ready for a change!! :)

hi everyone! my names ashley, i'm 23 and i have a ton of weight to lose :( i've tried in the past but honestly my weight didn't bother me. i have great friends, great family, and i'm generally a very happy go lucky person. i just never had the motivation to lose weight. now that' i'm 23, almost 24, i'm wanting to start a new life. a new healthy, longer life.

i found MFP on my phone and thought i'd give it a try. it's so easy, i love it. i logged on to the website today and saw all kinds of success stories and became even more motivated! i've only used it for a week but i've lost 5 lbs already. i haven't changed the foods i eat, just how much i eat. i've noticed how much more aware i became once i realized how many calories i was putting in my mouth. i couldn't believe it! motivation, however, is my biggest concern. i may get bored and think oh well whatever and quit. any motivation tips out there?

my big downfall is eating at night. it's so hard to pass up something even if it will put me over on my calories. any tips for that either?

thank you :D


  • Beebee78
    This place gives me such motivation in general.

    Good luck on your journey xxx
  • ayshia
    Hey hun. We are similar in so many ways. i am also 23 going to be 24 next month and i have a lot of weight to lose.
    i snack at night, that is my biggest problem, i do so so well throughout the day and then night time comes and that’s it my hard work is pointless.

    maybe we can become friends and set ourselves little goals and then the next day we report back, this might help because i know i would not want to report back saying aww yer i messed up again and again and again plus we have also loss about the same so we can motivate each other to ensure that every week we are both loosing and then before we no it we will be looking and feeling great.

    x. Ayshia. x
  • ashnich23
    This place gives me such motivation in general.

    Good luck on your journey xxx

    that's what i'm finding! the more i read, the better i feel. usually right now is my snacking time but i've been on here reading :P
  • ashnich23
    absolutely! i know i would feel the same way having to say "oops" every single time!
  • platoon
    platoon Posts: 340
    Hi Ashley! You can do it... we can all do it! :-)