Defeated and Depressed

doris_day Posts: 159
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hi -
I'm new to the MFP. I've been reading for a while and thought it's probably time to introduce myself. I've been on here over a week and haven't lost anything, so apparently I can't do this on my own.

I'm fat and I'm defeated. I think about food all the time, when to eat, when not to eat, what to eat, why do I over eat, it's so exhausting.

I used to be a pretty girl - what happened to her? All my friends are thin. I'm not a recluse, but it's not so much fun being the fat girl, so I don't go out as much as I used to. I have a fantastic wardrobe of clothes that I haven't been in for at least 6 years, but I refuse to give them up. I look like a hobo, because I also refuse to buy any more clothes at my weight.

I have the most amazing family. My kids are awesome, healthy and thin. My husband is healthy and thin. I once told him I was sorry for looking the way I do. He always had dated skinny, thin girls. He told me that he married me, not those other girls and loves me the way I am. Are you kidding me? With an amazing husband like that I still can't lose the weight?

It all comes down to food. I ran a 1/2 marathon this April and I weighed 178. I think I was the fattest girl out there. I exercise all the time - I just can't control my food.

I cry just thinking about what I've become. I can't give up food for my own children?

I just feel so hopeless and I so desperately want to change. I can't even tell you how many times I've said this to myself in the mornings. I want to change - this is the day - and the weight goes up. The scale read 185 and I still ate 2 rice crispy treats last night.

I'm in my 40's and have young children. My dad died of leukemia and had severe diabetes. My mom has had triple bi-pass surgery at 60 and has really bad diabetes - and this is the way I'm heading. All of these major red flags and I still cannot control this one aspect of my life.

I re-read everything I've written and I sound so pathetic - who introduces themselves like that? I have to lose more than 40 pounds to be back to what I once was. That number seems so unattainable.


  • You can do it. People have lost over a hundred pounds, and they're not any better or worse than you are. If you don't mind my asking, what *kinds* of foods are you eating, and in what portions? I had to completely cut out fast food, and now try to keep all of my foods down below 200 calories per food and make them healthy. As a result, I'm able to eat very often, which is good because I'm a snacker.

    I will also say, though, that looking at your picture I can tell that you're still pretty. Also, a 1/2 marathon is pretty impressive. I doubt that I could run that far. It might be a good idea to focus on your successes as well as your problems. Don't give up hope. You can get back where you want to be.
  • This site is so supportive, accept every friend request and you'll see that pretty soon you have a bigger support system than you thought you ever could! When I first joined I thought for sure no one would talk to me or add me (it's just the way it's been all my life) but within minutes I had 16 friends. You'll love it and it takes a bit to get the hang of things, You have to find things that are good and healthy but also tasty at the same time. It's been 2 weeks for me, and I'm doing really welle (I'm amazed honestly!). But it really makes you see just how much you have to adjust your lifestyle. Welcome, :) Don't give up, ask around for recipes and help, we are all willing to help you out girl!

    Best of luck,
  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    Is it just me, or did you lose 2 pounds in the last week? Way to go!!

    The pounds did not pile on overnight: this process will take time and patience with yourself.

    Take it one day at a time and begin the difficult work of looking at the actual issues that underlie your unhealthy relationship with food. You can do this :)
  • platoon
    platoon Posts: 340
    Hi there! We're here for you! MFP is full of awesome and supportive people... Talk to us, and we'll cheer you on to your success! You're not alone. If you need a buddy, I'm here. Let's get this done! :-)
  • your story sounds so much like my own, keep trying it will happen , sometimes it takes awhile to get it right,DO NOT GIVE UP:flowerforyou:
  • JeanRunge
    JeanRunge Posts: 1 Member
    You didn't gett fat overnight and you won't get thin overnight either. Depression can be a chemical imbalance in your body. Have you seen a medical provider? Please don't compare yourself to anyone else. No one else on earth is exactly like you. You are totally unique and awesome in your own way. Hang in there.
  • daniellek30
    daniellek30 Posts: 171 Member
    Hey there.

    I would like to point out to you that anything is possible, if you just try hard enough. You look beautiful to me, so i'm not sure why you think you're fat, but I've had the same issues.

    I love food .. it's my life, but you know .. there are ways to find foods you CAN eat that taste just as good as the ones you shouldn't be. I've been fighting with my weight for two years now. I lost weight, gained weight, etc. etc. My sister recently passed this summer and I gained ten pounds from it and nnow i'm ready to get rid of it.

    Use that anger you have that you're having a hard time and put that emotion into your workout. When you feel like you can't do something, tell yourself you can! It's all about mind.

    My boyfriend always tells me .. you can't have a a stool without three legs: Exercise, diet, and mentality .. and he always emphasizes the last one: MENTALITY! Don't tell yourself you can't do it, because you can! :)
  • ArchyJill
    ArchyJill Posts: 548 Member
    I will second the vote that you are pretty. I will also say that I suspect you are "fatter" in your head than you are in body. A half marathon! Not an accomplishment to be tossed aside lightly.

    I have two suggestions: stop beating yourself up and do this for YOU, not because your friends and family are thin or you worry what people think.

    What really clicked it over for me was cutting out all added sugar and flour of any variety. Sounds harsh, but for the first year I didn't count calories at all and dropped about 20 pounds. Really all it means is that you end up eating a lot of whole, relatively unprocessed foods...which is a good thing!

    You can do this! You finished that half marathon so we know you have it in you!
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Hey there :) Glad you posted. Guess what? I have about 40lbs to lose too (I put my ticker at 160 because it seemed less daunting then 140). Good news is you found MFP. I have been on this site since September 1. That was the day I weighed myself and saw that I wasn't 170, or even 175 like I thought I was ... I was 180 ... I went home and drank my dinner. I was so depressed. That's when I decided NO MORE DAMNIT! I logged on here and haven't turned back. I have found so much support here and I give support where I can. It is a journey that each one of us is on but we AREN'T ALONE.

    This is something to remember; You didn't get to this weight overnight and it won't come off overnight BUT if you use the tools here, exercise and ask questions IT WILL COME OFF! .

    DRINK WATER ... I cannot stress this enough. Get your minimum 8 ounces in per day NO CAFFEINATED DRINKS! That stuff retains water like crazy. I am a water advocate and will hound people to drink more. Once they do, they find that weight starts to drop off.

    The other thing to wrap your head around is this: To lose weight you have to eat more NOT LESS. If you eat less your body will hold on to every single calorie you put into it thinking you aren't going to feed it. I am eating SO MUCH MORE then I used to and already have dropped 8 pounds. One day that scale isn't going to move and I am going to be frustrated but then I will change something that I am doing to get that thing moving again. The name of the game is metabolism and your metabolism is boosted by EATING and MOVING.

    You can do this darlin' ... I am going to send you a Friends request !
  • Sauchie
    Sauchie Posts: 357 Member
    You can do it.... We'll be here for you.
  • My biggest obstacle was figuring out why I was eating and how to change those habits. Like, I snack a lot more when I'm tired so I've been telling myself it's okay to lay down and take a 15 min nap to recharge-which isn't always easy to do with kids around-but it gives me some energy and I don't snack then. It has taken my a long time to change the habits and sometimes the old ways sneak back into my life but I'm learning to recoginze it and take charge of my life. Trust me with time the new habits get easier and soon the old ones are in the past.
    I have also realized that getting healthy and loosing weight had to be for me not for my husband or my kids. When you take care of yourself it shows others that you think you're important, and that's a lesson I want my kids to learn.
    Good luck to you on your journey.
  • I agree with everything said above! You just don't realize how pretty you are now! Were all rooting for you girl!!!!! :D
  • Firstly, *hugs*. I used to be 275. I'm now 140 ish. I found that once you accept yourself, through self love, its easy to lose the weight. Sounds like you have alot of "i hate my body" feelings pent up. A super awsome book to check out is "Body for life for women" by pamela peeke. It doesn't talk at you, it talks to you. You can do this, just accept and love yourself and the rest will follow.
  • Holy cow, i feel like i just read something that I just wrote. I am in the EXACT same shoes! Same weight, same goal, same family and the same irritation with being fat. Come on....we can do this. Lets take it 10 lbs at a time. Friend me if you would like and we can support each other!
  • cameobelle
    cameobelle Posts: 9 Member
    I am in the same boat!!! I am basically twice the woman my DH married!!! I LOVE food. I am a Southern Gal and LOVE my comfort food. I have the same wardrobe issue! Last week I finally forced my self to eat smaller portions and more meals while amping up the water so I felt fuller. I gained a pound but lost some inches. You can do it just hang in there and stay on here for support.
  • dont be so down on yourself. first off you have to think positive, everyone on this site is real supportive. but you have got to have will power. drink lots of water and log everything you eat and drink. hey im 49 weighed 170 the heaviest i have ever been in my life except for being pregnant. im going the menopause which sucks and puts the weight right in your gut. i used to drink a 12 pack a day of dr pepper. my sugar was up a little. i have diabeties in my family and high blood pressure. thankfully the only health problem i have as of now is asthma and i have had that all my life so my exercise is limited. i started walking 2 1/2 miles a day and started logging my food and put the dr pepper down. i havent had a soft drink in over a month. i have lost almost 20 pounds. and i am proud of my self for that i have about 20 more to lose, and im doing it for my grandbabies, i want to be around to see them grown. YOU CAN DO IT GIRL
  • Your introduction echos EXACTLY how I feel! The difference is you had the guts to put your true feelings out there! I know what I need to do, but I don't stick with it long enought to see the results or keep them. My mom passed away at 42 of cervical cancer. My entire family history is riddled with diseases... heart disease,cholesterol, diabetes. I'm 40 and I see what's in store if I don't get it in check. Why can't I stick with it? I get so pumped up... early on. Then my enthusiasm doesn't dwindle... it plummets!
    Please don't give up on yourself! It's so easy for me to say... just not to do! Let's get to know eachother a little more, and see if we might make a good team. Misery loves company... but "misery " needs to get lost! What do you say?
  • Bellydance
    Bellydance Posts: 105 Member
    Okay, I teared up. You got me too. Just makes me wanna hug you and encourage you and for me and for all of us here. Introducing yourself that way is pure honesty and frustration with your efforts........Stay here and get ideas to switch up your food intake, timing, whatever it takes.
  • Nonsense about this being a bad first post or introduction- Here's what you have going for you- HONESTY. YOU just told us (and yourself) exactly what the problem is. How you will overcome the defeated and depressed feelings is through small successes. If you eat 4000 calories currently try 3500 for a week and then 3000 the next week. Or promise yourself you can pull two twinkies out the bow BUT you HAVE to wait an hour in between eatting them. In that time you may realize it's not worth it. Make small, obtainable, measurable goals. The successes from that and your ability to share with the friends you'll make exactly where you are at are going to make the "easy"-er than you are currently dreading. We are here cheering for you!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Don't say "I CAN'T control my food" - say "I WILL LEARN TO CONTROL MY FOOD" - MFP is a fantastic tool for doing this. You've taken the hardest step - admitting you have a problem and taking steps (joining MFP) to address it. Use MFP - make the changes you want to make. You CAN do this. Will it be easy? No. Is it impossible? No! Take baby steps - pick one or two things to work on at a time. Every week or two, add something new. I started by just watching calories, then I started watching salt, then I started replacing more processed food with homemade... the list goes on and on. If you'd told me last summer how I would be eating now, I would've laughed at you - this is the best I've done in my adult life, but it took a year to get here.

    Tell yourself every day when you wake up that the only person making decisions regarding what you eat is YOU. I find it helps to plan my days out in advance (as much as possible) - rather than logging as I eat, or eating and then logging.

    Good luck. you CAN do this!
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