Just saying hello


I'm Andrew. Joined MFP a long time ago, but never really used it, at least not properly. Anyway, I finally realised it's time for me to do something about my weight, as I'm fast approaching 40, do a desk job, take no exercise, weigh 103kg and hate the person I see in photos. I also realised that I spend a lot of time feeling tired and sluggish and lacking energy.

Also, I recently had back surgery, which went ok and restored me to pretty much full mobility, but during this process they found I had early signs of arthritis elsewhere in my spine. This of course won't go away and can't be cured, but it might never get worse, or become a problem if I get to and maintain a healthy weight. There is also a history of joint problems in my family, so there are further warning signs!

So, I decided to really make a go of it this time and started my current healthy lifestyle programme last Sunday. My main approach is to try and do this through healthy eating and keeping below my calorie target. I can't do high impact exercise yet, due to my back, but am trying to walk more and build up from there. I bought a Fitbit which has been a great help in motivating me to move more. Only managed to bust my 10k step target once this week though!

For my first week, I have managed to lose 5kg, which I know will be a lot to do with losing water and the impact of the change in diet, so I don't expect to maintain this level of loss - but I certainly don't want to put any back on! I'm hoping to manage a steady 1kg per week loss until I reach my target weight of 75kg.

I live in Singapore (from UK originally) and it can be very hard to eat healthily here, especially eating out. The local food is so delicious, but is usually very oily or fried. However, it's so far- so good.

Anyway, just thought I'd say hi and hope to make some friends to help with the motivation and encouragement during the tough times - a favour I'd be happy to return. Feel free to add me. I'd especially like to hear from any guys who have, or are going through a similar experience, but also happy to make any new friends at all.




  • wheezeybouncer
    wheezeybouncer Posts: 122 Member
    hello :)

    I'm Geina and I'm in (not so) sunny Wales

    I enjoy food, just take a peek in my diary LOL. And I enjoy exercise too.

    I have the potential for plenty of joint problems with arthritis running through my family. My knees are probably where it's going to hit first! I do like to put a lot of strain on htem LOL

    I'm a carer to my parents and a Mami to 3 little monsters aged 4-9 as well as being married for almost 15 years (eek!)

    Feel free to add me as a friend, I'm usually around sometime, somewhrere. I tend to pop up on walls rather than in the mesage boards LOL.
  • ssm_1972
    ssm_1972 Posts: 396 Member
    hello :smile:
  • TomDonis
    TomDonis Posts: 26 Member
    Hi Andrew,

    Great to see you've lost 5kg already mate. Nice work, keep it up.

    I've sent you an email (finally). You can ignore some of my questions in there, I've learnt more about you after reading this.

    Good to see you are still going for it and serious about changing your life around.

    Stay in contact.

    Talk soon
