Is too much Protein a bad thing?

It seems like I go over on my protein every day...

Is it going to be detrimental to my overall results?


  • stef_monster
    stef_monster Posts: 205 Member

    I've wondered about this, too. I've been doing lots of lifting lately, and getting about 1 gram per pound of LBM (at the very least- on days I lift, it's more). I've been making sure that it fits into my calorie goal. I love the results I've gotten so far from lifting 3x per week and cardio 5-6x per week, but I wonder if about the effects of consuming too much. I'm not talking about the sugar, carbs, fat, sugar alcohols, etc that get slipped into protein supplements, either- just the protein itself.

    Good homework assignment for today, I think :)
  • shannashannabobana
    shannashannabobana Posts: 625 Member
    It seems like I go over on my protein every day...

    Is it going to be detrimental to my overall results?
    You can change your % of protein per day. I upped mine and struggle to get enough sometimes...
  • NarneyK
    NarneyK Posts: 264 Member
    I wish I had that problem. I switched to 40/30/30 and am under everyday. I eat way more protein then I ever did, but I still have trouble hitting my requirements. What are your macros set to? Maybe your settings are low and that is why you go over?
  • stevesilk
    stevesilk Posts: 204 Member
    Great question. Your diary isn't visible so can't be specific, but you are probably fine. The protein macro is normally low in the standard percentages, and even if you are higher, you're unlikely to consume "too much". I'm assuming that you are also consuming healthy fats and carbs along with those, and you are consistently at your calorie goal per day. Realize that if you are maintaining and overeating your calories, your body will store excess as fat, regardless of the source. But if you are knocking out a few carbs and adding some extra protein, that actually is helpful, especially if you are lifting heavy. Helps to maintain your lean body mass. I would relax and keep lifting. Good luck.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    Yes, hence the phrase "too much."
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    Yes, hence the phrase "too much."

    oooh, that's deep brutha, that's deep.
  • rassha01
    rassha01 Posts: 534 Member
    Yes you can take in too much protein and it can lead to kidney issues (doubt you will get that high), also your body can only use up a certain amount of protein each day so once you get passed say 1.5-2 grams/lb of body mass it is not beneficial anymore and the body just passes it through.
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    Yes you can take in too much protein and it can lead to kidney issues (doubt you will get that high), also your body can only use up a certain amount of protein each day so once you get passed say 1.5-2 grams/lb of body mass it is not beneficial anymore and the body just passes it through.

    sounds like a brilliant strategy for staying full without adding usable calories...
  • Morn66
    Morn66 Posts: 96
    For me, it is, since I'm on moderate protein restriction at the moment. ;)

    But for normal people...Probably not. What your body can't use on any given day, it will simply eliminate, one way or the other. Such elimination can strain your kidneys, but if you're not at extremes on an on-going daily basis, you likely need not worry.

    That said, I don't see any reason why anyone would want to eat more protein than they actually need; some folks do seem to be protein-obsessed. :) Of course, I suppose the problem is determining how much you actually need. Opinions differ about that.
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    Eating large quantities of protein won’t do any damage in healthy individuals, but those with pre-existing kidney dysfunction may worsen their condition.

    I suggest watching this video by Layne Norton who has a PHD in protein metabolism.

    BioLayne Video Log 4 - Myths About Protein
  • AceyFace87
    AceyFace87 Posts: 15 Member

    I've wondered about this, too. I've been doing lots of lifting lately, and getting about 1 gram per pound of LBM (at the very least- on days I lift, it's more). I've been making sure that it fits into my calorie goal. I love the results I've gotten so far from lifting 3x per week and cardio 5-6x per week, but I wonder if about the effects of consuming too much. I'm not talking about the sugar, carbs, fat, sugar alcohols, etc that get slipped into protein supplements, either- just the protein itself.

    Good homework assignment for today, I think :)

    I just looked up the reccommended amount for someone like me and I actually need to take in twice as much! Oh my! lol
  • AceyFace87
    AceyFace87 Posts: 15 Member
    It seems like I go over on my protein every day...

    Is it going to be detrimental to my overall results?
    You can change your % of protein per day. I upped mine and struggle to get enough sometimes...

    Yes, I am going to! Right now it is set at 50g/per day but I actually need about 113-213 g/per day! Oh my goodness!
  • JaxDemon
    JaxDemon Posts: 403 Member
    Excess protein will just be took to the liver and peed out so to speak
  • AceyFace87
    AceyFace87 Posts: 15 Member
    I wish I had that problem. I switched to 40/30/30 and am under everyday. I eat way more protein then I ever did, but I still have trouble hitting my requirements. What are your macros set to? Maybe your settings are low and that is why you go over?

    It was set too low. I upped it! :) Crisis averted