Hey everyone! 25yo w/PCOS

Hey y'all! I'm looking to meet some friends here.. We all need ALL of the support we can get!
I suffer from PCOS, and I'm looking to relieve my symptoms, as well as get healthy again.
Add me, and lets help each other reach our goal!!


  • xlipservicex
    xlipservicex Posts: 54 Member
    I'm going to add you! I have PCOS too and I'm the same age
  • I'm 20 and could always use friends. I'll add you. :)
  • xpinkrockrx
    xpinkrockrx Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks ladies! I'll have your back ;)
  • xpinkrockrx
    xpinkrockrx Posts: 48 Member
    PCOS is horrible :( my dr said the only way I'm going to beat it is to lose weight.. So, here I am!
  • 23 with PCOS as well! Love to have you on my list :)
  • rachelboddy
    rachelboddy Posts: 115 Member
    PCOS is horrible :( my dr said the only way I'm going to beat it is to lose weight.. So, here I am!

    Which is ironic, because PCOS causes weight gain and all sorts of other issues!! I feel your pain. I have PCOS as well. I'm 28.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Check out the groups section (Groups link above). There are some PCOS groups where you might find friends / support.
  • JoesApple
    JoesApple Posts: 26 Member
    Well...I'm 35, but also have PCOS. :flowerforyou:
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    31 with PCOS as well. I totally get the "I need to lose weight to help my PCOS, but the PCOS makes it harder to lose weight!" dilemma. If you're insulin resistant (which most people with PCOS are), you can try knocking carbs down. Anyways, you CAN beat this!
  • xlipservicex
    xlipservicex Posts: 54 Member
    PCOS is horrible :( my dr said the only way I'm going to beat it is to lose weight.. So, here I am!


    We've been trying to have a baby for over a year and it's just stopping everything so I've decided it's time to get it under control for good
  • fitmomhappymom
    fitmomhappymom Posts: 171 Member
    I also have PCOS and strangely enough I was diagnosed 6 years after I had my first child. (I blame crappy processed foods as i've never in my life been over weight) Add me, I can definitely relate to the hormone related weight gain.
  • xlipservicex
    xlipservicex Posts: 54 Member
    anyone else can feel free to add me too if they want :)
  • 29, PCOS, beating it! Add me if you like. I can say that the biggest impetus in my weight loss wasn't just calorie restriction- it was moving my body more, going GLUTEN FREE, bathing my innards with vitamins, and restricting carbs in general. It is my belief that medication is not needed to treat PCOS except in extreme cases.

    For more resources on the topic, I frequently visit www.pcosdiva.com. Love it.
  • TayzerFun
    TayzerFun Posts: 45 Member
    Hello! I'm 25 also, and the doctors believe that I have PCOS as well. :( This weight loss stuff is the pits with PCOS! I've been dealing with my weight since I was 16. I'm hoping to lose about 80lbs so I can start a family some day.
  • amyjax
    amyjax Posts: 102
    I'm a 29 mum of one with PCOS, slowly losing weight.
  • himenaya
    himenaya Posts: 42 Member
    I'm 24 and in the same boat. PCOS has caused the weight to shed off slowly but it will shed eventually as long as you keep at it! Right now my husband and I have been trying to conceive, but as every woman may know, PCOS causes major complications in getting pregnant.Hopefully losing the weight can bring me one step closer to becoming a mother. :) Friend request sent! <3
  • Betty_Canada
    Betty_Canada Posts: 85 Member
    PCOS is horrible :( my dr said the only way I'm going to beat it is to lose weight.. So, here I am!

    Not true. Weight gain is often symptomatic (i.e. it is a result of poly, not the cause).

    Nothing is going to allow you to beat PCOS. It's going to be with you forever. (I'm turning 40 this fall, and I had poly at 140 lbs when I was 23 and I had poly at 250 lbs when I was 37 and I have it at 180 lbs at 39.)

    You CAN manage specific symptoms. If you are insulin resistant, Metformin may help, but a low GI diet will help more (Metformin is a powerful anti-androgen in its own right, which is why it is proscribed to many women with PCOS). Hirsuitism can be managed with spirinolactone or topical creams like Vaniqua. For anovulatory women, it is common to proscribe a six month round of birth control pills, even if you are trying to conceive, to restore menstrual function. Depression (another common side effect) can be managed with SSRIs or NaSSA antidepressants, either in the short term to restore balance, or possibly as a lifelong course of treatment. Under or overactive thyroid can be treated with synthetic or extracted hormones.

    For many women, losing weight can help with the testosterone imbalance that is at the heart of PCOS. It's not a guarantee, but since estrogen is stored in fat cells, reducing body fat can free it up to do its job. Losing weight may regulate your cycles, but it may not - not all women with poly are overweight, and many are normal or underweight.

    Many doctors do not understand this syndrome, and you're going to have to do a lot of investigation and research on your own. Even if you are NOT trying to conceive, try to get a referral to a reproductive endocrinologist, as they will have a better grasp on the condition and can help you assess and manage your particular symptom set.

    Welcome to the cysterhood.

  • Wildflowerangel
    Wildflowerangel Posts: 52 Member
    Adding you! I'll be 25 in November and am trying to get myself healthier.
  • debralekicsummers
    debralekicsummers Posts: 56 Member
    I am 40 and also have pcos. I am determined to loose he weight. You are welcome to add me. Good luck on your journey. You are as strong as you believe yourself to be!:smile:
  • xpinkrockrx
    xpinkrockrx Posts: 48 Member
    That is true, about doctors not understanding the condition. I was told at 18, "welp, here's some birth control...good luck!" I have moved and seen a few more doctors since then. One gave me a cocktail of spiro, metformin, and Yaz...which I found out is VERY dangerous. But three gyno's and an endocrinologist all told me the same thing- it's impossible to lose weight with PCOS, but if you do, it (PCOS) will be practically nonexistent.
    I took myself off of the BC and spironolactone, and stayed away from Metformin after taking it for months and being so tired I couldn't function. But earlier this year, I lost about 25lbs in 2 1/2 months going low-carb and going to the gym everyday, and my cycle came back on its own...on time every month, three months straight. In the past, I was lucky to get that even on birth control! But 4 or 5 vacations after that, I'm back where I started :(
    But I am determined!!!
    The funny thing is, my weight's not distributed evenly. I have the IR tummy and huuuge boobs. That's it...tiny legs, tiny arms. My "skinny" friends tell me they are jealous of my legs haha