Hi I am 23yrs old and weigh 93kgs. And am only 5ft4. I have recently stopped smoking and started eating instead! also I have a one year old so gained weight when I was pregnant with him.
I also work full time so have started going to the gym in the mornings but haven't seemed too lose weight

I have stopped drinking and eating right it is my first week doing my fitness pal but it seems I have been eating the same for last couple of weeks as I am now.

I am sick of being over weight and its making me depressed.
Any advice or tips would be much appreciated.


  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    put up a pic-
  • iamihobo
    iamihobo Posts: 232 Member
    Being 5'4" you should be around 63 kgs or within that range based on a BMI standard but really I would recommend basing it on NSVs like being able to walk up the stairs not out of breath etc :)
    Um water consumptions if really the most important part of weight loss. So drink at least a gallon a day and eat more green veggies - as close to raw as possible.

    And don't be too worried about seeing major changes within two weeks, your body is going to be weirded out by all the changes. especially if you stopped smoking. You're going to be teaching your body to enjoy new habits and that takes at least a month

    This is so exciting! and I'm so happy that you made great new choices for yourself you are so amazing
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    yooooooooo wassup

    first thing i suggest is open your diary (settings > diary settings > public)

    i'll add you to friends, i'll help you do whatever you wanna do, don't listen to 90% of the people on this website.

    (iamihobo is okay to listen to though ;))
  • iamihobo
    iamihobo Posts: 232 Member
    i'll add you to friends, i'll help you do whatever you wanna do, don't listen to 90% of the people on this website.

    (iamihobo is okay to listen to though ;))

    I was about to say Mr Bulk!! Come at me bro! I listen and read! Do my healthy research! ;)
    But he's not wrong. For every person that tells you to do one thing, there's someone who will tell you not to do it.
    You'll need to find what works for your body, and what your body will respond to.
    And Mr. Bulk is a good person to consult with :)
  • ginnylee75
    ginnylee75 Posts: 29 Member

    I understand your frustration. :grumble: You might want to check out the this web sight. ( It got me back on track and is just very reasonable and makes sense. She has recipes that take food that you probably have in the house. Looks yummy but not hard to fix. I have tried a few of the salads. They really taste good, are filling, easy to fix and not expensive . :smile:

    Please give yourself time. We don't diet here, we change our way of eating. Losing weight takes time and as soon as you feel your clothes get loose even though the scale doesn't move much or at all you will know that meeting your daily calorie goal is working. I wish you luck. You can friend me if you want. :bigsmile:

  • VenomdePlume
    VenomdePlume Posts: 3 Member
    Nice work chick! I'll help you out. Its about changing habits, the first habit to change for you is getting really familiar with what you are eating and use MyFitnessPal to log your food religiously. Its 80% eating and 20% exercise. Also, read this:

    Shanann (your favourite client)
  • courtelysepurdom
    Thank you heaps!! Ive tried really hard since i started
    To eat right :) am happy to say still haven't had white bread
    Haha think i need to get some new ideas to cool though..

    After you fill out the food diary and it gives u the calculated weight
    Is that accurate?
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    After you fill out the food diary and it gives u the calculated weight
    Is that accurate?

    I beleive it is just a tease :sad:
    I have been on mfp for a few years, it doesnt like me haha I stick to what it tells me.....nothing......
    So I change things so i can see whats working for me and whats not. Upping calories, lowering calories, upping exercise etc.
    So far not alot haha
    I enjoy loggin so i can maintain my calorie intake and my levels such as sugar, fat, protein and sodium etc. Mfp has so many more options then other sites. I log my fitness and I strive to be in the green!
    i have been in and out of some many different workout plans and at the moment I am on day 8 of the 30 day shred. Its going well!
    Feel free to add me, I like to motivate people and i enjoy reading peoples success, it keeps me motivated!