Do i stop dieting now?

I posted some updated pics after 7 months of dieting and 60 pounds lighter. I received a message saying I should stop dieting or else I'd end up with flab everywhere and that I needed to gain muscle. My plans were to get down to 15% body fat before bulking and I'm at 23 or so. Should I stop dieting and bulk up?


  • Saundera89
    Saundera89 Posts: 8 Member
    looks to me you just need to start doing some crunches & pushup's.. Just tighten your body up.. Other then weight lost it looks like your there now..
  • Saundera89
    Saundera89 Posts: 8 Member
    I wouldn't bulk up If I were you I would tighten up an cut up!!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,122 Member
    No one knows except you.

    Make yourself happy - ignore everyone else.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    You should not have been dieting in the first place. But no, keep eatting at your deficit , your goals sound reasonable, if you have a plan stick with it. Always Plan your work and work your plan.
  • Abram86
    Abram86 Posts: 282 Member
    You should not have been dieting in the first place. But no, keep eatting at your deficit , your goals sound reasonable, if you have a plan stick with it. Always Plan your work and work your plan.

    What should have I done instead?
  • Saundera89
    Saundera89 Posts: 8 Member
    Stick with the plan your on an maintain that weight your at. Find out what works for you working out with weight's wise without bulking up.. Your main objective is to Sculpt your body.. By doing Pushup's situp's pullup's curls activity.. Find a plan that works for you rep wise.. I use to do 10 set's of 10.. or five sets of 20.. Do what works for you to sculpt it.. This is an advice site to help other's an motivate other's to reach there goals an share opinions.. If he ignore's everyone else then there no need to be on this site.. Tha't's just doesn't make any sense..
  • jdm_taco
    jdm_taco Posts: 999 Member
    get shredded
  • Abram86
    Abram86 Posts: 282 Member
    get shredded

    Would that be what Saundera is saying? Would I get shredded by doing what they told me?
  • Abram86
    Abram86 Posts: 282 Member
    Thanks once again
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    OP, eat at a deficit and lift weights/strength train at the same time. You'll retain more muscle mass that way.

    The difference is when you bulk up and get older you will mos def have more flab. ex look at the old WWF, NWA or WCW wrestlers who were big an like the hulk and come back to the ring in flab compare to getting shredded when your older you don't have to worry about flab.. It's all about how many rep's you do.

    :huh: Oh really?
  • Abram86
    Abram86 Posts: 282 Member
    OP, eat at a deficit and lift weights/strength train at the same time. You'll retain more muscle mass that way.

    The difference is when you bulk up and get older you will mos def have more flab. ex look at the old WWF, NWA or WCW wrestlers who were big an like the hulk and come back to the ring in flab compare to getting shredded when your older you don't have to worry about flab.. It's all about how many rep's you do.

    :huh: Oh really?

    I have been eating at a defecit daily. I've averaged about 1.8 to 2.4 pounds lost a week. I do strength training 5 days a week and cardio every day.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Wow to some of the responses in here. Horrible.

    Pop into the Eat Train Progress group.....ask for some advice there. I don't think you will be disappoint ed.

    Are you doing any sort of lifting routine right now? If not, you should. How much of a deficit have you been eating at?

    To be honest you could probably eat at maintenance and do a solid lifting routine and achieve the BF % that you are looking for.
  • Abram86
    Abram86 Posts: 282 Member
    Wow to some of the responses in here. Horrible.

    Pop into the Eat Train Progress group.....ask for some advice there. I don't think you will be disappoint ed.

    Are you doing any sort of lifting routine right now? If not, you should. How much of a deficit have you been eating at?

    To be honest you could probably eat at maintenance and do a solid lifting routine and achieve the BF % that you are looking for.

    I have been doing strength training from the very start. I was eating about 1500 to 1700 calories per day
  • catfive1
    catfive1 Posts: 529 Member
    Wow to some of the responses in here. Horrible.

    Pop into the Eat Train Progress group.....ask for some advice there. I don't think you will be disappoint ed.

    Are you doing any sort of lifting routine right now? If not, you should. How much of a deficit have you been eating at?

    To be honest you could probably eat at maintenance and do a solid lifting routine and achieve the BF % that you are looking for.

    Definitely go to the "Eat, Train, Progress" group.

    I agree the advice you are getting sounds horrible.
  • Abram86
    Abram86 Posts: 282 Member
    Ok ill be sure to check out that group. Thanks!
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    What BF% do you currently have?

    Either cut or bulk at this point. Don't try to find some middle ground. Losing fat takes eating at a deficit. Gaining muscle takes eating at a surplus.

    ETA: And yes, check out ETA. You'll get better advice there.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Stick with the plan your on an maintain that weight your at. Find out what works for you working out with weight's wise without bulking up.. Your main objective is to Sculpt your body.. By doing Pushup's situp's pullup's curls activity.. Find a plan that works for you rep wise.. I use to do 10 set's of 10.. or five sets of 20.. Do what works for you to sculpt it.. This is an advice site to help other's an motivate other's to reach there goals an share opinions.. If he ignore's everyone else then there no need to be on this site.. Tha't's just doesn't make any sense..

    100 reps?! Ain't nobody got time for that.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Wow to some of the responses in here. Horrible.

    Pop into the Eat Train Progress group.....ask for some advice there. I don't think you will be disappoint ed.

    Are you doing any sort of lifting routine right now? If not, you should. How much of a deficit have you been eating at?

    To be honest you could probably eat at maintenance and do a solid lifting routine and achieve the BF % that you are looking for.

    I have been doing strength training from the very start. I was eating about 1500 to 1700 calories per day

    Yeah, definitely go to ETP and get some advice there. I'm unsure of your stats but I would say that 1500-1700 intake for a male is pretty aggressive....potentially far too aggressive.
  • Abram86
    Abram86 Posts: 282 Member
    What BF% do you currently have?

    Either cut or bulk at this point. Don't try to find some middle ground. Losing fat takes eating at a deficit. Gaining muscle takes eating at a surplus.

    ETA: And yes, check out ETA. You'll get better advice there.

    I believe I'm at a 23 to 24% body fat. I'm 5'9 194.7 pounds
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    What BF% do you currently have?

    Either cut or bulk at this point. Don't try to find some middle ground. Losing fat takes eating at a deficit. Gaining muscle takes eating at a surplus.

    ETA: And yes, check out ETA. You'll get better advice there.

    I believe I'm at a 23 to 24% body fat. I'm 5'9 194.7 pounds

    I'd say keep dieting down then. You are going to be amazed at what you look like as you lose the fat. Make sure that you're getting sufficient protein and good fats, and lift hard. Wait until you're at around 10% to start bulking. Oh, and slow and easy on the cut to make sure that you're not losing lean mass. 1500 is very low.