Help with anorexia recovery

Ive been struggling with anorexia for about 5 months now and I really want to recover but not get fat. Ive been eating around 800-1000 calories a day and weigh 88-90 pounds at 5 feet. What and how many calories should I be eating? My biggest fear is gaining too much weight because I am a flyer in cheerleading but i realize I need to gain some weight and eat healthy


  • jessicahill530
    jessicahill530 Posts: 65 Member
    Please get professional help. A message board is not a hospital. We are not doctors (at least not most of us). Good luck with your journey.
  • pandahugsnkisses
    You're right. Thanks for the advice. I realize this is the wrong place to be discussing this
  • jessicahill530
    jessicahill530 Posts: 65 Member
    Discussing it is fine, but asking about calories and all that is different. You will need support, but only after you seek out medical advice.
  • jennagoogles13
    Agreed. Also, if you are under 18 years of age, you are not technically supposed to be on this site.
  • waffleflavoredtea
    waffleflavoredtea Posts: 235 Member
    I am in recovery from anorexia and following a low fat raw vegan lifestyle helped me mentally SO much. I'm not saying this for sure will help you recover but I highly recommend it, it's the only way in my 3+ years of severe anorexia and bulimia that helped me to eat enough guilt free. My hair's coming back, I look healthier, and my weight has remained stable (I was never underweight as I became anorexic at a higher weight).
    Look up Freelea the Banana Girl and DurianRider on Youtube for more information. I wish you luck and peace in trying to regain your health and happiness back. I believe it's possible to recover from anorexia without eating unhealthy junk food or quitting exercise, that's what Freelea did and she has an amazing body but even more important, a passion for life again. :)
  • katmila22
    im a recovered anorexic. i can tell you that seeing a therapist will help you find the root of your need for control. but just to answer your question, you are not getting enough calories. you need at minimum 1200 calories. to put it in perspective the victims of the Holocaust were given 800 cals. a day. if your exercising you need to eat to replace that amount as well above the 1200 and that is just to maintain. to gain some weight you will need to up your calories even more, another 300-500 per day. i know how uncomfortable it is to eat so much when you are use to starving but i can tell you your body will eat up the nutrients and you will not get fat. i speak from experience. in recovery i was even put on 3000 cals a day and not able to gain weight for a while because my body used everything up right away(that was not being allowed to even walk as exercise). and when i did gain weight(i had to gain 30 pounds) it was not fat and l looked far from chubby to the rest of the world. i flelt huge of course, but looking back i was still(and still am) slender. recovery is possible, but it takes A LOT of work and effort and it is very uncomfortable mentally and physically. remember to only be a positive voice in your own head. don't listen to that voice telling you to not eat. you must eat to live and your weight is getting dangerously low. so call your doctor and do not be ashamed. be proud for asking for help and be proud that you realize you are needing to change. good luck and good health.
  • forthehungergames
    This needs to be done with the guidance of a PROFESSIONAL :)

    Especially because you're still focused on looks and fat. Which is still disordered thinking from someone with an ED. You're going to have to let go all of that to recover. It will be worth it, I promise.

    Focus on healthy weight AFTER you recover. and do that with a professional as well! People can successfully live healthy lives and lose weight healthily with healthy goals, but the first step is to actually recover and let go of the ideals.
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    You need a registered dietician to help you develop a plan to regain weight in a healthy manner. They are used to dealing with people who have various EDs and will be sensitive to your fears. And I think it goes without saying that other professional help is probably necessary too.
  • I am in recovery from anorexia and following a low fat raw vegan lifestyle helped me mentally SO much. I'm not saying this for sure will help you recover but I highly recommend it, it's the only way in my 3+ years of severe anorexia and bulimia that helped me to eat enough guilt free. My hair's coming back, I look healthier, and my weight has remained stable (I was never underweight as I became anorexic at a higher weight).
    Look up Freelea the Banana Girl and DurianRider on Youtube for more information. I wish you luck and peace in trying to regain your health and happiness back. I believe it's possible to recover from anorexia without eating unhealthy junk food or quitting exercise, that's what Freelea did and she has an amazing body but even more important, a passion for life again. :)

    Worst advice out there. Eating a low fat (causes depression) raw vegan (incredibly restrictive) diet will not help you recover at all. You need to be eating a variety of foods, and sufficient calories - a little over your TDEE, so you gain weight slowly.
  • But yeah, see a therapist and a nutritionist and have them advise you, as they're the professionals who are trained in how to handle these things.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Good for you for recognizing your ED and wanting to get help with it! That is always the first step to anyone's recovery.

    Seek professional help for physical and mental. It'll help.

    Good luck to you!
  • purpleroxmysocks
    purpleroxmysocks Posts: 137 Member
    I am a recovered anorexic and bulimic. Like one of the girls above, I too turned to not a vegan, but vegetarian lifestyle. I no longer am vegetarian and I am able to maintain at a healthy weight.
  • almostperfect1on
    I am recovering from EDNOS and I can tell you that seeing a therapist will help a lot. My dietitian helped me get a diet plan that was not based on calories, but on food groups.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I suffered from that years ago-how not to get fat! slowly start adding 100 calories per week so your body doesn't retaliate and gain weight. The next week, add another 100 so your body gets accustomed to the additional calories.
  • SurfyFriend
    SurfyFriend Posts: 362 Member
    I agree with high carb raw vegan lifestyle.
    Looking into it won't cause any harm. Most people who use myfitnesspal are on high protein, high fat diets which are in fact very restrictive, whereas a fruit based diet is one of freedom and abundance.
    Good luck in your recovery and eat the foods that will heal your body
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    MagicalLeopleurodon Posts: 623 Member
    I was anorexic for ten years-it is a daily battle, even after being in recovery for three years.
    You know you should gain, and that is awesome! Focus on healthy foods-limiting the junk will allow you to gain slowly and safely without adding fat. As a cheerleader, you already lead an athletic lifestyle (eating more will make you feel so much better, trust me. I ran track and my time improved 100%).

    If you eat 1000 calories normally, just focus on eating 1100 for a few weeks. Then 1200. Then 1300, until you get to the calories youneed (TDEE).

    Is there someone in your life you can talk to? A close friend or relative that wont judge?
    Telling my boyfriend (now my husband) was the best thing i ever did, because he supported me every step of the way.
    If not, please feel free to message me, i am online a lot and will do whatever i can to be supportive. This is such a hard battle and you should not be expected to fight it alone!

    Lots of love :)
  • makemewannadie
    makemewannadie Posts: 401 Member
    I am in recovery from anorexia and following a low fat raw vegan lifestyle helped me mentally SO much. I'm not saying this for sure will help you recover but I highly recommend it, it's the only way in my 3+ years of severe anorexia and bulimia that helped me to eat enough guilt free. My hair's coming back, I look healthier, and my weight has remained stable (I was never underweight as I became anorexic at a higher weight).
    Look up Freelea the Banana Girl and DurianRider on Youtube for more information. I wish you luck and peace in trying to regain your health and happiness back. I believe it's possible to recover from anorexia without eating unhealthy junk food or quitting exercise, that's what Freelea did and she has an amazing body but even more important, a passion for life again. :)

    Worst advice out there. Eating a low fat (causes depression) raw vegan (incredibly restrictive) diet will not help you recover at all. You need to be eating a variety of foods, and sufficient calories - a little over your TDEE, so you gain weight slowly.

    I would disagree- I too suffered from anorexia for many years until I switched to a (mostly raw) vegan lifestyle. You act as if eating vegan means you can't get variety or sufficient calories. It's worked for a lot of people. Not for everyone though (:
  • sophayz
    sophayz Posts: 592 Member
    i too am struggling with ED recovery . it is hard . you will gain weight but its important to comprehend that you are gaining muscle weight and not fat at all .as you gain muscles you can increase your calorie intake too since muscle burns more calories just existing in your body

    i was 109 when i started recovery.the scale went up to 130 and then i am now 120 ( i am 5 foot 5 and a half)

    but i look more tone and healthier
    at first your body holds on to every thing and store it for later use in case you decide to starve again. then it starts going back to a nice healthy weight and uses the nutriment properly

    i didn't change pants size so to me it is the true hint that i didn't get fat since i cant trust my reflection or scale number

    i am not entirely out of the struggle but i am improving every day . i am here if you need to talk
  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Mirandapanda. Check out the eating disorder recovery group on mfp. Go to community, and type that in. Theres very nice people there and they know from experience. Could you start by adding a whey protein shake to your day? You like those? Evidently the whey shakes help to gain healthy weight. Im 25 lbs overweight currently,, (goal 130-135) and was drinking tbose randomly, but i guess to lose weight tbere are protein powders that are more geared towards losing.No matter who suports you thru the recovery, wether it be here or anywhere else, you know its all up to you. Know you have the power to be good to yourself with healthy habits & you will be your own very best supporter. Im in my 3 rd year of recovery from bulemia with anorexic tendancy.Please also talk to a real dietician about what they feel is the right calorie range for you. Can you start by upping to 1500 comfortably? Thats just a start of course.Try adding one of those shakes.You like those protein candy bars? Have you tried the Snickers Marathon Protein Bar yet? They have em at Target and Walgreens. Check that group out. Lots of nice people. You can do it honey.
  • cbear__
    cbear__ Posts: 5
    Heya, '

    I also am trying / recovered from ANA.
    I would say what helps alot would be to start eating more fruit and vegetables to make up your calorie intake for the day.
    Now, I know alot of people will be like "you have to eat a balanced diet, this includes carbs and healthy fat etc." BUT . like your self, I came from a fear of all things deemed 'bad' which in my mind was bread and sugary foods. so its not that easy. (your fear foods may be diff. then mine)

    Eating fruit and veges to get used to eating again really does help. Although its not a FULLY rounded diet, it does get you used to eating more without the guilt. - a step in the right direction.
    and if you do feel guilty , its only fruit : unprocessed natural food.
