What should i do about Soda????



  • Curtism1234
    Curtism1234 Posts: 73 Member
    There are two pretty divided camps on this. I can see where both sides are coming from. I've experimented with No Soda, and Diet Soda, and I really can't tell the difference with the weight loss given all other factors are the same.

    I drink Dt Mt Dew pretty regularly.

    That's been my experience as well. I don't believe diet soda in and of itself causes weight gain. Soda can trigger hunger but it can sometimes do away with hunger depending on the flavor - at least in my experience.

    Everyone makes fun of me drinking soda first thing in the morning at work. I always respond that diet mountain dew is the closest thing to orange juice we have :ohwell:

    All that being said though:
    If you went several months without soda, running out the first chance you get probably isn't a great idea --- we'll call that Lindsey Lohan syndrome.

    If you go out to eat, go to an event, on the road and thirsty, etc --- then grab a soda. But I wouldn't buy packaged soda and take it home. It sounds like no soda is working for you and you might as well keep it up as much as you can.
  • All that being said though:
    If you went several months without soda, running out the first chance you get probably isn't a great idea --- we'll call that Lindsey Lohan syndrome.

  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    First - congrats on going the whole summer without soda! That's a great accomplishment. Regarding your question - Like someone else said - if you've already detoxed off soda, why introduce it to your body again? You know it's bad for you. It's like telling a smoker who hasn't had a cigarette in 3 months that it's okay for them to have one "as a treat." You'll be much better off if you just keep it up and find other ways to quench your thirst (as you have been doing).

    You may even find that you don't like it as much anymore. I tried to drink a soda because the place I ate at was out of tea, and I couldn't take more than a couple sips. Way too sweet.
  • I gave up soda in July of 2009..I didn't really have a reason and I wasn't dieting at the time. I tried several times in the past to give it up and taco bell always got me with the baja blast mountain dew (my fav!). This time I know I've kicked it for sure. Of course there are days when I smell or eat something and a soda would be awesome with it but at this point it has become a game for me! Someone offers me a soda and I cringe at the thought of breaking my record. :tongue: My advise to you is do what makes you happy...if we do things while we diet or when we're just living that don't make us happy then we won't stick to it. Of course there are benefits to quitting soda..better for you and your teeth and so on. I like the suggestion of it being a "treat". I know it's hard when the diet sodas are no calories..I wish beer was no calories! :drinker: Whatever you decide I wish you well and good luck with your soda dilemma!
  • austindperry
    austindperry Posts: 20 Member
    This is the way I look at it,

    1. Soda is empty calories. You gain no nutrional value from drinking one.
    2. Soda is bad for your teeth and can also do damage to the rest of your body.
    3. Soda is expensive! Why pay $5 for a 12 pack when you can have water for free!

    I struggled with soda addiction for years. I feel like I have finally broken it and my best advice is that soda has no positive effects. However, it is your decision and if you can drink it moderately and not go overboard then that may be the best for you.

    Good luck!
  • Melora
    Melora Posts: 65 Member
    Of course dont go back to soda!! Why go back?
  • First - congrats on going the whole summer without soda! That's a great accomplishment. Regarding your question - Like someone else said - if you've already detoxed off soda, why introduce it to your body again? You know it's bad for you. It's like telling a smoker who hasn't had a cigarette in 3 months that it's okay for them to have one "as a treat." You'll be much better off if you just keep it up and find other ways to quench your thirst (as you have been doing).

    You may even find that you don't like it as much anymore. I tried to drink a soda because the place I ate at was out of tea, and I couldn't take more than a couple sips. Way too sweet.

    lol....funny you mentioned Smoking....i have been smoke free for over 2 years now......i cant stand the smell of it now and i cant believe i put my kid thru that smell! However, i know that if i decided to "treat" myself to one now. id be hooked again!Lung Cancer isnt a treat......so i dont look at it as a treat really. I guess the soda would be the same.....
  • i am a PEPSI fanatic however i replaced that with Diet Dr Pepper or Diet a & w, and it tasts just like the regular! try it! good luck
  • thanks to all of you! Many good points made and i appreciate the different views. i guess well wait till thursday and see what happens.:flowerforyou:
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    If you've gone this long without I would just stay away! lol Its not good for you at all, not even a little bit. So if you made it through the summer, I would just keep on going. :)
  • Look, in all seriousness this should not be this hard. DO NOT DRINK SODA EVER AGAIN! Your body will thank you for it. End of discussion, no ifs ands or buts. NO SODA.
  • It will certainly be a choice you will have to decide for yourself. I have been/am "very" addicted to soda. My parents fed it to me at a very early age and I have been drinking it for probably 27 years. I have tried to quit several times and finally did it several weeks ago. I am determined never to drink another one.

    Its all dependant upon your situation, but for me if I drink just one, then it will start a chain reaction and I will want about 6 or more glasses per day! I read somewhere that if you can't moderate then you have to eliminate and this is the case for me.

    By the way, the only diet soda I could tolerate was Coke Zero and I didn't even like that very much. Thankfully, I rather just stick to drinking water and unsweet (or lightly sweetened) tea or Cystal Light than try the diet sodas.

    Whatever you decide, I wish you the best of luck and I hope that it works out for you. I think you already know the answer. Also, congrats on going so long without one! :flowerforyou:
  • kathleenpenrod
    kathleenpenrod Posts: 34 Member
    Wow, impressive summer goal and you did it! I love soda too but...it's terrible for you! I try to picture a skull and crossed bones on the labels...between the corn syrup, excessive sugar, caramel color and the worst - PHOSPHATES (eat your bones, acidic to your stomach and intestines)...it's really awful. And diet is not ANY better - it still has the PHOSPHATES and has FAKE SUGAR! Ahhh!

    I allow myself a soda once every two weeks. I plan for it and drink twice the amount of water that day. Hey if you could do it, keep it up! Otherwise, reallllly limit your intake. I'm saying...one of these days the data will just start pouring in. Until then, use your own instincts. :)
  • i say if you want one then have it...maybe instead of running down and getting a 20 oz or larger maybe go to a restaurant that has a kids size glass and get it to go ... or hold off for a special occasion and treat your self then....a whole summer without soda is awesome....just don't deprive yourself of what you want or you will overdose on it...I quit drinking coke about 4 years ago had a sip the other day and thought it tasted like dirt (dont no why). I have not cut soda completely. I enjoy a diet coke or rootbeer float...I just dont do it all the time...then right now im drinking sprite because im sick...not really liking it but its helping....if you can settle at one then go for it....just dont over do it!!!! and CONGRATS on the whole summer soda free
  • I kinda think if you've gone this long without it, I'd leave it alone for a while and maybe revisit this in about six months. My bet is by that time, you will have lost your taste for it and it will be a moot point. I've pretty much given it up and it really doesn't bother me at all now.
  • u have done a good job stick to your determination please
  • azmomof2
    azmomof2 Posts: 714 Member
    If it's something you are craving it would be a mistake to deny yourself completely. It's not reasonable to ignore things that you enjoy. You just need to come to a conclusion that allows you to enjoy it in moderation. Find a balance that works for you. The people that are telling you never to drink pop probably don't enjoy it and so it is easy for them to avoid it completely. I know beer and a plate of nachos isn't good for me, but to say I will never have them again is a recipe for failure. The key to everything (even things that are good for us) is moderation.


    Totally agree with this guy don't set yourself up to fail but also it's about learning control and if you know you can go a whole summer without it I'd say why even ponder having one now unless the opportunity arises (going to a movie or out to dinner).
  • Personally I would say if you have managed to go this long then why go back to it! I drink nothing but water these days - don't get me wrong if I ever went out and fancied a fizzy drink I wouldn't beat myself up over it, but having tried a sip of someones diet drink the other day and finding it disgusting I would say overtime you wont want it any more xxx
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Yeah I say niks the soda..........
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    I haven't had soda in months, and personally have no intentions of drinking it regularly ever again. I personally no longer like the taste of it.

    Me too!! I find it too sweet now, even diet!
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