Better to Exercise in the morning or evening



  • Depending on what I have to do for the day, I'm a morning person therefore I exercise in the morning, but will occasional workout mid-afternoon.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    You will burn more fat if you exercise in the morning because as you eat through the day you will increase glycogen levels and then exercise in the evening will burn this and your body will be lessen resistant to releasing fat for burning. My Dad was a Doctor and I remember him saying this too me; I checked it out - as well all can - and its seems to be the case. So for me, morning is best. Hodgie x

    Sorry but no. You can work out at any time of the day, just as long as you work out and are consistent with it.

    I work out in the morning, I've worked out at night, both the same.
  • bluestarlight19
    bluestarlight19 Posts: 419 Member
    I am a morning person but I hate exercising in the morning because everytime I try, I always hurt myself some how. My mind is awake but my body doesn't function. Plus, I get up at 5am for work would have to get up at 4am to exercise and I love my sleep too I love exercising after I get home from work, but it is a time crunch and if I miss that time period, its gone and I have to wait til tomorrow. I don't usually have trouble sleeping unless I exercise past 8pm.
  • MsFitnessDivaLuv2Run
    MsFitnessDivaLuv2Run Posts: 2,168 Member
    I think it depends on the individual.... I like to workout in the mornings because that's when I have the most energy and I know it is done for the day and I don't have to think about it ... also if I do get that burts of evening energy I can always go for round 2.
  • summer8it
    summer8it Posts: 433 Member
    For me, it makes a difference what kind of exercise I'm doing. I do better if I do my strength training in the morning, partially because I'm not exhausted from a day of work already, and partially because I like to be alone while I do it (I work out at home, so if I want to be alone, I have to get up before my husband and son.)

    In the evenings, I practice hooping and stretch, because those are things I can do while I'm hanging out with my husband, listening to music or watching TV. I'm doing an intense program of stretching right now, and I also like doing that in the evenings because my muscles are looser from moving around all day.
  • MG_Fit
    MG_Fit Posts: 1,143 Member
    Whatever works for you

    This exactly. Just get into a routine that works for you.
  • Hodgie12345
    Hodgie12345 Posts: 51 Member
    Glycogen burnt means fat not burnt. Dummies. x
  • japar
    japar Posts: 51 Member
    Agree with all who are preaching the best time to work out is when you can! That said, I am not a morning person, but that is the most manageable part of my day (competing priority...wake up earlier). Here is a site ( and some links that have some interesting information about morning workouts and workouts while fasting (not always the same thing). Enjoy.

  • You can find information on both sides of the camp. IMO do whatever you find more convenient. Worrying about trivial stuff is a quick road to excuses, and excuses lead to missed workouts and failed diet plans.

    There are people who swear working out fasted burns more fat, there have been a few studies that suggest that might be true.

    Then there are others who have their workouts suffer because they don't have enough energy to get a good work out in while fasted. I fall into this camp. I'm half as fast, half as strong, and much more inclined to cut my workout short when I'm fasted. It might not be an issue for people who work out with low intensity, but I 100% kick my *kitten* every time I'm out there. Fasted makes it miserable.

    When it comes to strength training there are two camps as well. Natural body builders will do whatever they can to keep their natural testosterone levels high. It is highest in the AM for men. Many claim to be stronger while taking advantage of this and lift in the morning to push the heaviest weight. There are others who focus on keeping their test levels elevated throughout the entire day. Lifting heavy increases your natural test levels so these guys will lift in the afternoon. The idea behind it is your test is already high in the AM naturally, so increasing it in the afternoon will leave them having more time throughout the entire day in a more anabolic state. I really have no idea if this makes a huge difference, but test being high in the AM and lifting heavy to increase test has been proven to be true. I just don't know if it makes a difference in overall body composition. Then again I have never trained at this level, and they must be doing something right because those natural guys can get freaky huge still without good ol steroids.

    Basically, if you aren't a top tier athlete just get out there. Minuscule advantages or changes are nothing compared to getting your butt out there consistently.
  • rose228822
    rose228822 Posts: 186 Member
    hi as the subject say any tips on morning or evening exercise i do alot of cycling and its starting to get dark in the evenings here in the uk should i bite the bullet start before i go to work

    any advise and tips on this many thanks

    Well if you can fit it in your schedule in the morning you could try it say it gets dark in the evenings so I would just make sure to be safe and well lit if you continue to cycle at night...I workout in the morning and evening sometimes both sometimes when I can fit it in...take care and have fun.
  • mitchiejo
    mitchiejo Posts: 179 Member
    I've done early morning and after work lately just depends on the day. I would like to try and get in the routine of early morning now that the kids go back to school tomorrow. I like to be home when they get home. Have a great job where I get off at 3:30.
  • hannah_ryann
    hannah_ryann Posts: 259 Member
    I run outside so with temperatures right now and my normal energy habits, I like to get my runs in before noon most days. Ideally I'd like to wake up at 7 and go but normally it's more like 9:30-10 before I'm out the door. Running in the evenings during summer is not fun and I don't do it. LOL

    When the seasons change over I'll probably widen my exercise window since the temps won't be as high throughout the day.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Glycogen burnt means fat not burnt. Dummies. x

    Dummies? Classy!

    And where does glycogen get replenished from? Fat reserves or from your food.
    Net calorie balance is the key, don't try and over complicate something with bro science.
  • Hodgie12345
    Hodgie12345 Posts: 51 Member

    Dummies? Classy!

    And where does glycogen get replenished from? Fat reserves or from your food.
    Net calorie balance is the key, don't try and over complicate something with bro science.

    Thats the whole point; it comes from food not fat. And keep your advice to yourself, Bro.
  • crownedether
    crownedether Posts: 13 Member
    Thats the whole point; it comes from food not fat. And keep your advice to yourself, Bro.

    maybe you should keep your insults to yourself

    as for OP, the best time to exercise is when you know you will actually do it. i tried waking up in the morning to exercise but i am not a morning person or even close, so that never worked out very well. i plan my exercise now for when i know i will have time/energy. it just takes a little practice to figure out what works best for you.
  • 40mpw
    40mpw Posts: 75 Member
    Whenever you are most likely to actually do it.

    I'm not a morning person, but if I plan to work out after work, I will spend the whole day coming up with great reasons I should skip the gym. Thus, I get up in the morning and get it over with. But, I will say it has been a years-long process to become a regular morning exerciser.

    My husband likes to do a short workout first thing in the morning and another short workout as soon as he gets home from work.

    Different strokes.
  • MzzFaith
    MzzFaith Posts: 337 Member
    Depends on the person. Me personally in the morning. Feels more energetic the rest of the day