Am I eating too much fruit?

I am sorry if this sounds stupid but I am new to this. I have been dedicated to my program for about 2.5 weeks (with a few cheat meals) and have seen no results. I exercise nearly every single day with a combo of strength (body weight) and cardio (30 - 50 mins).

I eat a ton of fruit. Sometimes 7-8 servings! I consistently am reaching about 100 grams of sugar per day - which also adds up the carbs. Is that just too much fruit to be consuming in a day? I have tried to replace the fruit I am eating with veggies like cucumbers, carrots, etc. but it just doesn't fill me up or give me the energy like fruit does. I have read many posts on fruits and sugars and am unsure of where I'm at.

Is this why I haven't' seen the scale or any inches change? I know 2.5 weeks isn't that long. I get lots of protein and am eating 1200-1500 calories per day.


  • Habgirl
    Habgirl Posts: 13 Member
    I am a vegetarian and eat a lot of fruit too. I posted a similar post an hour ago. I am over in my sugars every day due to fruit but its not white refined sugar so I don't consider it as bad.

    I would love to know the answer. I have lost less than 3 lbs in a month and am getting really frustrated.
  • WannabeStressFree
    WannabeStressFree Posts: 340 Member
    It's funny, I love fruit!! I really do and used to eat it so much, but I also haven't lost weight.
    Just last week I drastically reduced my sugar intake to a goal of 15g per day, I actually survived! lol
    I hope I lose weight this week, since I didn't lose last week.
    I'll keep you posted!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I don't think it's an issue. Personally I wouldn't, but just because I wouldn't be able to meet my protein goal that way (125g).
  • totallydelirious
    I ignore the sugar section of the MFP calories because having even about 3 portion of fruit a day can push me over, and i know fruit is healthy and yes it's sweet, but better to eating sweet fruit when i want sugar than chocolate, it's natures treats :P
    2.5 weeks isn't that long, so i wouldn't worry yet. also, if you're doing a lot more exercise you'll be building up muscles, which weighs more than fat. Give it another couple of weeks before getting annoyed that it's not working!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I ignore the sugar section of the MFP calories because having even about 3 portion of fruit a day can push me over, and i know fruit is healthy and yes it's sweet, but better to eating sweet fruit when i want sugar than chocolate, it's natures treats :P
    2.5 weeks isn't that long, so i wouldn't worry yet. also, if you're doing a lot more exercise you'll be building up muscles, which weighs more than fat. Give it another couple of weeks before getting annoyed that it's not working!

    this..I "stalled" for the first 4 weeks here...then .5 lbs then 2.5...then none then 1 and 1 again...give it well I don't watch the sugar as most of mine is natural as well.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    The only way your fruit is interfering with your weight loss is if you are insuling resistant or insulin sensitive. That said, you should probably strive for a bit more balance in your diet. You need much more than fruit for proper nutrition; my guess is you are probably not getting your requisite fats and/or protein if you're eating that much fruit.