Calling all ladies..How many calories do you consume?



  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    Age : 40
    Height : 5'6
    Daily Calorie intake : NET 1500 - normally eat between 2000 - 2500
    Workouts; walk, walk, walk, @ 10k - 17k steps + a day I burn at least 2k per day
    Weight loss goals: Have lost 60 lbs so far, another 30 ish to go though I am planning to start lifting soon.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    What’s your stats: Scorpio, born in the year of the Rabbit.
    Age: 25
    Height: 5'3", give or take .5
    Daily Calorie intake: set to 1825 as of this week, was 1725 before (averaged 1690 or so for the past two weeks)
    Workouts: Strength training 3 days a week (30-40 minutes each) and then I try to get 1-3 hours of cardio, but that doesn't always happen.
    Weight loss goals: 20% bodyfat, which I'm hoping will happen around 135-130; body fat calcs say I'm at about 26% now.
  • jpolinisse
    jpolinisse Posts: 149 Member
    What’s your stats:
    Age - 29
    Height - 5'6
    Daily Calorie intake - 1,800-2,000
    Workouts - Cardio and Resistance Training 4 days a week
    Weight loss goals - Reduction in body fat %, roughly 15-20 pounds in additional weight loss
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    Age: 34/F
    Height: 5'7
    Daily Calorie intake: Around 1500
    Workouts: HIIT cardio 3 days per week / heaving lifting 3 days per week - 6 workouts per week total
    Weight loss goals: 24 more lbs to go
  • memawx12
    memawx12 Posts: 11 Member
    Age: 65
    Ht: 5'3"
    Wt 199

    I'm following the MFP recommendation of 1200 calories per day. I 'cheat' every Sunday because we eat out after church. I have lost 31 pounds in 3 1/2 months. My exercise is mainly walking 30-40 minutes about 4 times a week, but also do some arm exercises with 2 lb weights. Sometimes I ride stationary bike instead of walking. According to what everyone is saying, I should be eating more calories, but I am scared to do that. Especially since I don't do an extreme amount of exercising.
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    What’s your stats:
    Age 43
    Ht: 5'10
    Wt: 136 - 138
    Daily caloric intake: 1800-2000
    Weight Goal: Maintenance

    I run 4 or 5 times a week, between 25 and 40 miles, depending on whether I'm training for something. i do either a boot camp or a HIIT class 3x a week - that's primarily bodyweight exercises - and I lift weights 3x a week.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Age: 30
    Height: 5'1
    SW: 245lbs
    CW: 178lbs
    Daily Calorie intake: 1500 + exercise cals

    M/W/F - Strength training (45-70min) w/ opt light cardio (10-20 min) after
    T/TH/Sat - Cardio (30-90min)
    I'll do a mix of hot/vinyasa style yoga or tai chi and elliptical or treadmill...or some workout dvd
    Sunday - Shanti Yoga (30-60min).

    Weight loss goals: 18-20% body fat
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    Age - 40
    Height - 5'7"
    Weight - 127 today
    Calorie intake - 2000+, up to 2500

    I lost averaging 1700 or so calories a day.

    Exercise - 4x week heavy lifting 60-90 minutes, 4 major lifts plus some accessories, 2x week 60+ minute walks, 2x week running 30 minutes (5K).
  • tmm_0127
    tmm_0127 Posts: 545 Member
    About 1400-1600 a day
    Just started doing cardio and weights about 4-5 times weekly (about 20-30 minutes at a time), lots of walking, some swimming, some aerobics
    I'm at 143 right now, I want to get down to between 115-125 where ever I end up feeling comfy really.
  • suziepoo1984
    suziepoo1984 Posts: 915 Member
    1485 + eating back most exercise calories
    Run 3x week, Strength 2x week
    Very close to goal/about 5 lbs away

    I calculated my TDEE at no exercise level and took that number minus 20% for my calorie goal. Since I calculated it without exercise, I eat most of my exercise calories back.

    ^^Same height and same calories :) But i am 29
  • yellowbd
    yellowbd Posts: 19 Member
    1650 + sometimes eating workout calories back if I am starving
    Cardio 7 days a week and weight training 5 days a week
    I dont want to lose any weight just get some mad muscle going
  • amandatapar
    amandatapar Posts: 246 Member
    Calories per day: 1200-1500, only around 1500 when I work out otherwise 1200.

    I've lost 52 pounds so far and have 31 more to go. I am 5 foot 8 inches tall and started out at 223 pounds. I work out 3-5 days a week and do a hr of cardio each of those days and sometimes do some weights.
  • DesireeNL
    DesireeNL Posts: 220 Member
    Age 32
    Height 152cm - 5'0"
    Average 1500 calories a day
    Lifestyle mostly sedentary. I train with the C25K program 2-3 times a week, and I hike once a week for approx. 2 hours.
    Goal is getting fitter, and in the process lose the last couple of kg's.
    BHKLEIN Posts: 104
    Age: 28

    Height: 5'3"

    Calorie Intake: 1200-1400 +exercise cals (sometimes more if I exercise rigorously or feel like eatting more)

    Workout: While at work I do planks, side planks, back extentions, bridge, squats, neck and shoulder stretches, various different arms curls (both with 8 lbs free weights and resistant bands with handles) : I work in an office and sit on butt all day so I shut my door 3-4 times a day and workout a little. I also take a 35 mins walk at lunch every day. Then I'll go home at night and walk with my daughter in the stroller and dogs for 60-90 mins and play with my kiddo outside or at the park occasionally after that.

    Weight goal: started at 190, currently at 135, goal weight 123-127.
  • ladygrly
    ladygrly Posts: 17 Member
    33 years old
    1200 calories + exercise
    Bootcamp 2-3 x / week
    Spinning 3 x / week
    I have about 9 more pounds to lose. I have been as low as 117 pounds before by giving up sugar and carbs. However, when I did it before I had ZERO cheat days for about 4 months! I lost weight for my wedding and we totally psycho about it. Now I just want to get to back to my "20s weight" of 125, which is healthy and looks good on me. Another thing I do is only claim 300 calories/workout on MFP. That way I am not eating all of my calories back. Perhaps you should try that too? Everyone feel free to add me!
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    23 years old
    130 lbs
    Lifting / rock climbing ~3days a week
    Running / some other cardio 2-3 days a week
    Net 1500-1700 calories per day. (Sometimes around 2000)
  • frostypaws
    frostypaws Posts: 11 Member
    Age: 37
    Height: 5'4"
    Calories: 1400 (somtimes less, sometimes more)
    Workouts: Walking/Jogging 4-5 times a week
    Goals: Lose 10 more pounds and tone up

    I'm currently jogging/walking 5k 4-5 nights/week for weight loss and building endurance. I don't usually eat back all the workout calories, but sometimes it depends on how hard I exercise and how many calories I've burned. There are times when I just have to eat more and my body never fails to tell me this.

    I have considered trying the Insanity workout to tone up and lose more inches. But I know I will have to up my caloric intake if I do something that intense.
  • I'm 120lbs I consume around 2000-2300ish a day and I'm 5'4
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Age: 58
    Height : 5' 9"
    Daily Calorie intake: While trying to lose.....1200
    Workouts: Light weights 3xweek, low-impact aerobics 4xweek
    Weight loss goals: lose 25 lbs, from 160 to 135

    ONLY 1200 cals, NOT plus exercise cals. When I follow this regimen I lose about 2 lbs a week.

    You're doing it wrong.
  • aarar
    aarar Posts: 684 Member
    Age 31

    Height 5'6

    Daily Calorie intake - bare minimum is set to 1750 however I'm averaging around 2000 on non running days and that plus whatever I burn on my running days.

    Workouts - at the moment I'm only running however I plan to start strength training soon.

    Weight loss goals - Another 15lbs or so. The goal weight in my ticker was really just a random number I had picked last year and I'm not sure yet if I want to lose that much. I started at 234 and am 148lbs now