Need motivational friends 36,f, 40+ lbs to lose

wibblewobblekaz Posts: 25 Member
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
Im 36 and female with 40 plus pounds to lose, been here before but fell off wagon, also im ill with a trapped nerve so currently 5th week in pain and having physio but doing no exercise and just putting weight on and it's making me so miserable :(

I have also come off birth control as I believe this may of contributed to my weight gain, maybe due to hormone imbalance making me crave and eat more. I have also stropped all medication for trapped nerve as amatriptyline, tramadol, dihydocodeine and 30mg co codomol is just messing me up even more. so just staying on naprozen now.

Also have started the 5 day all bran challenge today as I feel bloated and rubbish constantly and feel unable to continue like this, I was happy 2 months ago, but stress and a trapped nerve and medication is making me question everything as ive been very down.

Would love supportive and motivational friends in similar circumstances to offer stories and support, thanks Karen


  • fitnessphotog
    Oh the pain stuff stinks. I've found that not all physical therapists are the same. If you're going on five weeks with no relief, it may be time for a second opinion. I've had pain issues for 16 years. I'd always been reluctant to do chiro, but I found one that is chiro, PT, massage and muscle release therapy (that one is huge!) and it at least helps more than several things have.

    Going to be honest- I'm at a point where doctors hand me highly controlled pain meds and almost all of them do nothing for me but make me feel loopy. Again, if it hasn't helped in 5 weeks, its probably just making life harder on you, but that's a very non medical opinion!
  • wibblewobblekaz
    wibblewobblekaz Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks and I think your right, 20 min slots are not helping and she is rushing through stuff, im going to have a word again next week with Doctor and tell them enough is enough, I want to be referred for a scan or something, I am weary of going a chiro also, know nothing about them and it's the cost however something has to change, im so fed up with it all :(
  • SymphonyTea
    Hey There,

    We, along w/ many others, are out here sailing in the same boat (or at least the same type of boats) and it's become clear to me that the engines are off & we're all gonna have to get to work & manually hand-paddle our way to happier shores... I am too am fighting an uphill battle w/ weight loss, while trying to take on exercise with Fibromyalgia that was triggered after a bout w/ the Cardiovascular disorder Thoracic Outlet Syndrome.

    Friend request is on the way as I am learning the power of motivation & that it's nice & helps to see/hear a simple "good-job!" or (my infamous) "keep rockin'!"

    Peace, Joy & (in a dream world) Calorie-Free Cupcakes ~Tea
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