Just started this week

I stumbled across this website after coming home from a doctors appointment. After the weigh in (190) and the news of my sugar levels getting higher I needed a way to start watching what I am taking in. My problem is not with candy/pies/etc it is the last culprit I would have guessed FRUIT. My nutritionist said to cut my intake of fruit by over half. I laughed (she didn't) when I pulled out of my purse a banana, a plum, and a bag of grapes. This is going to be hard to do but I need to before I become a diabetic like my mother. I welcome any support/chat/new friends and I am excited to get underway.


  • GypsyRoad2
    GypsyRoad2 Posts: 433 Member
    I just started too, kcegirl.....Good luck and we can hang in here together. I, too, do not want to end up being a diabetic like my Mom. I wish someone would tell me how they get their lbs lost on the post????:flowerforyou:
  • I just signed up about 10 min ago. I am 48 and 188lbs and have always been a bit heavy. I had a total hysterectomy in 2003 and have bursitis in my hips. I love food and do not like to run(as I do have somewhat large, sagging breasts and a sagging belly..eewww) I want to feel and be healthy. I will stick with something for two weeks, then that's all. I need help!
  • Hi,

    I have also literally joined minutes ago.

    I was motivated to join because of a MTV show called " I use to be Fat".
    It is a great motivating show check it out.
  • Ruth4111gut
    Ruth4111gut Posts: 289 Member
    Hi ladies,
    I'm not new but I'm always looking for friends that also need to lose weight...feel free to add me
  • I just started I've never been good at losing weight I want to be healthy before I graduate high school this is my last year of school I hope it works.
  • I have been away for a while and wanted to start fresh, so I delited my account. I want to eat better and lose. I have over 100 lbs to lose. Looking for new supportive friends. I hope to be their for other. Good luck to all. Thanks Sheila
  • ellenaj52
    ellenaj52 Posts: 18 Member
    I have been trying to keep my sugar intake low. I feel I have much more energy. Fruit is often very high in sugar content. A chocolate crème filled donut has about 14 grams of sugar and a large banana 20 grams. So, YES too much fruit isn't good either, even though it is a healthy substitute. Yet, for someone who can not tolerate a lot of sugar it can be too much even with healthy foods.

    I tried other diets, nothing seemed to work! Thus, I am now keeping my calories to 1600 per day, I exercise 5 times a week, and am keeping my sugar content no higher than 32 grams per day.

    When I eat I always eat a protein or fat with a carb so it slows down the absorption rate of the carb. I eat every 3-4 hours to keep from getting hungry. I think diets in the past have failed for me as I never really counted the sugars. I feel pretty confident this will work better

    All the low fat foods have now been replaced with MORE sugar. Sugar is not needed. We get enough sugar in foods that we eat.

    already. Our body needs some of the good fats, but we do not need sugar! I think it is causing a whole host of disease in this
    country/ An occasional splurge of some forbidden food is alright. Just not all the time and make it a wanted, desirable spurge.