I Feel Like I am Stuffing Myself Up

I started a 1500 calorie per day program just a week ago. I was obvioulsy eating way more than that before this. I am 245 lbs trying to go down to 210 lbs. I burn 300-400 calories cardio every day. My question is, how come at night, after dinner, I feel like I am stuffing myself up? at that point, I still have 300-350 calories left, and I am "pushing" a glass of milk and fruit or nuts just to get to the 1500 count, (btw, I am subtracting the calories I do in cardio).

Why does it feel like I am over eating at that point?

I don't feel hungry ever.


  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Instead of trying to stuff in all your leftover calories, perhaps you can just add a few more calories to earlier meals. Add a handful of nuts to a snack or some avocado to sandwiches and salads, etc. You can pack in those extra calories you need without adding a lot of food.
  • DancingDreamer
    dont eat it! there is no need to eat if you arent hungry! thats your body telling you "STOOOOPPPP!" sometimes a new diet program will tell you one thing and your body will tell you another. if that happens always ALWAYS listen to your body. it is right.

    dont stuff yourself just because some diet says you should. thats silly.
  • sunshine4me
    sunshine4me Posts: 69 Member
    I'm sure some people will tell you to make sure you get your full 1500 calories in but I'm not one of them. I know sometimes I just don't feel like eating and sometimes my body can't get enough. Listening to your body is important For example, I was working out quite a bit and getting in about 5 miles a day. I wasn't aware at the time that my body had acquired some allergies or a cold, or something but all I wanted to do was sleep and food just wasn't something I wanted! Once my body kicked into recovery mode.... guess what.... HUNGRY! Try to listen to your body and go with it. Don't stop eating but realize that your body may be adjusting to the calories and is happier and satisfied with fewer now!
  • fudJy23
    fudJy23 Posts: 87 Member
    Maybe try to eat more during the day and not save it all until dinner?

    On days when I know I'll be going for a longer bike ride after work, I know about how many calories I'll burn and I'll start eating through those during the day rather than eating them only after I've exercised. If I did that, I wouldn't be able to eat it all either.

    The long rides I do on the weekends are a little tougher since I'm aiming for something like 2500-2800 calories on those days and then I'm eating about once every 2 hours and aiming for consuming about 500 calories at a time until I get it in. My solution for a while was to cut down on the exercise for a bit until I could eat most of what I burned (ride max of 25 miles instead of 30 miles)
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    It also depends on your settings. What is your total calorie deficit set at? Mine is 750 or goal setting of 1.5 lb/wk. So I can leave as much as 250 of my exercise calories not eaten. The trick is not to have a deficit over a 1000. ( It is good to double check what your deficit is because even if you ask mfp to set you at -2 lb/ wk. It won't go that low for some people because it is less then 1200. ) It gives you some wiggle room.
    Don't forget some healthy fats. raw nuts, seeds, avocado, olive oil...... A healthy brain and body needs them.
  • faithstephenson
    faithstephenson Posts: 280 Member
    I agree that if you are truly full, you shouldn't eat more just because you have cals to eat, BUT, if this happens alot, you should look at what you are eating and when. If you eat alot of "low-cal" food, think about replacing some items with more calorie dense foods. They don't have to be low cal to be healthy. Also, if you are not snacking inbetween meals, that's a good way to fit in 100-150 cals at a time that help tide you over, and help raise that cal intake a bit. I know in the past, when I exercised the number of calories I had to eat would be really high, and if I didn't plan ahead, I'd be left w/ alot to eat at the end of the day.
  • gcedillo
    Thanks... it makes sense to use those calories during the day, rather than at night. Makes sense. I was just concerned about the postings warning you about body-shock on starvation mode that will prevent me from losing weight.

    I will try to stuff that sandwich at lunch with avocado, and have an apple, right after my cardio.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    From what I understand, it takes some time for your body to go into starvation mode; it doesn't happen overnight. So, going under your calorie goal now and then is OK. But, yes, if it's something that happens on a regular basis, then adding those calories to your other meals is a good idea. Good luck! :drinker: