Calorie Confusion



  • kev32uk
    kev32uk Posts: 21 Member
    1000% Counting your calories counts, but not only that it completely changes your attitude to food, i'ts ruined pringles for me with like 1000 calories in a tube and we all know once you's game over :) i used to think the same about it thinking it was a bit tedious but it has changed my style of eating, cooking due to the fact you are having to watch what you eat, i started in Jan 2013 and lost 51lbs so far and thats with a few weeks off for study stress, it's a long haul but it's soo worth it just wish i did it earlier to be honest. but the key to it all is start off slow and gradually let your body and mind get used to it, you really don't want to sicken yourself with it quickly and undo any good work you've done. Good luck :)
  • aszwarc
    aszwarc Posts: 200 Member
    You can do this!

    I started out in November with 90 pounds to lose, and as of this morning, I have 18 to go. I followed the MFP calorie guidelines, eating back anywhere from 1/2 to nearly all of my workout calories each day, depending on how hungry I was on a given day. That said, 1380 does seem pretty low, unless you have your goal set to 2 pounds per week (I used 1 pound, but my weekly losses have ranged from .2 lbs to 3.6 lbs). MFP will also ask to recompute your calorie goal as your weight goes down. Stick to the calories it recommends and change them as you lose. That will allow you to gradually reduce what you eat so you don't make sudden cuts (which I found makes me crave things, but your mileage may vary).
  • kluvit
    kluvit Posts: 435 Member
    It does work, and it works for the long haul. I've lost weight more quickly on some other "diets," but I always returned to "normal eating" which led to gaining it back. Counting calories helps you learn to make better choices and eventually develop a "new normal" which will help you to be successful for life.
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    you are going to get a lot answers. There is no right or wrong way. What works best for you is what works. I have lost 48 pounds on Weight Watchers which is essentially counting calories. I have a new Dr. and he has me on restricted carbohydrate to lower my blood sugar and I am losing weight.

    Do what is best for you. Try more than one way if you need to. Never let a naysayer stop you from your goal. Has she tried it? Probably not. You are taking control of your problem and soon it will not be a problem. Look at the success stories on MFP. Tons are from eating reduce calores. some are exercise and some are by reduced carbs. Just stick with something and keep moving ahead. You can do this.
  • maQmIgh
    maQmIgh Posts: 236 Member
    Ive done all the fad diets, i can think of, through my youth just cos I was hoping for a quick fix.

    There is no such thing as a quick fix :(

    Ive only been calorie counting for the last 60 odd days and have lost 22lbs.. Calories counting is definitely the way to go.. Keep with it and you will soon see results :)

    If you find that you are struggling on 1300 calories a day then work out your BMR and TDEE and work out your daily calories from there.

    Good luck with your journey :)

    We're all here for the same reasons, and we are always willing to help with motivations :)
  • kingcrystalg
    Yes, calorie counting does work! No matter how "old-fashioned" it may seem to some people, you MUST go back to the basics because numbers don't lie. If you find the right combination of meals for a week, then you can switch them up and never get bored while still achieving your goals. For example, I found 5 breakfast options, 5 lunch, 5 dinner etc. I wrote them all down along with the calorie count for each meal. That made it easy for me to just pick meals from my list of options without having to think about counting each time because I'd already done that from the start.

    Also, choose a modified version of things that you like so that you can hit your goals. A prime example would be my love for tuna sandwiches. I used to add tons of mayo when I didn't know any better. I quickly learned that I could still enjoy it but, I needed to modify my preparation. Instead of adding mayo, I decided to try the Lemon Pepper Starkist in the pack. It's delicious with mustard instead of mayo. Small modifications like that made a HUGE difference for me. You'll find your own way but the key is to still have a little bit of what you like so that you're more likely to stick to it. You can do this!!!! Stay focused!

    One last thought, I printed out pictures of people who fit my ideal body goals. If you print pics and stick them on your mirror, trust me, it will help you anytime you think of falling off. It may be different people at different stages. Find what works for YOU. I always look at those pictures on my way to work out. Also, make sure you have an awesome music playlist for your exercise time. It works!!!
  • shannashannabobana
    shannashannabobana Posts: 625 Member
    Also the app after entering my info set me up with a daily intake of 1380, however I read many things stating you should do 1200. Should I go by what the app says?
    With a 100 pounds to lose, i would absolutely not go lower than 1380. Stick with that and exercise so you can eat back those calories and I guarantee you'll have an easier time of it.

    I think what some of the 'calorie counting doesn't work' people are getting at is that if you restrict too much you might rebound and gain back.

    Personally, I think two things.

    1. Calorie counting is vastly useful when you are starting out because it will give you an understanding of what the foods you're eating contain. I would also look at macros, although people differ on this.

    2. Anything you are going to do to lose weight, you need to be able to do your whole life. I gave up cokes, and I knew that was something I could live with. I believe in building good habits one at a time so it is easy. If you say 'i will eat 1200 calories' and you are starving, you will not do that your whole life. There is also a theory about satiation but I don't want to bog you dow. Here is an interesting article if you want to read it: The basic point is to eat foods with nutrients, not just 1200 cal's of crap. Again, people differ, but I think you will be much happier if you go this way.

    Good luck on everything!
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    I am new to calorie counting. I am trying to lose 100+ pounds and need all the help I can get. I am a complete novice at anything healthy (eating) and I am a bit confused.

    So I have no support in trying to lose weight, but plenty of nay sayers and people who put me down, one of which is my sister. She found out I was counting calories and every time she see's me entering my meal on my app and entering my calories, she says "you know counting calories don't work right." Along with a lot of other crap...

    That brought me to google searching and I see so many people say that calorie counting doesn't help and is a thing of the past. This of course is a bit depressing and brings me down. Are calorie counting still a good way to lose? I am so lost.

    Also the app after entering my info set me up with a daily intake of 1380, however I read many things stating you should do 1200. Should I go by what the app says? I changed it to 1250 which is harder than 1380 but if it helps more I'm willing to try. Is that bad? Changing the suggested calorie intake it gives me? Should I leave it at 1380? Should I keep it at 1250?


    Calorie counting does work! The best way to prove it to your sister is to do it, lose the weight and show her just how well it works. 1380 sounds low if you have 100 pounds to lose. Read this and do the calculations to see how much you really should be eating:

    Using this approach has kept me from feeling deprived while losing 50 pounds. I eat 'normal' food, but count my calories and make sure I stay within my allotment 95% of the time.
  • Scubanana7
    Scubanana7 Posts: 361 Member
    I, too, (in all my infinite wisdom---lol) seriously think 1380 is too low for starting point. If you gained 100 pounds (like me) then your body is used to eating a lot more most likely. Please don't think I'm rude because I am only speaking from common sense and because I am YOU too! Maybe a good starting point would be 1800 calories. My daughter in law lost 60 pounds eating 2500 calories without exercise! That would NOT have worked for me...but the hardest thing you will discover about this journey is that we are all UNIQUE in what it takes to lose. Yes, there are 'methods' that work. I had to play around with carbs, protein, fat to keep losing. It was almost a cruel game at times! But it CAN be done. There are thousands on here who have done it.

    Seek out and find good supportive friends. We are here. We are losing, and We care about you.

    Again, back to my 'suggestion'....start at 1800 for a few weeks. If you are losing, then stay there a while. When you stop, drop 100 calories and try that for a couple weeks. And so on. Your body will rebel and you will starve and give up if you cut down too fast. Eat sensibly ahd MOVE. I don' t care if it is 10 minutes today. Tomorrow, do 11 minutes! No matter what abuse we have done to ourselves, we have MIRACULOUS bodies and they do respond to exercise and improve each and every day. Don't overdo it--don't get hurt. Just move. Walk, Dance. Swim. Swimming is wonderful if you have access to a pool. I could not swim ONE SINGLE Lap when I started. I swam a mile a few weeks ago. Havent done it since, but I DID IT and I could if I wanted...just haven't had the 63 minutes it took to do it. heehee. But I regularly swim 35-45 minutes along with weights, treadmill, and elliptical. Don't feel self conscious about joining a gym, if you can. No ONE is judging. In fact, anyone that actually 'sees you' will be impressed that you are there and either ignore you or give you a smile and a nod. Most folks are just in their own exercise zone and ignore you. Just DON"t FEEL threatened! If you can't or don't want to do gym yet, then walk. I found exercise videos at resale shops--or ebay too. Just move. and Don"t STOP. Move every day. It will speed the loss and make you feel so much better on this long journey--cuz it don't happen overnight. But it WILL happen if that is what you desire.

    Make sure you get some good fats, protein, veges & fruit. Do lots of research. Read the forums on Motivation and Success (at least one a day). It really helped me to SEE others lose. There are groups for women of certain ages, folks who have that 100 or more pounds to lose. Join a group. If you see someone inspiring, send a note and a friend request. I thought the whold online friendship thing was stupid and wouldn't help. Boy--was I WRONG! I have met wonderful, beautiful,, and very inspiring Friends for life on here.

    There are wonderful recipes here too. I am sure you can find a healthy version of something you love to eat. If not here, then google low calorie or low carb versions of you favorite foods. That really helps so you don't feel like you are in the prison of dieting with hothing you like to eat.

    GOOD LUCK honey--and keep MOVING and NEVER EVER EVER GIVE UP. The many winners here will keep you inspired.


    Establish a plan, move, and stick to it until it no longer works...then move to Plan B.
  • l911jnt
    l911jnt Posts: 164 Member
    Sounds like your sister envys you trying to do something about your weight. ignore her. I just started counting calories too. it helped me realize all the bad things I was eating causing me to gain weight. I have 50 lbs to lose and am well on my way by counting calories. its already working. just keep doing what your doing. drink lots an lots of water. it really helps flush out what calories you are burning quicker.
  • Scubanana7
    Scubanana7 Posts: 361 Member
    ps. Forget about your sister, etc. The best policy is not to respond--period. Just smile. Change the subject. I was at a luncheon the other day, where everyone was eating heart-killing fried food. Yep, I admit I drooled for half a second. Then i thoroughly enjoyed my greek salad with shrimp. A few folks actually made teasing comments about my healthy choice. I smiled and struck up a conversation with someone else. My husband would offer me stuff I couldn't eat. and I say couldn't because I CHOSE not to eat that type of food. CHOICES. that is the big secret to successfully losing weight.

    AND DON'T LET ANYONE DE-RAIL YOU. There will be the doubters, the nay-sayers, the know-it-alls, the ones that sabatoge. Just make YOUR CHOICE of what you want or don't want to eat. If you have friends that only eat junk and try to push it on you and that makes it difficult for you, then try to see them at non-food events. After a while of eating right and losing and feeling better you may be able to handle it. If it bothers you at the beginning of this journey, then 'work' around them. Don't ignore your friends/family...just try to avoid food settings. If you cannot, then decide what you are going to eat before you go and be STRONG. It can be done! Sorry, I rambled....but I have been and still am in your shoes!
  • FirecrackerJess
    FirecrackerJess Posts: 276 Member
    Just wondering, if you have 100+ pounds to lose, why are you only at 1380?

    This is what MFP app gave me after filling in my info, at a 2 lbs a week weight loss option.

    And thanks to everyone who replied.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    Just wondering, if you have 100+ pounds to lose, why are you only at 1380?

    This is what MFP app gave me after filling in my info, at a 2 lbs a week weight loss option.

    And thanks to everyone who replied.

    So you're maintenance would be 2380. My only suggestion, other than to just smile sweetly and nod like you're agreeing with your sister when she starts ( I have two. It will drive her round the bend if she's like mine.), would be to eat your calorie goal and when you exercise eat back your exercise calories. You've got 1000 calorie deficit already with the "lose 2 lbs a week" option. If you're worried about the burn being too high eat back 3/4 or 1/2. It really does make this easier when you fuel your body.
  • FirecrackerJess
    FirecrackerJess Posts: 276 Member
    Thanks for the replies. I am trying to be as accurate as possible, I have a HR monitor watch but no chest strap so you have to manually check, and in conjunction with checking it every quarter of a mile or so, and a website that calculates it with the HR you enter, plus what the apps I use say (I run like 3 at the same time), I think more or less I'm being accurate with the calories.
  • bumblbee007
    I am sorry that i am going to sound like a absolute B..... I know you probably love your sister... but why are you even listening to her, WHO ARE YOU LOSING THE WEIGHT FOR?? for you? or for anybody else?

    4 weeks ago I started off on 270 pounds, I started off 5 years ago on 188 pounds wanted to lose 50... I started on Calorie counting, and low and behold, I had "friends" telling me it does not work, so I started doing the Atkins, and herbex and and and, I lost the weight quickly, and straight after I started eating normal again, boy did I put everything I missed back in, and in large quantities too... so I picked up weight, then I tried another fad diet and so on and so on... thanx to all the yo yo dieting, I now have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and Autoimmune disease and leaky gut syndrome, which is going to make my weight loss journey 10 x harder than what it would have been 5 years ago. BUT today I am sitting on 257 - I have lost 13 pounds in 4 weeks, I am doing Calorie counting, and had i done that 5 years ago I would not be sitting here preaching to you... I still have my chocolate, (sugar free 133 cal per bar) but I will have a block a day instead of 6. I dont feel like i am missing out on anything, and I can carry on with this for the rest of my life. The Calorie counting sites have 1000's of new people everyday, where as, all the fad diets lose followers at fast pace, the sooner people realize, that losing weight is hard work and wont be achieved with a quick fix, the sooner we will start losing weight and keep it off...

    Good luck with your journey... Listen to the advise on this site, 99.9% of the people are in the same boat as you... and i am sure they have all tried the quick fix before, and guess where they are now, AT CALORIE COUNTING.... you are on the right track.. EDUCATE YOURSELF, DONT LISTEN TO NEGATIVE PEOPLE... AND LOSE THE WEIGHT FOR YOURSELF NOT FOR ANYONE ELSE!!!
  • sjanejack
    sjanejack Posts: 158
    I do calorie counting, even when I am not feeling like logging what I ate for the day or even just the calories for it. And it ends up working out pretty well. By the way, good luck! I hope you don't have problems staying motivated to do stuff like exercise like I have. If you ever want any support, encouragement or just more friends on here feel free to add me.
  • FirecrackerJess
    FirecrackerJess Posts: 276 Member
    Thanks. I am trying to stay motivated, other issues in my life are being a problem so it's a struggle but I am definitely trying.
  • mrshudson813
    mrshudson813 Posts: 128 Member
    Stick with the calorie goal that MFP gave you for just ONE MONTH! After that time period, you can see for yourself just how great counting calories is for your body and health! Once you weigh yourself and see the inches coming off (which you will in just one month), you will prove your sister wrong!