Hate running... but understand why i need too



  • arlenem1974
    arlenem1974 Posts: 437 Member
    I don't run either and I have lost 60 lbs. since September by mostly walking. Just find something you like and it won't even feel like exercise. That's what I did.
  • berninicaco3
    I'm fat, and I still hate running. I'm 5'7" and 235# on a good day, 240# on a bad one. My shins hurt first, then my feet hurt.

    My newly acquired brother-in-law invited me over for a week of training; he was into jogging for quite a while.
    I don't know if it'll help you, but it helped me a lot...
    My form was terrible, and while you can scream "correct your form! lift your legs! tuck your hips!" all day long, the fact was that certain muscle groups were underdeveloped. I was falling forward more than I was actually jogging, and couldn't manage correct form at all.

    For me, just one week of squats and leg lifts helped immensely, to build the weak muscles on the ground before I actually went jogging. My jog last wednesday was amazingly different.

    You might find that serious study of form (lots of youtube videos), then muscle-specific exercises to make that form possible, helps a lot... the aching shins and sore feet went away.

    That, and take it slow, of course. 1/2mi, then 1mi, then 2miles.

    I'm no coach; I'm just a fellow running-hater trying to get into it :)
    I want to join the military, so for me there is no alternative-- running is how you're measured, and I'll need to learn to do it right.
  • moondawg14
    moondawg14 Posts: 249 Member

    Thanks for some great advice. .

    The simple reason I want to run more is because I want to enter a 5k marathon in January in Manchester, West Midlands.

    I think running is not my thing but I have to try for a solid one month every day and hope I can get to enjoy it more when the weight is less.

    Just an FYI: don't call a 5k a marathon. A marathon is a very specific race, 26.2 miles. Just call it a 5k. :^)
  • Ali_Leeds

    mate anything above 2 mile is a marathon for me lol. anyways thanks for the heads up.
  • Ali_Leeds

    Great advice will definitely look at building more leg muscles and rectify my form if required.

  • berninicaco3
    also, don't kill yourself every day. run every other day-- it needs a day's rest.