Junk and food of no nutritional value



  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    My husband likes to research food, ad now he won't let me have diet drinks because of aspartame

    He doesn't research that thoroughly then, there's nothing wrong with aspartame!

    Better tell the FDA their research is wrong, then. Maybe they should have just read the Wikipedia page drafted by the manufacturer and skipped those silly test studies.

    I love the end of that, where the guy was completely making up numbers. Really credible source, there. He first claims 7,000 reported cases, and then at the end he's claiming over 10 million cases, no actual data to support it, but hey, it's a number that sounds good...

    Oh, and the source runs a website called "holisticmed.com." No bias at all there...

    And not even to mention getting basic facts wrong. Aspartame was first approved in 1974, not 1982 like the author stated.
  • jayjay12345654321
    jayjay12345654321 Posts: 653 Member
    1974 in foods. 1982 in soft drinks. Get your facts straight before you edit your reply a 4th time.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    1974 in foods. 1982 in soft drinks. Get your facts straight before you edit your reply a 4th time.
    It was taken off the market and reapproved after further testing in 1981. I believe that's what the author was referring to, which makes his claim of it being just after approval erroneous. And, since you want the facts correct, aspartame was approved for use in carbonated beverages in 1983, not 1982. But I'm the one apparently without the facts.

  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Has anyone on here committed to eliminating all junk food and artificial sugar from their diet - for good?
    I like to believe I have, since I feel that if I ingest even the smallest amount of it, my whole day is ruined - nutrition wise. It seems that I am only motivated to keep losing weight and eating healthy if I never eat any sort of junk. How do you feel about junk food?

    This just sounds really preachy. I don't think you genuinely care what anyone thinks. I think you simply wanted to post a "Oooh look at me, I'm better than you." thread.

    Ohhhh, a fellow spade-caller tribesman. Welcome, friend.
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    It's a lifestyle change for me..the occasional treat is okay..in my opinion :)
  • margebouvierx2
    My husband likes to research food, ad now he won't let me have diet drinks because of aspartame

    He doesn't research that thoroughly then, there's nothing wrong with aspartame!

    so you say, but it depends what article of research you choose to read
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    My husband likes to research food, ad now he won't let me have diet drinks because of aspartame

    He doesn't research that thoroughly then, there's nothing wrong with aspartame!

    so you say, but it depends what article of research you choose to read
    I choose to read the one backed by scientific data, not the one that goes, "OMG POIZUNN IT WILL KILL U AND UR FAMILY!!!!!!!!!"

    Just about all the claims of evil that aspartame supposedly causes (none of which scientists have been able to replicate in controlled settings, using ridiculously high doses) can be traced back to a single crackpot woman from the 70's who had a specific agenda trying to smear aspartame by inventing a whole host of claims and printing a newsletter. It has since been copied into chain emails, and posted (pretty much word for word) on all sorts of bogus websites. Not a single shred of it ever backed by any sort of truth.
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    There is no evidence that aspartame hurts us.

    I love aspartame :)
  • Wildflower0106
    Wildflower0106 Posts: 247 Member
    Has anyone on here committed to eliminating all junk food and artificial sugar from their diet - for good?
    I like to believe I have, since I feel that if I ingest even the smallest amount of it, my whole day is ruined - nutrition wise. It seems that I am only motivated to keep losing weight and eating healthy if I never eat any sort of junk. How do you feel about junk food?

    Can you give some examples of food with no nutritional value? Or was that just hyperbole?
    I never get an answer when I ask this... Iceberg lettuce seems to be pretty low in nutrition. I would guess because it is packed with water. I haven't checked, but I would assume that other fruits and veggies with high percentages of water would be the same. Even though these are low in nutrition they do have nutritional value as does a chicken nugget.
  • Seesawboomerang
    Seesawboomerang Posts: 296 Member
    Aspartame tastes like $h1t but I am sceptical about the conspiracy theories.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Has anyone on here committed to eliminating all junk food and artificial sugar from their diet - for good?
    I like to believe I have, since I feel that if I ingest even the smallest amount of it, my whole day is ruined - nutrition wise. It seems that I am only motivated to keep losing weight and eating healthy if I never eat any sort of junk. How do you feel about junk food?
    By and large I eliminated junk food a decade or so ago when I first lost weight. I think *for me* it was the secret to keeping the weight off all these years.

    I do still eat *some* junk food, but what I call junk food now differs greatly from what I ate on a regular basis back then.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,264 Member
    Has anyone on here committed to eliminating all junk food and artificial sugar from their diet - for good?
    I like to believe I have, since I feel that if I ingest even the smallest amount of it, my whole day is ruined - nutrition wise. It seems that I am only motivated to keep losing weight and eating healthy if I never eat any sort of junk. How do you feel about junk food?

    This just sounds really preachy. I don't think you genuinely care what anyone thinks. I think you simply wanted to post a "Oooh look at me, I'm better than you." thread.

    Ohhhh, a fellow spade-caller tribesman. Welcome, friend.

    The OP is also the person who started the thread about "no-no" foods.

    I believe in an 80-20 mindset. Yes, I still eat so called junk foods. These days I am more likely to have vegetables in hummus instead of chips in onion dip... but by god I will still have chips and onion dip every so often (usually things like the Super Bowl or New Years Eve). Why? Because it is awesome.

    Another thing I have started doing is making the "junk food" at home or getting it from sources with better ingredients. Cupcakes are awesome but now I make them from scratch instead of mixes. I have a burger and fries about twice a month, but I use lean meat, fresh rolls, and baked fries from real potatoes. Still get ALL the taste and goodness but it is a bit healthier. I drink soda, but i get the stuff made with real sugar (and not very often) or I make my own with fruit and seltzer.

    That all said, I do stay away from a handful of things. Fast Food I limit because as soon as I allow myself to go to McDonalds I then CRAVE the heck out of it for a week or more. So I might allow it once a month (usually on a road trip so I can eat in the car easily).I also limit artificial sweeteners, caffeine, and things high in acid due to medical issues that can flare up due to those things.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    Junk food of no nutritional value is delicious and cheap. Isn't that why vitamin supplements exist? So we can eat the tasty junk and not die of scurvy or something?
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Junk food of no nutritional value is delicious and cheap. Isn't that why vitamin supplements exist? So we can eat the tasty junk and not die of scurvy or something?
  • QuilterInVA
    QuilterInVA Posts: 672 Member
    That's nothing to brag about - being 900 calories under your goal means you are losing muscle along with fat. That's anything but smart.
  • Bhadupatel
    I love Junk food but have to control it since i am slowly loosing weight.
    My wife and I decided Sunday is our free lunch day. i can only eat one junk food item, but have to take extra servings of Fruits and raw vegetables ( with Huumus dip). It.s been working for me for the last 4 months