband has pointed out to me repeatedly.....

    Thank you all for the advice! Let me know if you see anything else I should be trying.
  • Emp9670
    Emp9670 Posts: 1
    Hi Amber,

    Please let me know if you find a solution. I have been having the same problem for a couple years now. It all started at about 40 when I developed Achilles tendentious playing tennis. I was out for about two years and two docs did not solve the issue. I eventually discovered I had a large trigger point in my calf that was causing Achilles symptoms. Eventually massage therapy resolved the issue and I am now a big fan of that treatment for many muscular ailments.

    My problem is that I seem to form these trigger points once I start working out again and it limits my ability to get back on an exercise routine. I have been working out since I was 18 (now 43) without issue so I know what I am doing with stretching and easing my way back into a routine.

    Like I said the last 3 years have been terrible and I have tried various things from anti inflammatory to enzymes to vitamin b to you name it but no real success. I even bought a new bed for my shoulder pain and have taken long breaks from exercise to let things heal up with no real success,.

    I have not tried the potassium supplements like you mentioned but I would be interested to see if you find anything that works.

    Please let me now asap.

  • aprilwagnermooneyham
    How are things going with the knots? It has been a while since your first post. I have the same issues. I started running again last year at the age of 44. I worked myself up to running each race up to a marathon and had a wonderful year, but now can't run at all and am in physical therapy. The thing that helps me the most is the massage and the stretching, but I feel the most results from the massage. The problem is that we only work on a few areas at a time and I am knotted up so badly we never get it all out and there are many more. I need to do more on my own if I ever want to get better. I actually limp around on some days it gets so bad. I refuse to stop doing anything, and I believe I need to do a little bit to warm everything up so it will stretch and work better, but I am starting to realize there is a long road ahead of me for recovery. I don't think I am deficient in anything due to several blood draws, but I don't have the best diet. I am curious to find out what you learned, if anything in the time since you posted this.
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    I've got so many knots, and had them for so long, that I don't even know I have them anymore... It's only when someone gives me a massage that I can actually feel they're there, damn, the relief is amazing!!
  • Dezipooh69
    Dezipooh69 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in need of help! I have terrible muscle knots only in my legs mostly my quads and hip flexors. Especially my left leg. I have tried everything from supplements magnesium, multivitamins ect.. I've had my blood work done. Physical Therapy chiropractor, dry needling, cupping, and trigger point massages. The therapy and stretching. I do feel like the massage therapy and cupping helps but it's very expensive. Does any have any advice that I haven't already tried. I just wanted my life back. I can't work out or lift weights like I used too. Now it's really starting to effect my daily life.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Dezipooh69 wrote: »
    I'm in need of help! I have terrible muscle knots only in my legs mostly my quads and hip flexors. Especially my left leg. I have tried everything from supplements magnesium, multivitamins ect.. I've had my blood work done. Physical Therapy chiropractor, dry needling, cupping, and trigger point massages. The therapy and stretching. I do feel like the massage therapy and cupping helps but it's very expensive. Does any have any advice that I haven't already tried. I just wanted my life back. I can't work out or lift weights like I used too. Now it's really starting to effect my daily life.

    Knots or cramps? What's your sodium intake like? How much exercise do you do?