Mid Carb - helpful or pointless

Is there any benefit or down side to mid carb diet in relation to normal-high carb diet if the calories are the same?
I know LOW carb is best, but if given a scenario that isn't feasible right now am I better to try cut carbs a bit or stay as I was?

I have been reading lots on keto and low carb and it sounds great, but without throwing away all the food in my house and changing my entire diet so drastically that I will fail and give up dieting all together I cannot cut my carbs down that low overnight.

I thought I would try for 50g, but seeing as I usually end up around 150-200g, I don't think I can manage that.

Is there any benefit to trying to aim for say 100g for 2 weeks, then down to 75g and after a couple months make it to the 30-40g area Increasing protein and fat accordingly but still aiming to stay under 1500cals total?

Will this put my body into ketosis 'part-time' or slight ketosis or just have no effect, or worse be harmful for me or my weight loss in some way?

I know it is not the best, I just want to know if it is better to be at ratio of

20%Carb /35% Protien/45% fat or stick at a more traditional ratio of 50%carb/ 35% protein/25% fat

or any other suggested ratios in the mid carb range?


  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member
    you will not be in ketosis at all. at 100 or 150 grams of carbs, it does no harm either though. Sugars aren't the most beneficial thing in the world for you so cutting down on them and focusing on things that have plenty of nutrients is a wise choice anyway. Go for complex carbs low glycemic index things.

    if you are at all at risk for diabetes it's a good direction to go in. If you want to do a keto diet but feel you have to cut down gradually than do what you need to do. I personally think there is a lot of good in the keto plan. It's far easier for me to maintain than having a diet high in carbs full of trigger foods. keeps you full longer, you constantly are burning fat instead of sugars so your exercise counts more. it's just a good thing.. but at the end of the day it's still calories in and calories out.

    I am doing the keto diet and averaging 65 carbs or so a day (but net 45 or 50 including fiber. ) and have been remaining in keto. Some people can go higher on teh carbs and stay in keto and some people can't. My body seems to like being in keto. If I go out of it for a day, it goes right back in when I cut the carbs again. Some people aren't like that. I recommend getting the keto sticks to know how your body reacts.
  • jcolier
    jcolier Posts: 64
    I think any step you make toward getting to your goal is a great move!
  • princessrisariri
    princessrisariri Posts: 162 Member
    you will not be in ketosis at all. at 100 or 150 grams of carbs, it does no harm either though. Sugars aren't the most beneficial thing in the world for you so cutting down on them and focusing on things that have plenty of nutrients is a wise choice anyway. Go for complex carbs low glycemic index things.

    if you are at all at risk for diabetes it's a good direction to go in. If you want to do a keto diet but feel you have to cut down gradually than do what you need to do. I personally think there is a lot of good in the keto plan. It's far easier for me to maintain than having a diet high in carbs full of trigger foods. keeps you full longer, you constantly are burning fat instead of sugars so your exercise counts more. it's just a good thing.. but at the end of the day it's still calories in and calories out.

    I am doing the keto diet and averaging 65 carbs or so a day (but net 45 or 50 including fiber. ) and have been remaining in keto. Some people can go higher on teh carbs and stay in keto and some people can't. My body seems to like being in keto. If I go out of it for a day, it goes right back in when I cut the carbs again. Some people aren't like that. I recommend getting the keto sticks to know how your body reacts.


    I don't think I am at risk of diabetes that I know of, doc certainly has never mentioned it after blood tests and my cholesterol etc is good. I just carry fat around my tummy and want it gone gone gone and generally to improve my health a little.

    My worry was I read somewhere else that it is wrong and dangerous to presume that if you cut 300calsof carbs from your diet you can replace it with 300cals of fat as this is dangerous to health, but to have too much protein also has its own draw back so I was confused what to do.
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    Low carb is not "best".

    Carbs are fine to eat.

    Fat is fine to eat.

    Protein is fine to eat.

    Sugar is fine to eat.

    Enjoy all foods, remain within caloric goals,, you will lose weight - it is that simple.
  • princessrisariri
    princessrisariri Posts: 162 Member
    Low carb is not "best".

    Carbs are fine to eat.

    Fat is fine to eat.

    Protein is fine to eat.

    Sugar is fine to eat.

    Enjoy all foods, remain within caloric goals,, you will lose weight - it is that simple.

    I guess I still want to make the most of the weight loss, so much good talk for low carb burning more fat in same time frame I thought if I can incorporate a bit of that why not.
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    Low carb is not "best".

    Carbs are fine to eat.

    Fat is fine to eat.

    Protein is fine to eat.

    Sugar is fine to eat.

    Enjoy all foods, remain within caloric goals,, you will lose weight - it is that simple.

    I guess I still want to make the most of the weight loss, so much good talk for low carb burning more fat in same time frame I thought if I can incorporate a bit of that why not.

    Low carb makes you lose _WEIGHT_ at an accelerated rate when you begin,, because you deplete glycogen stores and don't hold water. But it doesn't make you lose _FAT_ any faster than a normal caloric deficit.
  • princessrisariri
    princessrisariri Posts: 162 Member
    Low carb is not "best".

    Carbs are fine to eat.

    Fat is fine to eat.

    Protein is fine to eat.

    Sugar is fine to eat.

    Enjoy all foods, remain within caloric goals,, you will lose weight - it is that simple.

    I guess I still want to make the most of the weight loss, so much good talk for low carb burning more fat in same time frame I thought if I can incorporate a bit of that why not.

    Low carb makes you lose _WEIGHT_ at an accelerated rate when you begin,, because you deplete glycogen stores and don't hold water. But it doesn't make you lose _FAT_ any faster than a normal caloric deficit.

    I thought it puts you into a 'ketosis mode' which burns fat instead of glucose/related sugars.
  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member
    if you're not in ketosis (burning fat as a main fuel source) it doesn't make sense to go high fat. If you're keeping a mid level of carbs I'd still go with lowish to medium fat and high complex carbohydrates until you get to a point where you're comfortable cutting out most carbs.
  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member
    Low carb is not "best".

    Carbs are fine to eat.

    Fat is fine to eat.

    Protein is fine to eat.

    Sugar is fine to eat.

    Enjoy all foods, remain within caloric goals,, you will lose weight - it is that simple.

    I guess I still want to make the most of the weight loss, so much good talk for low carb burning more fat in same time frame I thought if I can incorporate a bit of that why not.

    Low carb makes you lose _WEIGHT_ at an accelerated rate when you begin,, because you deplete glycogen stores and don't hold water. But it doesn't make you lose _FAT_ any faster than a normal caloric deficit.

    this is not true. you are burning fat as a main energy store instead of glycogen when you're in ketosis. that means when you exercise you're not burning glycogen to get to the fat burn. you burn fat.. it's why the recommend you eat a lot of fat instead of a lot of carbs because that is the fuel your body is currently running on. Fat instead of sugar.
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    Low carb is not "best".

    Carbs are fine to eat.

    Fat is fine to eat.

    Protein is fine to eat.

    Sugar is fine to eat.

    Enjoy all foods, remain within caloric goals,, you will lose weight - it is that simple.

    I guess I still want to make the most of the weight loss, so much good talk for low carb burning more fat in same time frame I thought if I can incorporate a bit of that why not.

    Low carb makes you lose _WEIGHT_ at an accelerated rate when you begin,, because you deplete glycogen stores and don't hold water. But it doesn't make you lose _FAT_ any faster than a normal caloric deficit.

    this is not true. you are burning fat as a main energy store instead of glycogen when you're in ketosis. that means when you exercise you're not burning glycogen to get to the fat burn. you burn fat.. it's why the recommend you eat a lot of fat instead of a lot of carbs because that is the fuel your body is currently running on. Fat instead of sugar.

    No. I am sorry,, you are wrong. Don't even begin to challenge me on this, anything you've been told, or what you've read. Is wrong.
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    Low carb is not "best".

    Carbs are fine to eat.

    Fat is fine to eat.

    Protein is fine to eat.

    Sugar is fine to eat.

    Enjoy all foods, remain within caloric goals,, you will lose weight - it is that simple.

    I guess I still want to make the most of the weight loss, so much good talk for low carb burning more fat in same time frame I thought if I can incorporate a bit of that why not.

    Low carb makes you lose _WEIGHT_ at an accelerated rate when you begin,, because you deplete glycogen stores and don't hold water. But it doesn't make you lose _FAT_ any faster than a normal caloric deficit.

    I thought it puts you into a 'ketosis mode' which burns fat instead of glucose/related sugars.

    A caloric deficit is all that counts. If you eat less calories than you use, you will lose "fat" at the same rate.
  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member
    Just my 2 cents... I follow Keto and have since November and have lost 62 pounds... however I was type 2 diabetic and thats why Ive chosen to lose weight this way and also keep eating at a very low carb intake for the rest of my life... if low/lower carb isnt something you will stick with then there really is no point in complicating things as once u increase carbs again you will retain some water therefore getting upset thinking u gained 6 pounds of fat and more than likely begin the yo-yo diet... unless u have a health issue that suggests lower carb just keeping yourself in a calorie deficit you will lose weight.. its not a race ... best wishes to you
  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member
    Low carb is not "best".

    Carbs are fine to eat.

    Fat is fine to eat.

    Protein is fine to eat.

    Sugar is fine to eat.

    Enjoy all foods, remain within caloric goals,, you will lose weight - it is that simple.

    I guess I still want to make the most of the weight loss, so much good talk for low carb burning more fat in same time frame I thought if I can incorporate a bit of that why not.

    Low carb makes you lose _WEIGHT_ at an accelerated rate when you begin,, because you deplete glycogen stores and don't hold water. But it doesn't make you lose _FAT_ any faster than a normal caloric deficit.

    I thought it puts you into a 'ketosis mode' which burns fat instead of glucose/related sugars.

    A caloric deficit is all that counts. If you eat less calories than you use, you will lose "fat" at the same rate.
    ^^ Yea what he said... hes absolutely correct
  • lisalisa94585
    lisalisa94585 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi, I just read your post. I am not diabetic, but can get hypoglycemia. I have been that way all my life. Want to nod, eat some sugar and just crash. Complex carbs also make me want to eat like a pig. When I was pregnant, I flunked my fasting glucose test (ate a bunch of ice cream night before). When had the blood draw glcose tolerance test then my blood sugar level went down to 35. I know I am sensitive to it so I try to avoid sugar, complex carbs, and high glycemic foods. My cholestrol ratios and trigylcerides are optimal.

    I have been eating mid point carbs and trying to go lower to see if it helps. How low are your carbs?
  • Jill_with_a_G
    Jill_with_a_G Posts: 58 Member
    Hi Princess, Do you crave carbs? Are they a trigger food for you?

    I'm not diabetic either, but found that most of my trigger foods were carb and sugar based. I was snacking mindlessly all the time. I opted for a low carb diet to cut out the mindless eating. I feel much better. I average under 10g of sugar a day and keep my carbs between 20-30g daily. It's hard to change any way of eating that you have done for a long time. Everyone is different, this is what works for me. I get into keto. Intentionally at first to drop some weight, now, not intentionally but do tend to be there more often than not.

    I find that I am not snacking anymore, I'm not always hungry, and sometimes wonder how in the world I will eat all my basic calories for the day. Exercise is a great equalizer too, because as you add muscle, your metabolism speeds up and you can work some of those other foods you may consider "taboo" back into your food list.

    I agree that there are no "bad foods", but everything in moderation and if you can't moderate, then eliminate until you can.

    It's much simpler than it all sounds, you can do this. Best wishes :)
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    Low carb is not "best".

    Carbs are fine to eat.

    Fat is fine to eat.

    Protein is fine to eat.

    Sugar is fine to eat.

    Enjoy all foods, remain within caloric goals,, you will lose weight - it is that simple.

    I guess I still want to make the most of the weight loss, so much good talk for low carb burning more fat in same time frame I thought if I can incorporate a bit of that why not.

    Low carb makes you lose _WEIGHT_ at an accelerated rate when you begin,, because you deplete glycogen stores and don't hold water. But it doesn't make you lose _FAT_ any faster than a normal caloric deficit.

    this is not true. you are burning fat as a main energy store instead of glycogen when you're in ketosis. that means when you exercise you're not burning glycogen to get to the fat burn. you burn fat.. it's why the recommend you eat a lot of fat instead of a lot of carbs because that is the fuel your body is currently running on. Fat instead of sugar.

    No. I am sorry,, you are wrong. Don't even begin to challenge me on this, anything you've been told, or what you've read. Is wrong.

    Why do you believe this is wrong?

    When you are in ketosis, your body is forced to become more efficient at metabolizing fat for energy through the upregulation of pathways that break down fat within the liver. It's the same reason you often have to take more of a drug to get the same effect -- your liver becomes more efficient at breaking it down. Why do you not believe the liver would be more efficient at metabolizing body fat too, when one is in a caloric deficit?

    To the OP, many people find lowering their carbs and upping protein/fat to be more satiating, thus helping with weight loss. Do more research on low(er) carb diets if you are planning to eat this way forever, as some health problems have been reported in association with it, but as a short term way to make weight loss easier and more sustainable, I think it's definitely worth a try.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    I think any step you make toward getting to your goal is a great move!

    This is my feeling as well :drinker:
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member

    Why do you believe this is wrong?

    When you are in ketosis, your body is forced to become more efficient at metabolizing fat for energy through the upregulation of pathways that break down fat within the liver. It's the same reason you often have to take more of a drug to get the same effect -- your liver becomes more efficient at breaking it down. Why do you not believe the liver would be more efficient at metabolizing body fat too, when one is in a caloric deficit?

    To the OP, many people find lowering their carbs and upping protein/fat to be more satiating, thus helping with weight loss. Do more research on low(er) carb diets if you are planning to eat this way forever, as some health problems have been reported in association with it, but as a short term way to make weight loss easier and more sustainable, I think it's definitely worth a try.

  • desert_mom
    desert_mom Posts: 91 Member
    I count calories but I aim to eat 40-30-30. I've found that if I'm eating protein and produce at every meal and a little grain (bread, rice, tortilla, etc.) with one (and sometimes two) meal(s) a day, I usually end up close to my macros and I've only eaten about 100ish carbs. The reason I like this macro division is because, for me, I don't get hungry. I can eat 1400 cals, but if I go too high on the carbs and too low on the protein, I feel hungry and weak. You have to find what works best for your body. Point being: a calorie deficit is what matters in losing weight, but a proper macro division will make it more pleasant.
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member

    Why do you believe this is wrong?

    When you are in ketosis, your body is forced to become more efficient at metabolizing fat for energy through the upregulation of pathways that break down fat within the liver. It's the same reason you often have to take more of a drug to get the same effect -- your liver becomes more efficient at breaking it down. Why do you not believe the liver would be more efficient at metabolizing body fat too, when one is in a caloric deficit?

    To the OP, many people find lowering their carbs and upping protein/fat to be more satiating, thus helping with weight loss. Do more research on low(er) carb diets if you are planning to eat this way forever, as some health problems have been reported in association with it, but as a short term way to make weight loss easier and more sustainable, I think it's definitely worth a try.


    Interesting link, thanks. I can find studies that report metabolic benefits of LCHF ketogenic diets in the short term but I admit I can't find anything specifically pointing to the practical effects of more efficient triglyceride metabolism so this "benefit" may be theoretical.