Need support & friends

Hello My name is Jenn and I'm 23 years young :) Im a full time student and a mother to a one year old. I started my journey in May 2013. Ive always been the chubby one around. I have an older sister that is skinny and can eat whatever she wants and no one judges her. If I would even pick up anything to eat family members would point it out that I am fat and eat too much. I decided to make a change in my life. I wasn't going to care about what people think of me but to do this for myself. I started at 213 and my current weight is 201. Im so close to being under 200 and looking forward to seeing 199 on that scale. Its been YEARS since ive seen that number. but of course I will not stop there. I dont really get support from anyone besides my lovely fiancee and it would be nice to have some support from this site, so feel free to add me and help me get to my goal weight. :smile:


  • Elheffe99
    Elheffe99 Posts: 27 Member
    Hey Jenn! Great job on coming out here and starting to make your change! I just came back after a long hiatus. I saw you were in So Ca so wanted to say hi! I'll send you a request!
  • xeno8604
    xeno8604 Posts: 193 Member
    Hey, name is Jesus, good to hear that you are making progress on your journey, you will soon see that 199 lb mark. I myself was happy when I hit that mark. Add me if ya wish, we can motivate each other to do our best.
  • Hi Jenn I'm Valerie and also cant wait to see 199 on the scale! I started at 222 and am currently at 214. I am very proud of your progress!!! I just got engaged and need to lose a lot for the engagement pictures, wedding dress shopping and everything else! When are you getting married? I will send you a friend request so we can motivate eachother along the way :)
  • NattyJayne1991
    NattyJayne1991 Posts: 25 Member
    You've done well so far :) this app will hopefully help you reach your goals :) I know how you feel family wise, everyone in my family is a lot smaller than me, despite their sweetness in telling me I look alright.

    I'll be your friend :) ive only really used the diary side of this app so keen to make new friends who want similar things :)

  • Thanks everyone! looking forward to working on this with all your supports :)
  • Hi Jenn I'm Valerie and also cant wait to see 199 on the scale! I started at 222 and am currently at 214. I am very proud of your progress!!! I just got engaged and need to lose a lot for the engagement pictures, wedding dress shopping and everything else! When are you getting married? I will send you a friend request so we can motivate eachother along the way :)

    We will be getting married in November of next year. Im so excited and yes looking forward to actually wear a dress that I feel comfortable in, not hanging out everywhere lol. Congrats on your engagement! Its amazing to find your other half.
  • I'm embarrassed too! Family will point out that I don't need to eat something and I hate eating in public or carrying leftovers home. Part of the reason I don't loose is b/c I don't eat enough throughout the day and what I do eat is sometimes good for me sometimes not. It's awesome that you've lost what you have. I also would love to break past the 200 mark for the first time since......idk before highschool??
  • laurabelle888
    laurabelle888 Posts: 16 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • catwomun
    catwomun Posts: 35 Member
    I know how you feel. It always feels like people are judging what I put in my mouth, no matter what it is. Even when it's healthy, I get comments. I am so happy for you reaching the "ONE"derland. It will be a ways yet before I reach that but feel free to add me so we can motivate each other. :D
  • ajsquale
    ajsquale Posts: 38 Member
    Great job so far! I'm at about the same weight you are! I started off around 210, and I just recently hit 197 lbs. I'm trying really hard to never make it back into the 200s, so it's motivation to keep losing!
  • ronkelley2
    ronkelley2 Posts: 66 Member
    be happy to have you as a friend... add if would like to