How much weight can I lose in two weeks?

Hi there,
Over the last 7 months I have gained a bit of weight, some of it was needed some of it was not. I have always prided myself on my health and fitness but a new relationship has meant a lot more junk food and a bit less exercise along with this was the adding of the pill into my diet. So all of this has created a 5-10kilo weight gain (I have been to scared to weigh myself).
I want to get rid of this weight as quickly as possible and while I know that ten kilos in two weeks is not possible just wondering how much I can lose with the following:

No junk food.
1000 calories or less a day( breakfast, lunch and dinner no snacks)
Drinking only water.
45-50 minute run 6 days a week along with a an workout on those days and two 2 hour dancing classes a week.

So how much weight can I realistically lose following this plan in two weeks?

I'm an 18 year old female, 162cm. I weigh anywhere between 56-63 kilos I want to get back down to 50-53.


  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Why do you think if you put it on in 7 months you are going to take it off in 2 weeks.

    A pace running plus all that dance and eating 1000 calories a day is going to kill you.

    Eat a moderate diet and expect to lose 1-2 lbs a week. Don't worry about exercising it all off. In 2 weeks you'd be lucky to lose 5 lbs and even then it's probably not healthy -sustainable loss.

    What you just described isn't sustainable- AT ALL. I'm cutting for a photo shoot and I'm having a hard time getting under 1500 and I'm not working out 6 days a week- it's closer to like 2-3 at this point because I'm fatiguing so easily.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Why do you think if you put it on in 7 months you are going to take it off in 2 weeks?
    This. Please don't starve yourself and over-exercise. Aim for a reasonable and sustainable weekly calorie deficit for a 1-2lb loss per week. And if you enjoy a bit of junk food here and there, don't cut it out, have it in moderation and fit it into your calorie goals. Make a lifestyle change that you can live with forever.
  • alexw397
    Thanks JoRocka for the response.

    I know it can't come off in two weeks I was just saying how much can I lose in that time frame..

    The problem is though on an average day I would be eating between 1200-1500 calories obviously on days when I do eat crap (usually whenever I'm with my boyfriend) it goes up significantly, and I still haven't seen any results..

    I'm almost a compulsive exerciser I run 8k most days a week. So exercise is nothing new to me. So that's why I think it's food that's the problem. I know a lot of people say that 1000 calories isn't enough but having been through an eating disorder I know that I can survive on a lot less food than that and keep up the exercise.

    Thanks again for responding it means a lot :)
  • alexw397
    Why do you think if you put it on in 7 months you are going to take it off in 2 weeks?
    This. Please don't starve yourself and over-exercise. Aim for a reasonable and sustainable weekly calorie deficit for a 1-2lb loss per week. And if you enjoy a bit of junk food here and there, don't cut it out, have it in moderation and fit it into your calorie goals. Make a lifestyle change that you can live with forever.

    Thanks for the response. I think people are misunderstanding me a bit. I wasn't trying to say I could lose all the weight in a 2 week time frame I was just trying to figure out a number.
    See the problem is I've already made a lifestyle change I went from 84 kilos to 44 kilos in the space of a year. And for two years I maintained that lifestyle of no junk food except on very special occasion (yes I may have took it too far) but since meeting my boyfriend that lifestyle has gone out the window and its kind of what I want to return to...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    get a new boyfriend...
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    If it took you 7 months to gain it then that's what it should take to lose it. Aside from that, you are not even over-weight for your height. Starving yourself and over doing it with the cardio will lead to metabolic problems later on. Been there, did that, and still suffering the effects at 40 yrs old of what I did to my body at 20 yrs old. So, eat healthy food, including fat, as much as you need to be satisfied, and exercise moderately, especially strength training.

    And do NOT expect to lose 1-2 pounds per week since you have very little to lose. That's very unrealistic. Get rid of the deadline too.
  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
    Just because you know you can survive on less than 1000 calories doesn't mean you should do it. Long story short, if you eat 1000 a day or less and exercise as hard as you say you will, one of two things will happen:

    - You will lose the "weight" you are trying to lose in around a month, give or take a week or so. You will then start eating normally again and will gain back the pounds of water weight and muscle that you lost due to crash dieting, will freak out that you are gaining, will crash diet again, rinse, repeat. This is how yo-yo dieting starts.

    - You will not lose much because your body is holding on to its resources as hard as it can, so your metabolism will adapt to run on less without losing weight. You will then cut more and more calories and be miserable. As someone with a previous ED you really should be trying to avoid this scenario.

    You can't choose which of these will happen, your body will. Either way you will be unhappy. Eat at least 1200, more if you're exercising hard, and let it come off slowly. This is how it stays off.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    hey I gained thirty pounds in seven months, can I lose it all in two weeks?
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Why do you think if you put it on in 7 months you are going to take it off in 2 weeks?
    This. Please don't starve yourself and over-exercise. Aim for a reasonable and sustainable weekly calorie deficit for a 1-2lb loss per week. And if you enjoy a bit of junk food here and there, don't cut it out, have it in moderation and fit it into your calorie goals. Make a lifestyle change that you can live with forever.

    Thanks for the response. I think people are misunderstanding me a bit. I wasn't trying to say I could lose all the weight in a 2 week time frame I was just trying to figure out a number.
    See the problem is I've already made a lifestyle change I went from 84 kilos to 44 kilos in the space of a year. And for two years I maintained that lifestyle of no junk food except on very special occasion (yes I may have took it too far) but since meeting my boyfriend that lifestyle has gone out the window and its kind of what I want to return to...

    Ok, I gotcha. You know how to go about it then. Just don't rush it too much. I found this link on one of the forums here yesterday. It's a fantastic explanation on why we should be eating at optimum levels for performance, and not trying for too deep of a calorie deficit.
  • marysidneyherbert
    You shouldn't really hope to lose anything in just 2 weeks. If you lose weight in 2 weeks, it will just be water weight and glycogen stores (which will come right back as soon as you binge or go off the diet). And you will only succeed in slowing down your metabolism, making it harder to lose any real weight. But 2 weeks is enough to begin establishing some better habits and learn about healthy ways to eat and exercise. I would recommend that you read some of the posts that are pinned at the top of this area of the message board. You will learn a lot, believe me--I certainly have. Because it's not about how much you can restrict your calories and be tough on yourself, it's about eating an appropriate amount of calories for your situation--which may be quite a bit more than you think--and getting the right amount and intensity of exercise. (And you should eat back those exercise calories.) Once you become more knowledgeable, you can make a plan and stick with it.
  • cingle87
    cingle87 Posts: 717 Member
    No sure is the OP is srs or just messing with us?
  • alexw397
    Firstly thanks to everyone who has responded. I don't know if it's what I said or people just getting confused but I would've to clear up the fact that I know (and stated in my original post) that I knew I wouldn't be able to lose all of the weight in two weeks I have gone through a 40 kilo weight loss in the past I know how long it takes for weight to come off. I simply asked for a range in the two week period because I have a party and a dancing comp in two weeks and wanted to know how much weight I could lose in that time.

    Thanks so much for your post and advice I will read the posts you have suggested :)

    Thanks again for your response I'm glad you understood where I was coming from :)

    Thanks for your very detailed response, and your right having been through an eating disorder I know the burdens of screwing with your body and I have no intentions to lose that much weight nor cause damage to my body again. Maybe a 1000 calories was too drastic I will try for 12000 and see how that works out for me.
  • alexw397
    If it took you 7 months to gain it then that's what it should take to lose it. Aside from that, you are not even over-weight for your height. Starving yourself and over doing it with the cardio will lead to metabolic problems later on. Been there, did that, and still suffering the effects at 40 yrs old of what I did to my body at 20 yrs old. So, eat healthy food, including fat, as much as you need to be satisfied, and exercise moderately, especially strength training.

    And do NOT expect to lose 1-2 pounds per week since you have very little to lose. That's very unrealistic. Get rid of the deadline too.

    Thanks for your response :)
    I know I'm not overweight in anyway I just want to get back down to my old weight.
  • DCruz83
    DCruz83 Posts: 99
    Without starving yourself, 4-5lbs would be the most realistic loss possible, and even then I think it's optimistic because you say you run nearly everyday so that means your body is used to it, perhaps if you did a different exercise but in any case, like others have mentioned, the less you have to lose, the slowest it comes off.
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    With your current weight...eating less than 1000 calories a day and exercising will lead to weight loss but it will be MUSCLE NOT FAT. Even eating 1200 calories a day is not healthy.

    Relax and don't try to lose a ton of weight in two weeks as whatever you do lose will be muscle and water.

    Eat proper calories... set your goal to 0.5lbs per week and eat your exercise calories back. In two weeks I would imagine, if you did it in a healthy way and not a very unhealthy way, you can lose about 2lbs.

    If you end up eating unhealthy food when you are with your boyfriend, start changing what you eat. You don't have to eat what he eats. You don't have to eat crap foods. Make proper choices and eat enough.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Thanks JoRocka for the response.

    I know it can't come off in two weeks I was just saying how much can I lose in that time frame..

    The problem is though on an average day I would be eating between 1200-1500 calories obviously on days when I do eat crap (usually whenever I'm with my boyfriend) it goes up significantly, and I still haven't seen any results..

    I'm almost a compulsive exerciser I run 8k most days a week. So exercise is nothing new to me. So that's why I think it's food that's the problem. I know a lot of people say that 1000 calories isn't enough but having been through an eating disorder I know that I can survive on a lot less food than that and keep up the exercise.

    Thanks again for responding it means a lot :)

    I can tell you why you aren't losing any weight; it's because you simply don't eat enough. Your BMR is 1897, which is how many calories you need for your body to perform the most basic functions to keep you alive.

    Based on your activity level, your TDEE will be nearly 3000, so to lose 1lb a week (which is a healthy, sustainable weight loss), you should be eating around 2500 calories a day. You are eating 1500 on a good day, and then probably burning 400 off a day during your run.

    By undereating to the extent that you are and then having the occasional 'binge' when you see your boyfriend, you are starving your body, then over-feeding it, so it will be reluctant to lose any weight. Your body has only one thing in mind; to keep itself alive. Why would it burn fat if you are not giving it enough to look after itself?

    Up your calories to a reasonable amount and calm down on the exercise - rest days are just as important.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    If it took you 7 months to gain it then that's what it should take to lose it. Aside from that, you are not even over-weight for your height. Starving yourself and over doing it with the cardio will lead to metabolic problems later on. Been there, did that, and still suffering the effects at 40 yrs old of what I did to my body at 20 yrs old. So, eat healthy food, including fat, as much as you need to be satisfied, and exercise moderately, especially strength training.

    And do NOT expect to lose 1-2 pounds per week since you have very little to lose. That's very unrealistic. Get rid of the deadline too.

    Thanks for your response :)
    I know I'm not overweight in anyway I just want to get back down to my old weight.

    since you do not have much to loose my guess would be 1 pound. i must add that i do not agree/approve with your thinking especially since you have had an ED in the past.

    editted to change amount you COULD POTENTIALLY loose - now that i know what 56 kilos is in pounds.
  • soupandcookies
    soupandcookies Posts: 212 Member

    I'm almost a compulsive exerciser I run 8k most days a week. So exercise is nothing new to me. So that's why I think it's food that's the problem. I know a lot of people say that 1000 calories isn't enough but having been through an eating disorder I know that I can survive on a lot less food than that and keep up the exercise.

    If you've dealt with eating disorders in the past, do you think that restricting to "1000 calories or less" per day, is the best course of action? Severe restriction is a form of disordered eating, as is compulsive exercising. Do you want to travel down that slippery slope? I read all your posts, and I understand that you are not expecting to lose it all in 2 weeks, but your actions extreme exercise and extreme calorie restriction are not healthy - physically or mentally. Just my 2 cents. Take it or leave it. And good luck!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I know a lot of people say that 1000 calories isn't enough but having been through an eating disorder I know that I can survive on a lot less food than that and keep up the exercise.

    i think you need to seek professional help if this is your mentality.