26 Year Old with 88lbs to Lose

YellowSummerRoom Posts: 22 Member
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
Hey everyone, my name is Laura and I'm a 26 year old Aussie chick from Sydney and right now I have NEVER felt as motivated to lose weight.

I've gone on numerous health kicks in my time but before now the negative motivated me. Feeling depressed about the way I look or realising my jeans are too small - those things CAN be good motivators but they can also be self defeating because it makes losing the weight seem like such a mammoth task.

My mindset has changed now and I'm now just looking forward to a time when I get to goal weight and am happy to take it slowly - also trying to enjoy the journey in getting there. I'm letting the positive motivate me now as opposed to the negative. Each step and each goal achieved - every NSV, every inch lost and every pound dropped - is one step closer to being able to buy a kick *kitten* new warddrobe.

Current Starting weight is 110Kg (about 242lbs) and I'm around about 5'8 (172cm roughly).

Goal weight is 70Kg (about 154lbs). After that I'll see how I feel and look and might try and get down to the full 100lbs but that's a long term goal and honestly, I can't really envision looking too good at less than 150lbs. I've got a small frame but I've always had some curve even when I was skinny. Big bum and big boobs! It's genetics!

I started two weeks ago but got the worlds worst flu two days into it. I've been dying!! This was a bit of a setback because I couldn't excercise and I just felt too sick to count or log in. I've kept roughly to my calorie intake and I think I may have lost a pound or two but I can't be sure and I'm not going to weight myself for at least a month into it. I'm almost better now and I'm back in the game!

If you want to add me feel free to!

EDITED Because I suck at proof reading!


  • YellowSummerRoom
    YellowSummerRoom Posts: 22 Member
    Gah, just realised this should be in the "introduce yourself" section. Sorry!
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    Don't get caught up in the details :P

    It's a process.
  • popsicle5
    It's awesome how motivated you are. We're already "friends" (as of yesterday) but I hope some of your motivation rubs off on me!

    I'm 25, around 5"5, 182lbs and looking to get back to 140 (where I was around 2 years ago - pre desk job and boyfriend). I was happy and comfortable there and it was only due to weightwatchers that I got there in the first place, although now I realise that long-term a "diet" doesn't work.
    Lowest adult weight was 136lbs and I had people asking me if I was eating properly etc. but I assure you I still wasn't "slim", I've always been on the heavier side of normal but now I'm actually classed as obese on the BMI scale.

    I've been saying for ages that I'm going to stop eating crap and be more active but I've finally realised that it's actually effecting other parts of my life too. It's effecting my confidence resulting in effecting my relationship and I could go on...

    Time to change! Day 1's gone well food-wise and I'm planning on doing an exercise video before bed so here's to a fresh start...
  • ashleyShades
    ashleyShades Posts: 375 Member
    I just wanted to say that you're gorgeous. I'm struggling with staying motivated as well. I'm trying harder though and today is a new day!
  • Lauren5280
    Lauren5280 Posts: 67 Member
    I have been at this for 9 months and have lost 45lbs. It didn't happen all at once and there were times I fell off of the wagon. Just take it one day at a time or one meal at a time and keep telling yourself you will get there. I have had 2 months now with no weight loss but my body is more toned and I've lost inches. It's tough but we didn't get overweight over night nor will we get fit overnight.
  • Chelseraptor
    Chelseraptor Posts: 27 Member
    You and I are practically the same - same age, weight, and height! :)
  • YellowSummerRoom
    YellowSummerRoom Posts: 22 Member
    It's awesome how motivated you are. We're already "friends" (as of yesterday) but I hope some of your motivation rubs off on me!

    I'm 25, around 5"5, 182lbs and looking to get back to 140 (where I was around 2 years ago - pre desk job and boyfriend). I was happy and comfortable there and it was only due to weightwatchers that I got there in the first place, although now I realise that long-term a "diet" doesn't work.

    Exactly. I ate a fair few calories yesterday but I also worked my butt off with excercise and ended up under my goal. So the way I see it now... I kind of get to have my cake and eat it too. As long as I eat in moderation and keep active I never actually have to "diet" again. It's just a way of life!

    I'm about as far from an expert on the subject as you can get but it's really the way I'm managing to stay motivated.
    Lowest adult weight was 136lbs and I had people asking me if I was eating properly etc. but I assure you I still wasn't "slim", I've always been on the heavier side of normal but now I'm actually classed as obese on the BMI scale.

    Lowest I've been in recent years was about 176lbs when I was 22. I was actually very happy with my weight at that time. For my height, I wasn't a bad size (though technically still a bit overweight). All my weight seems to go to bum and boobs though so - unless I was TOTALLY kidding myself - I looked smaller than I actually was because my waist was tiny.Then I fell off the wagon and piled it all back on! Now, my waist isn't even close to small and I'm also on the obese scale. I guess my point is... It's easy to look back on our old selves and go "F*** I was a sexy *kitten* back then! How did I get here?" but that's just counter productive. I'll never be the person I was 4 years ago, physically or internally. It's the past. Been and gone. What counts is now! I'm trying to think of it as an exciting new phase in my life. Something I can look back on and go "Yup, that was when I really got myself together" ya know?
    I've been saying for ages that I'm going to stop eating crap and be more active but I've finally realised that it's actually effecting other parts of my life too. It's effecting my confidence resulting in effecting my relationship and I could go on...

    Yup, I'm the same. I absolutely have reached the point where I need things to change and the weight loss and changing my eating/excercise habits etc is just a part of that process. The healthier we are the happier we feel.
    Time to change! Day 1's gone well food-wise and I'm planning on doing an exercise video before bed so here's to a fresh start...

    You can absolutely do this! By Christimas you'll look back on now and be SO happy you stuck to it.
  • trinaca23
    hey im trying to lose 30lbs (short term goal) I just started as well...my overall goal is 50lbs...by the way Im 23 with a wedding coming up in feb 2014 ...YIKES!!!!!
  • YellowSummerRoom
    YellowSummerRoom Posts: 22 Member
    I just wanted to say that you're gorgeous.

    Aw, thank you!
    I'm struggling with staying motivated as well. I'm trying harder though and today is a new day!

    Keep on at it. It's a long road but we'll get there eventually!
  • gail200186
    gail200186 Posts: 59 Member
    Hey. I'm 27 years old and trying to lose 78lbs. I'm 5 ft 3. My short term goal is to get to the 160's. I', 198 lbs right now.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like some positive encouragement. I'm just getting started too so maybe we can help eachother out :)
  • MelMoly
    MelMoly Posts: 1,303 Member
    I am 26! mom of 2 Lost 60lbs so far! and should lose about 25-40 more!
  • FlabFighter86
    FlabFighter86 Posts: 233 Member
    27 year old 5ft 2" trying to lose 82lbs. Have lost 8lbs so far and have noticed such a big difference already. Feel free to add!
  • lucypaj
    lucypaj Posts: 3
    Hi, I'm a 33 year old from Canberra, with similiar weight issues! Today is day 2 for me and I get where you're coming from totally :-)
    Its not about dieting for the sake of dieting as that is no fun and is not very motivating. My biggest issue is carbs, so my idea is to cut back on carbs a little and move my a$% a bit more and generally enjoy doing something healthy for my body. With that I'm sure will come a weight change, but that is just a bonus!
  • sunflower505
    Hi Yellowsummer :)

    Read your post and you just reminded me so much of myself. Im also 26, 27 next month actually and 5'7''. I currently weigh 93kgs and also have my goal weight set at 70kg (for now) and also just have this fire burning inside of me, a voice screaming at me telling me I can do this!! We both have a long way to go and we can support each other on the way!

    Best of luck on your journey! Can't wait to see the end result pics :)

  • JPow3
    JPow3 Posts: 5 Member
    Friend request sent :)

    I know it can be a daunting task to try losing that much weight, but it definitely can be done if you are persistent and take it slowly. I managed to lose 60 pounds a few years back just by eating less and exercising more, but it took me about a year. Just keep at it and you'll succeed! I'm currently trying to get back down to my target weight.
  • Would love to be friends! I'm hoping to lose 80 pounds - 10 down, 70 to go! That will put me at a healthy BMI of 24. My numbers are lower than yours, but I am only 5 feet tall.
  • mmoonstars
    mmoonstars Posts: 103 Member
    I'm just about your same stats so feel free to add me
  • MickeyBoo
    MickeyBoo Posts: 196 Member

    I am just restarting again too. I'm 31 and from Brissie, and we're similar in height and weight, I'm starting at 113kg (249lb), and need to get down to about 75kg (165lb). I am 5'8 (173cm) but I have a medium build so any lower than that is too hard to maintain. All up I need to lose 38kg (83lb)

    Last time I got serious about my weight I started 5kg heavier than this and got down to 71kg (156lb) but I was only able to enjoy that weight for 6 months, and then 2 years of hard work slowly went down the drain as I got injury after injury, then a few pregnancies, (where I actually lost weight during the pregnancy but re-gained it afterwards) followed by few more injuries with slipped discs in my back and now I'm left with some pretty serious physical issues that affect my ability to exercise, but really I just need to shift the weight to take all the pressure off of my poor back and knees.

    I always find as well that whenever I start to look at my diet or start a new exercise routine that I inevitably end up sick a week or two into it and it throws it all out of whack. So this time I'm making an effort to at least fill out my food diaries and not slack off in that department and hopefully it will carry me through to when I'm able to exercise again.

    I'm also going to look more seriously into weights and toning right from the beginning, I did a lot of it last time I lost weight but only started at the halfway point. I got my body fat down to 18% and could fit into size 10 (Australian sizing) but there was still a lot of work to be done with toning and just looking nice overall, so I'd like to work on that this time from the start, and I'd be seriously happy to just be in a size 12 and comfortable.

    Biggest motivator for me is that I have a 9 year old daughter who is starting to take notice of body size and there is already that huge social pressure to be thin, she's a healthy weight and complains about being fat if her little tummy sticks out after she's eaten. :( She's also had comments from nasty kids at school about how her mum is fat and ugly, I don't want to be the cause of my daughters unhappiness and it's upsetting to think that this is the example I am setting for her and that everytime I feel too lazy to exercise or have no willpower to stop eating crap that it's impacting her, and my other kids lives as well.

    Anyway, that's enough blabbing from me, I'm happy to have a few more friends if anyone else wants to add me too :)
  • AlanahCFit
    AlanahCFit Posts: 53 Member
    Hey I'm 26, 27 in 6 weeks and 5'9. Add me!
  • buftla13
    I'm 28 years and i'm starting tomorrow with BIG plans.Add me for support if you want ;D
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