SKINNY FIBER....Negatives?



  • frootloopa
    frootloopa Posts: 2 Member
    I forgot to say that I have celiac disease and I did not have any of the typical gluten issues whatsoever, so I think you can believe that it is gluten free. :)
  • I have been taking Skinny Fiber for almost 4 weeks. As of last Saturday (3 weeks) when I weighed and measured I have lost 2 pounds and 11.2 inches on various body parts, 9 of those inches in my waist. I have not seen any side effects, though I did have a "cleansing" (to avoid TMI) two weeks into taking it and 3 weeks into taking it. I am becoming more regular, and it has curbed my cravings for sweets, which has always been my downfall on diets. I have tried several different diets, and it is the cravings that sidetracked me on every one of them. So I may not be a good person to judge by, having only taken it for 4 weeks, but so far I'm extremely pleased with it. Full disclosure here -- I am also a distributor, but just signed up to become one yesterday -- so not trying to sell it here, just answering the lady's question.
  • there are plenty of reviews on this, i tried it for a little bit and didn't care for it, there are countless amounts of youtube reviews of people stating that they should not use it, it has some giant negatives to go along with it. Like I said when I tried it, I didn't care for it at all,I read up on this review and so far this nifty little system has lost me 25 ibs, im 6 weeks in and it is all natural, check it out:
  • skinnymalinkyscot
    skinnymalinkyscot Posts: 174 Member
    Increasing your fibre intake naturally via fruit & veg or fibre tablets is fine, but beware of taking psyllium husks in powder or tablet form if you have any form of diverticular bowel pouches or have been diagnosed with the same. This product according to my Doctor can clog up the pouches in the bowel and cause inflammation and perforation, which can be dangerous. It does say on the instructions take with water because it swells, I imagine it would be pretty scary if it started to swell halfway down your throat. I do feel it should have a leaflet sold with it showing the contra indications or adverse effects and not just the benefits.
  • kmcgrath1
    kmcgrath1 Posts: 175 Member
    So many 1st posts make this product awesome!
    I was thinking the same thing! I don't trust any opinion on a product that is from a first time poster and no photo.
  • I'm not trying to convince you to do anything -- I'm just answering the question the lady asked. Everyone loses weight in different ways. She didn't ask for opinions as to whether she should take it or not, she asked if anybody had taken it and had any negatives about it. I haven't had any side effects, no bloating, no gas, none of what you would expect from fiber supplements. What I have had is reduced cravings, reduced appetite at meals, and inches lost. If you don't want to take it, don't -- but don't stop someone else from trying something that might be the first thing to work for them.
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