14 Weeks to Christmas Challenge!!



  • cherries1971
    cherries1971 Posts: 15 Member
    WHETHER YOU MANAGED A FULL WEEK WITHOUT CHOCOLATE IN WEEK 1: yes!! not a bit of chocolate passed my lips. And i lost 2lb. yay bonus! :D xxxx
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    WEIGHT THIS WEEK: 126.6 (-1.6 pounds)
    AIM FOR NEXT WEEK: 125.5
    WHETHER YOU MANAGED A FULL WEEK WITHOUT CHOCOLATE IN WEEK 1?! yes. i almost had a chocolate milk after a run but i remembered in time to put it down. if the challenge had been about cheese, that would be different story. lol.

    i'm excited for the 50 extra sit ups! :)
  • kschoono
    kschoono Posts: 344 Member
    Hello everyone! :)

    Current Starting Weight: 148

    C.W. 147

    I am so happy I lost one pound. :)

    I was worried about the chocolate I had, but the exercise helped me burn the calories. :)

    Now, I can't wait to do 50 or more sit ups. :)

    Good luck everyone.
  • Wendybirduk
    Wendybirduk Posts: 92 Member
    Do you realise just how long it takes an unfit person like me to do 50 sit ups!

    Jeez !

    But I did it


    About to die

    But did it
  • missyvanb
    missyvanb Posts: 14 Member
    AIM FOR NEXT WEEK: 137.0
    WHETHER YOU MANAGED A FULL WEEK WITHOUT CHOCOLATE IN WEEK 1?! Yes I failed- My daughert bought me my favorite Candy bar as a Congulations for passing my test. I could not break her little heart. even though I broke a promise to my self.
  • WEIGHT THIS WEEK: 223 (-9 lbs?!?!?)
    I had a chocolate biscuit before I read this thread, but didn't touch chocolate until this morning when the week was up!

    Can't believe I lost so much, I lost 2in off waist too! Don't expect a similar loss next week though, and can't do the sit-ups cos my ankle is sprained, but I might try girly press ups instead!
  • hockey247
    hockey247 Posts: 118 Member
    AIM FOR NEXT WEEK: 162.5
    WHETHER YOU MANAGED A FULL WEEK WITHOUT CHOCOLATE IN WEEK 1? Yup I sure did!!! However, chocolate is easy for me-- its carbs thats my problem.

    I'm definitely excited about 50 crunches. I love physical challenges :)
  • pragya728
    pragya728 Posts: 250 Member
    Location: Foster City, CA, USA
    I like: Being with my friends and family, shopping, hiking, wine
    I don't like: Mean people, traffic, super hot days
    Current typical or usual exercise: Brazil Butt lift and jogging
    Current Starting Weight: 187lbs
    Aim for next week: 186lbs
    Personal 14 week Goal: 173lbs (or less!!)
  • WEIGHT THIS WEEK: 167.8! Worked my *kitten* off for it (It literally hurts!)
    AIM FOR NEXT WEEK: 166.9
    WHETHER YOU MANAGED A FULL WEEK WITHOUT CHOCOLATE IN WEEK 1?! Almost- ate a very small corner of a brownie to check if it was stale (great reason to fail) and an Andes mint chocolate- for my mom's birthday- it's a tradition.

    Already did my 50 sit-ups for today- had to do them in three sets- hoping I will be much better at getting all the way through them in one shot by next week! Woohoo!
  • amandapratt
    amandapratt Posts: 177 Member
    WEIGHT THIS WEEK: 173.0 (-0.8lbs)

    AIM FOR NEXT WEEK: 172.0

    WHETHER YOU MANAGED A FULL WEEK WITHOUT CHOCOLATE IN WEEK 1?! Unfortunately no :( This week was nuts work-wise and I did resort to chocolate between evening meetings to keep me going (Bad I know, but I didn't have a choice. Better snacks have been packed into my fridge so I don't do it again).
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Just found this site today....I am so in for this challenge to motivate me. And of course to get to know some people on here.

    Location: Ontario (Canada)
    I like: reality tv shows, (not just like) but love chips uggggg and reading
    I don't like: being fat
    Current typical or usual exercise: slow walking
    Current Starting Weight: 325lbs
    Aim for next week: 2lbs loss
    Personal 14 week Goal: 25lbs
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    WEIGHT THIS WEEK: - 4lbs from last week!
    AIM FOR NEXT WEEK: - 1lbs (I'm wondering if I'll see some of that 4lbs come back?!)
    WHETHER YOU MANAGED A FULL WEEK WITHOUT CHOCOLATE IN WEEK 1?! Managed a full week w/out it. No major cravings for it either :)

    I'd prefer to put +/- in for my weights instead of what I do weigh. Personal preference. :blushing:
  • WEIGHT...146 :sad: I stayed the same!!!
    Next week aiming once again for 145:flowerforyou:

    GOOD LUCK and I am super excited to do the extra situps....I totally accept the challenge!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Jelybe
    Jelybe Posts: 266 Member
    Location: Scottsdale, AZ
    I like: Photography, Knitting, Rollerblading, Biking, Swimming
    I don't like: Typos
    Current typical or usual exercise: 500 calories from cardio/ 5 times a week
    Current Starting Weight: 139
    Aim for next week: 137
    Personal 14 week Goal: 110 by Christmas Eve! (It's a lofty goal I think but it will be such a happy Christmas if I can do it!)

    Yes, because I get my daily fix from the Myoplex Chocolate Shakes. They do not contain "real" chocolate - so I count it as a success!
  • owengem
    owengem Posts: 131 Member
    WEIGHT THIS WEEK: 215 (2.6lb lost)
    WHETHER YOU MANAGED A FULL WEEK WITHOUT CHOCOLATE IN WEEK 1?! No! But I'll try harder to do this wks challenge tho sit-ups have never been my strong point. 
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    WEIGHT THIS WEEK: 173 (+0.8)
    AIM FOR NEXT WEEK: 171.5
    WHETHER YOU MANAGED A FULL WEEK WITHOUT CHOCOLATE IN WEEK 1? Nope... not even close. On Tuesday I had 20 M&M's and a Skinny Cow Chocolate Truffle bar.... gonna count this week as my first and second!

    woo hoo for situps :D
  • Location: New Jersey
    I like: spending time with my family, friends & boyfriend.
    I don't like: having to FORCE myself to the gym after a long day at work
    Current typical or usual exercise: elliptical
    Current Starting Weight: 136
    Aim for next week: 135
    Personal 14 week Goal: 125
  • Fantastic Idea! Get the weightloss kickstart before the christmas goodies set us all back...

    Location: Pennsylvania - USA
    I like: Spending time with my daughters and husband, I love cooking and baking
    I don't like: failing at goals
    Current typical or usual exercise: Walk to and from school when weather permits. sit ups and push ups, yoga.
    Current Starting Weight: 172.5 lbs
    Aim for next week: 171.0 lbs
    Personal 14 week Goal: 155.0 lbs
  • lose2day
    lose2day Posts: 5 Member
    Good Luck in meeting your goals ...

    Lost 2 pounds this week. : :happy:

    Kept calories the same however dropped my usual number of carbs and upped protein. Did C25K (week 4 day 3) and just started 30 Day Shred (love it... great variety, fast pace).

    Current Weight 146
    Aim for next week 144
    14 Week Goal: 135
  • lose2day
    lose2day Posts: 5 Member
    Just caught this weeks challenge. 30 Day Shred has crunches in it so I'm getting them in. Met last weeks challenge. Must admit I wanted a piece of dark chocolate once or twice but managed to keep it at bay because I thought of this thread.

    "Why is failure and option when success is around the corner?" Jilliam Michaels
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