Didn't Lose this week? Any suggestions?

However, I've lost inches- and gladly take this as well. Last week I did some killer cardio classes- and stuff on my own- and understand I burned many calories. But how much extra of those calories am I suppose to be using? I understand muscle weighs more than fat, and my muscle is really building- But my intake for the day is 1,200- and I burn on some days like approx 500 from exercise. Should I consume the extra calories that are alloted from exercise?? Just a bit confused about this....... any suggestions woud be helpful! I also- consume very balanced meals- or try to at least......


  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Short answer - Yes. Eat your exercise calories, at least some of them. I aim for 50-75% and have been losing steadily. MFP already builds your deficit to lose weight in BEFORE exercise, so when you exercise, you need to eat most of those calories back to keep your deficit at a healthy level. If you continue not eating exercise calories long-term, it could stall your weight loss and mess up your metabolism. Your body NEEDS the extra fuel! If you eat 1200 and burn off 500, you're only getting a net of 700 calories. You wouldn't expect your car to run on empty, so don't expect your body to either! (This is why MFP adds exercise calories to your daily calorie goal in the food long - to remind you to eat them back!)
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Congrats on losing the inches!!! That is a better indicator of success than the darned scale anyway, since the scale measures fat, muscle, water, and all the organs all at once. Inches show you your fat loss. :)

    1200 calories is actually pretty low. I wouldn't dip any lower than that, and in fact, if you are doing some killer cardio classes as well as other stuff (weight lifting, perhaps?) then you may actually benefit from eating more.

    Some people would tell you to eat those extra 500 from the exercise, but I don't believe you have to eat that many more. I would personally add about 100-200 or so simply because 1200 is around most people's BMR which is all you need to survive without exercise...if you do exercise, you need to fuel your body. You can still create a deficit, but if you keep up eating too few calories you may find yourself with less energy and having reduced success. And if it goes on too long, you could be in danger of starvation mode which kills your metabolism.

    I personally eat around 1500 calories, and I alternate weights with cardio 6 days a week. I also consistently see differences in my body, especially body fat percentage and inches, each week.
  • justsomemodgirl
    justsomemodgirl Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks so much! That's kind of what I was thinking- your explanation really helped clarify this for me, and I will take that suggestion into account- You rock!