weekend eating

antarah Posts: 9
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
so the weekend seemes to be my biggest offending time for eating. i'm not real careful about waht i eat and i don't log it in. sunday dinners are the worst because i go to a friends house and they are "foodies". does any one have a suggestion on what i can do?


  • I don't know!! I have the same problem. Last night I ate at my parents for dinner -- so good, so much, so free. What I did was this. I faced the music. I came home and tried to remember what and how much I ate. I logged it all and even with exercise, my calorie count went about 500 over daily goal. It isn't fun to know, but it is educational. Is it worth it? Could I have eaten more vegetables and less rice? Do your friends make heavy food or are there a couple lighter options that you can load your plate up with? If you really want to know: ask for the recipe. Honesty isn't pretty, but at least I know more where I am and why I am not losing weight.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I always plan ahead instead of logging what I eat after I eat it. That way I know that I am going to be right on target each day because I have right in front of me what I am going to be eating and I stick to that list. Even if I have a "cheat meal" on the weekend, at least I know what to eat because it is right there.

    At least that's what works for me. I have been making my lists like that since about 2007. I actually do it a week ahead of time for all 7 days, and I make my grocery list from that plan. Saves money that way, too!
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Weekends are tough ... My suggestion is this: If you are on a weight loss journey tell your friends about it. If they are dishing out food, ask them to give you a bit less OR ask if you can serve yourself. If you can bring a pad and pen with you and write everything down. I don't know how long you have been at this, but if you have been at it a while, you may have a good idea of what portions look like. I am sure your friends will support you in this.

    If you go out to eat; when you order, look for grilled items. Tell them you have high blood pressure and not to add any salt to your food, ask the waiter to pack HALF THE MEAL to go before they bring it to the table or ask for a to go box right away and pack half of it yourself. EDIT: ASK FOR SAUCES AND DRESSINGS ON THE SIDE and dip don't soak!

    Importantly LOG everything you know you are going to eat for the day. Plan snacks ahead of time so you don't just graze in the fridge.

    Mileage may vary, but this is what has been working for me :)
  • start logging in. its the best advise i can give you. also why dont you talk to your foodie friends about making low cal foods for when you come over (gourmet and low can CAN be done, i do it all the time, so if they try and tell you they cant do it, tell them they can and that if they want to see you, they're going to have to accomidate you. its not about you seeing them (though i know it can feel that way) its about them seeing you. sometimes you have to be selfish when it comes to sticking to a diet)

    and yes....you dont HAVE to be accurate if you cant find something accurate to what they made on here, make a guess! putting down a guess here is better than putting down nothing, watching what you eat is what is going to make you change your ways.

    good luck and i hope you start doing better on the weekends! :flowerforyou:
  • stephr2014
    stephr2014 Posts: 311 Member
    Im in the same boat
  • mcelledge
    mcelledge Posts: 68 Member
    I need this kind of help also. i love to cook when i have time and the weekend is it. My family deserves good meals and i think about healthy but usually eat too much of what ever. and my sone loves sweets so........
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    I suck on the weekends EXCEPT for this one! I even went out to eat and had pizza and stayed within my calorie range. I just ate the same I do on the weekdays: breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack (if still hungry). I counted and planned my meal ahead of time. When going out to eat, I got a salad with dressing on the side and ate that first before my pizza.

    I stayed away from the chip aisle at the grocery store since they always bring me down. That is what worked for me this weekend anyway. I just treated it like any other day.
  • thanks all i will do what i can
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