Tired So Many Times its Embarrassing!!! 100+ to lose

AZhappy1 Posts: 11
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
I have tried so many "diets", "programs", and "fades" ..... And it seems the more I've "tired" the more I've gained in the end. I did great a couple times dropping 80 lbs, lots of 20 lb losses. But I always seem to gain it back and get off track. Jeeze how does this happen over and over again. I've tried so many times - it's now embarrassing to even mention on facebook that I've started something new! Would love to tell all what I'm doing - but I feel like most will think... "wonder how long this will last" . . . .UGH!!! So I guess I'm looking for a new set of friends for encouragement. Ones who are in the same boat as I am. Ones who want to be healthy and happy BUT struggle. I feel so young at heart.... Love going to concerts, (going to see Justin Timberlake in Dec, Collective Soul in a few weeks) Love Gaga. And if I could have a "Fun Wish" I wish I had moves like Janet Jackson. (Seen her for the 2nd time just a few yrs ago in Vegas) Love Love Love Timbaland and the like! So you see, I just need my body to get in alignment with my mind!!!! My body is going to be 50 in December - but my mind is like I'm 30! LOL

I was going to say " I AM GOING TO DO IT THIS TIME" ...... But the fact is... This journey I'm now on.... doesn't have an end. And maybe that's where we all go wrong. I think so many of us have taken on our weight loss like a journey in a car - "Are we there yet?" "Are we there yet?" and then we get bored and just tired of the same old scenery. But like a alcoholic who is battling with sobriety day after day, year after year, I think I've finally come to the realization that I will never reach the end of this road. YES I will reach my goal but then I will set new route to maintain. I will have to stay alert and watch out for road blocks.
Feel free to add me as a friend - I mean seriously.... Who doesn't love a good ROAD TRIP!!!


  • treehugginmom
    treehugginmom Posts: 18 Member
    You definitely need someone you can lean on that understands what you're going thru...I would love to help support you! I have 90 pounds to go, have lost 60, fell off the wagon recently and struggling to get going again. I'll send a friend request..;p
  • Ryane726
    Ryane726 Posts: 16 Member
    Congratulations for getting back to your journey. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I've joined Weight Watchers and cancelled and rejoined, and cancelled. It is embarrassing. The important thing here is that you're back......to do it again....and let's make this the FINAL time!!

    Get back to basics! Start with drinking lots of water and keeping your diary here. Once you've got that under control....add in some light/moderate exercise! That's what I'm doing. Starting out slow......slow and steady wins the race. It's not an overnight change. You didn't gain all the weight overnight, so it will not come off overnight. But....it can come off quicker than it was put on.

    You can do this!

    Please friend me if you'd like! I completely understand where you're coming from!!
  • fatoldladyonamission
    fatoldladyonamission Posts: 572 Member
    I'm with you too! Have at least 150 to lose and would like to lose more, just trying not to lose motivation because that road is so long! I'm exactly like you in that I haven't told anyone except my husband and the lady that sells me the herbalife stuff what I'm doing because I don't want them all to think 'here we go again, give it a couple of weeks and she'll get back to normal!' Which I'm sure is what they all thought before. Plus I've been really stupid and completely avoided all my friends for the best part of a year because I was too ashamed to let them see how fat I am! So now I don't want them to know it's this bad, hence nothing on Facebook.

    So here we go, let's do it this time! Feel free to add me if you want a supportive and encouraging friend to help you through it :)
  • Oh_Allie
    Oh_Allie Posts: 258 Member
    I've lost 90 pounds in the past, gained it back, lost some, gained it and now I have 150+ to lose. I recently fell off the wagon myself and am back today because it's time. I'm so ready. I need all the friends I can get because I'm struggling. I'm sending you a friend request because I think we're on a similar path and I love road trips. :)

    Also, anyone that wants to add me is more than welcome. The more encouragement, the better, right?
  • suzieb1801
    I'm with you all the way over 100 lbs and it just seems like I will never get to the top as I've tried everything and I'm always in a diet!! My partner just looks at me with those oh no not another one look . And every time I start I have so much motivation and could take on the world but just when I start to do ok I think I could just have a we something (I've done so well) and that escalates and the next thing I have a few beers or a wine and think f@@k the diet and I'm back at the beginning feeling like the biggest person in the room and so unhappy I've let myself down I am and always have been a yo yo dieter but although I have made my target before I have never been 238 lbs before Befriend me if you like and we can motivate each other
  • 1longroad
    1longroad Posts: 642 Member
    Hi, welcome to the new you!! This site works and keeps me motivated to keep going, as there are so many really nice people here that are very encouraging!! Sending a friend request!!
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Sometimes something just has to click. I started this "journey" January 2012, just by watching what I ate, not having seconds and skipping the numerous sweets that are always in my office and progressed from there. I don't know why this time was different, like you I tried many many times to lose weight. It has been a slow process and I've had to have a lot of patience (which for me is tough), but it definitely paid off. Feel free to add me if you like.
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