cant stop eating

vanillagirl86 Posts: 12 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
I started dieting a two weeks ago! and things have drastically gone down hill. all of a sudden i am binge eating i have no control I am gaining so much weight! how does everyone stay motivated? I cant do it! i am becoming more powerless then i have ever been. i need tips to control wanting to eat. I will eat lunch and then i will eat more and more and more and when i am finished i feel sick sometimes i even have to puke...I am so stressed about losing weight that i am gaining weight from eating! UGH! what should i do?


  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Whoa! Hang on tight! We can get you on track! It would be very helpful if you open up your food diary though. That way, we can offer suggestions on your diet.

    But, just off the top... drinking LOTS of water, eating foods that contain fiber and getting enough protein will help you stay full.
    Eating 5 meals throughout the day instead of 3 big meals helps too.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Also, eating foods with low nutritional value, processed foods, high sugar content can actually bring on cravings and made you feel hungry. Eating sugar makes your body want more sugar! So, eating the right types of foods IS important. Think about eating whole, natural foods.... lots of veggies, whole grain breads & pasta, lean protein and healthy fats.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    I started dieting a two weeks ago! and things have drastically gone down hill. all of a sudden i am binge eating i have no control I am gaining so much weight! how does everyone stay motivated? I cant do it! i am becoming more powerless then i have ever been. i need tips to control wanting to eat. I will eat lunch and then i will eat more and more and more and when i am finished i feel sick sometimes i even have to puke...I am so stressed about losing weight that i am gaining weight from eating! UGH! what should i do?

    It a.ll depends what you eat that starts off the vicious circle and usually it is carbs.

    People eat carbs and then crave more, so they eat more carbs. Then they crave even more and so they give in. This then, makes them crave even more and so on and so forth it goes, round and round and round.

    The trick is to not start that in the first place and it might be a good idea for you, that when you get up in the morning, to eat a breakfast that is high in protein (such as eggs), so that it fills you up. This will make it easier for you to resist temptation - after all you are on a weight loss crusade, no crap, right?

    When it comes to lunch, eat something with protein in (such as chicken), this will fill you up. Then comes dinner and guess what? Yes, more protein.

    You see, protein is so filling and it helps no end against snacking and that is good, surely.

    Once you are over the first day, the second will become just that little bit easier, the third even more so and the fourth (providing you eat properly in a balanced way and do not skip meals), it will start to get a little exciting at this stage as you are now halfway through the first week and halfway to your weigh-in!

    In a nutshell, do not skip meals, ensure you have breakfast and eat protein at every meal. Eventually the cravings for snacks and rubbish wane and when you no longer crave them at all, you will know you are well on your way to your goal weight xxx
  • ashtonscoggins
    ashtonscoggins Posts: 105 Member
    Im sorry :( Binge eating is no good! I think everyone is different and their plan is different. But what helps me is eating more meals through out the day or eating low calorie foods all day. Keeps the food going in but not the calories going up! I found myself binge eating every now and then when I would see things I completely cut out of my diet. Which unless there is a medical reason to Im no longer doing that! I go from eating sweets and cakes to none at all and feeling depressed when I see someone who does. Then I find myself alone with a cake and its gone! and I feel in heaven..then guilty. So no more of that! If I want to eat ice cream then im going to! Not as much as I was , and better kind but I wont deprive myself of it then I freak out and become the cookie monster! Just dont give up and you can do it! Since I started this site 45 days ago ive only lost 6pounds when there is people who are losing that In a week or two! Its dishearting but I have to remember its 6 pounds less than what I was and this time I will keep it off since im not going for crazy diets any more! Just eating better.I wish you all the luck in the world and YOU CAN DO IT!!
  • wyld4eva
    wyld4eva Posts: 58 Member
    I have gone through many periods like this. Where I eat even when I am not hungry, just like a compulses of tick. The best I can tell you is log everything and look back often. Take it day by day, I was trying to take weight loss week by week and that was self destructive. If you feel the need to eat, brush your teeth, all food taste yucky after toothpaste. That will buy you sometime to decide why you want to eat, try to really get in touch with that reason why. It will also give you something to do rather than eat and you can talk yourself down.

    I also try to eat at least 5 grams of fiber with each meal it helps to fill you up. Drink a glass of water right before each meal and if you have to another glass after. Hope this all helps the brushing teeth thing works for me it kills that eating urge. I have also got on this and blogging (so far I have done it twice) to talk myself down from a food craze.

    Good Luck feel free to friend me if want. I hope these ideas help.
  • jaded_rose
    jaded_rose Posts: 298 Member
    Don't stress! You can't be so hard on yourself. I've been off-and-on dieting for three years now and have only gotten serious within the last 5 weeks (going on 6). it's taken me a long time to get to where i am. The others are right and you need to pick healthy snacks and you do crave what you eat. If you eat carbs and processed foods such as potato chips that's what you'll crave. if you don't have them on had then eventually you won't crave them anymore. And high fiber foods will keep you fuller longer so that's a good start too.

    I found it helps just not to buy those foods and have several healthy snacks (carrot sticks, celery, apples...) on hand and if I want to snack quickly I have to pick from them. Another tip I got from my sister-in-law was do-act-instead. its like if you're hungry try doing something instead (like the dishes or go for a walk) If your still hungry afterwords then have some carrots & a glass of water.

    Another thing I still find myself doing is stopping to ask myself if I'm really hungry or is my head telling me to stuff my face. Most of the time it's my head.

    Don't for get to take it one day at a time. Rome wasn't built over night & neither is changing how you eat.
  • FitBy30_2014
    FitBy30_2014 Posts: 38 Member
    So sorry that you are going through this! I was you only a couple days ago. On Monday I wrote down everything I ate for the day and it equaled over 5,000 calories!! Unbelievable. It's hard to see ourselves live in such an unhealthy (emotionally and physically) way. The best thing to do when you feel you have lost control dig deep inside yourself and know that YOU are in control and only YOU have the power to change yourself. What gets me back on track when I step off is knowing that the reward from weight loss is more than the instant reward and then long guilt after a binge! You CAN do this and you WILL do this. Look at every day as a new day.... wow, if we could all take our own advice right?! Start over as if it is a brand new day and let the past be the past. Easier said than done, believe me I know!... but girl, there is light at the end of the tunnel! If you need help, I'm here. We can do this together. We are all here for you.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    In the end, only YOU can help yourself when it comes to diet and exercise. A lot of the tips about eating enough protein, fiber, not skipping meals, etc. are great - but there are often emotional reasons behind our interaction with food. I would suggest you do some self-exploration: What is triggering you to binge/overeat? Boredom? Anxiety? Sadness? Happiness? All of the above?

    When you have figured out your triggers, make a plan on how to deal with the situation. Find someone to talk to, write in a journal, go exercise, go for a walk, play a game, read a book - find ways to change your reaction to those situations so that it doesn't involve food. Combined with this, try to plan out your meals ahead of time so that you have a concrete plan to stick to - it really helps!

    Finally, you have to stop saying that you can't do it, that you don't have control, etc. Negative words do impact our experience and can have a self-defeating effect. Start telling yourself that you CAN do this and that you CAN have self-control. Believe what you are saying. Make a list of all the reasons that you want to lose weight and be healthy - the reasons can be selfish, funny, serious - anything that is motivating you. Surely there's a reason why you joined MFP to begin with? Be completely honest with yourself, and read it outloud. Keep it someplace that you can access it in case you feel your willpower starting to fade.

    You CAN do this, you WANT to do this - you just have to help remind yourself of that, and rewire your physical reactions to emotions to make the process easier. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • First of all, i want to say that I think a LOT of us have been there. You're not alone.

    Food can be really dangerous. It's everyone, it's accessible, and we learn through the media from a young age that it can solve our problems.

    At risk of sounding airy-fairy, what worked for me was a mantra. Or, a series of mantras.

    "I have no control" became "I'm so much stronger than this bull****"
    "I will always be fat" became "I am thin and trim and perfectly fit"

    Even when I ran, "This is tough" was delllllllliberately changed to "I am an athlete." About a year later, I ran my first half-marathon.

    I think positive self-talk can be very powerful. It just takes time for it to really, really really kick in.
  • hplvt
    hplvt Posts: 62
    It may not feel like it, but the hardest part is over, you reached out for help!
    Read and reread all these posts- you are not alone,
    Start looking for triggers, I know for me if I don't drink all
    My h20 I have a errible time getting thru the evening.
  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member
    It took me a few weeks to get used to the lower calories. The last few weeks haven't been as hard. I also allow myself one binge meal a week - Friday night: Burger, fries and beer. When I feel deprived, I remind myself that I get that meal, so I need to stick with it.

    Keeping busy is huge for me. When I'm teaching, it's not as hard. The weekends are the worst.

    I think once you start losing, it will be easier to stay motivated. I just hit 7 pounds today. I put on a pair of jeans yesterday I hadn't worn in over 2 weeks and they were loose. If you have these things, you will stay motivated.

    When I feel like eating, I remind myself why I'm doing this. I was out of control. I want to be healthier. And I want to look good. It helps if you have a reason or multiple reasons.

    The first few weeks are the hardest. It's a constant battle to not give in. Plan your meals and snacks ahead of time, then stick with it. If it's not on your meal plan, you don't get to eat it. That's been the biggest saver for me. My food diary is the boss of me.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    When I first started my journey I used a few tools:

    1: cinnamon tablets, helps against sugar craving and regulates blood sugar.
    2: sugar free chewable Fiber Choice tablets. Helps with fullness.
    3: Super Dieter's tea any flavor
    4: more protein, helps ward against cravings still.
    5: Lipton Green tea, keeps me awake. When we're sleepy we grab for food.

    Good luck.
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