30 Day Shred Challenge



  • Just did day 1 level 3. Oh.my.Word.

    Can I confess that I toppled over trying to balance in the plank row/leg lift?

    And the six pack thing-ha! Though I can certainly see more definition.

    My legs are on fire. Which is probably good because my legs/butt area are the hardest for me to firm. If I survive today...
  • Barbellgirl
    Barbellgirl Posts: 544 Member
    Day 3, level 3 done.
  • Hello Guys, i would love to join :) I just discover the jillian Michaels 30D tday, does anyone know where i can buy the dvd?

    Thanks you
  • I have just started walking outside a few days ago. I would like to start the 30 day shred challange as well. I am about 263 pounds and I am finally ready to start losing weight. I think this might help my motivation to continue and finally finish my goal. I want to get to 180 pounds and then build muscle. I walk for 1 hour everyday, and I plan to do the 30 day shred along with it. I would also like to do some weight lifting as well. am I trying to hard to soon?
  • Hi everyone.

    Yesterday was day 1 of the shred for me. Woke up this morning and 30 days seems like such a long way away!

    I purchased a polar HRM yesterday to help with motivation, so then went for a run aswell just to see the results..

    Maybe I've just over done it but I am I'm terrible pain today! Refuse to give up on the shred on day 2 but I'm disappointed knowing it's going to be a half effort due to the pain I'm feeling!

    Someone tell me it gets better?!

    Do any of you incorporate rest days into the plan?

  • sarahkemkat
    sarahkemkat Posts: 13 Member
    After 3 months I finally took the wrapper of the case and completed day 1 of the 30 day shred :)

    I understand why so many people said they thought they were going to be sick, and still now an hour after my legs feel a little like jelly.

    Seeing everyone's results on here has inspired me so much, I hope I go on to complete the 30 days.
  • Hi Sarah

    This is exactly the reason I joined - really hope I can make it to the end and post my results!

    I am on day two now and can definitely relate to the jelly legs which are now very achy legs! Not looking forward to waking jp tomorrow!
  • sarahkemkat
    sarahkemkat Posts: 13 Member
    I first planned to do 30 day shred and c25k but after reading your post this morning, I'm thinking I might just stick to the 30 day shred and plan some 30 min walks.

    Stick with Ashley I'll check in each day and we can let each other know how were getting on.
  • kerrygailis
    kerrygailis Posts: 121 Member
    I started last week and had to take a day off for pulling a muscle in my shoulder!! ( I know dumb right?) so I've done 6 days and it does get a bit easier. The only days I don't do it is a Sunday. Good luck everyone and have fun.
  • gringuitica
    gringuitica Posts: 168 Member
    Hi everyone.

    Yesterday was day 1 of the shred for me. Woke up this morning and 30 days seems like such a long way away!

    I purchased a polar HRM yesterday to help with motivation, so then went for a run aswell just to see the results..

    Maybe I've just over done it but I am I'm terrible pain today! Refuse to give up on the shred on day 2 but I'm disappointed knowing it's going to be a half effort due to the pain I'm feeling!

    Someone tell me it gets better?!

    Do any of you incorporate rest days into the plan?


    I started last Monday (August 12) and experienced the same thing: the entire week, I was achy and sore and everything seemed to hurt. The first two days, I kid you not, I could barely go up and down the stairs. I didn't want to injure myself so I took it easy. I did what I could but didn't push too hard. I worked through the soreness. I took Saturday & Sunday to rest, and then started again this Monday. And by started again, I mean that I considered August 19 as Day 1.

    And it's been great. My "practice week" was a great jumpstart to working out the kinks and introducing my muscles to hard work, and this week I'm hardly sore at all. AND I've been able to do the whole [modified] workout without stopping. Yes, it burns but the burn is good!

    So my point is, you can do it! But do listen to your body so you don't get injured.
  • Started this today, after having tried a few others to see which one I liked.. Jillian is awesome :)

    Anyway, I'm on Level 1 / day 1 now, had a pretty hard time and stopped two times during (no longer than 5 sec like she said). My legs hurt, but looking forward to tomorrow!
  • So day 1 down. I couldn't complete about 25% of the exercises, but I started each one. some of the cardio was just a bit too much for me. I think by the 2nd week I will be able to push through each one. Its tough walking 3.4 miles and then doing the 30 day shred. But I am tired of being overweight.
  • agenteff
    agenteff Posts: 21 Member
    I've been doing the 30 day shred as a weight training regimen. I love it. Level 2 for about 2 weeks now!
  • greenmm25
    greenmm25 Posts: 175 Member
    I am about 1/2 way through the 30 days but I would love to join you guys. Level two is so much harder then level 1 I thought I was dieing, I hope level three isn't such a big jump in difficulty
  • cxdyer
    cxdyer Posts: 105 Member
    I'm on Day 3 of Level 3, and I'm having a tough time. I start off trying to follow Natalie, the advanced moves and I do what I can there (usally two or three reps) then I have to take it down a notch and follow Anita (for beginners). I do this on all of the sets, I start off as strong as I can and push until my arms or legs won't do it. Then I stay in the game and I do what I can. I'm basically 23 days in and have lost 2" in my chest, 2" in my waist, 1" in my upper arm, 1/2" in my hips. I gained 5 LBS the first week, I increased my calories from 1200 to 1500. Lost that weight and dropped 41/2 more since then. I have 7 days left.
  • Good stuff! I definitely made good use of the warm up today for pushing past the pain and really loosening up the aches muscles. When you push yourself you learn why those warm up and cool down routines are so important! Got through today just switching to lighter weights than I used yesterday and feel good!

    Is this your first time doing the shred.. Level 2 sounds daunting but can't wait to get there!
  • blancaran
    blancaran Posts: 30 Member
    I think I'm going to start today, lets see how it goes :)
  • sarahkemkat
    sarahkemkat Posts: 13 Member
    I'm on Day 3 of Level 3, and I'm having a tough time. I start off trying to follow Natalie, the advanced moves and I do what I can there (usally two or three reps) then I have to take it down a notch and follow Anita (for beginners). I do this on all of the sets, I start off as strong as I can and push until my arms or legs won't do it. Then I stay in the game and I do what I can. I'm basically 23 days in and have lost 2" in my chest, 2" in my waist, 1" in my upper arm, 1/2" in my hips. I gained 5 LBS the first week, I increased my calories from 1200 to 1500. Lost that weight and dropped 41/2 more since then. I have 7 days left.

    That's amazing, I would be happy to lose 2" round my middle by the end of the 30 days, you have to let us know your results once you have completed it.
  • sarahkemkat
    sarahkemkat Posts: 13 Member
    Just completed Day 2 of level 1 and I hate it!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm fine until about 15 mins into it and then I'm watching the clock every minute for it to finish, I pray it gets easier lol

    No major aches, a little tightness in my shoulders, and my butt cheeks, however I do feel swollen all over rather than feeling lighter.

    I keep reading everyone's posts here and looking at before and after photos to keep me motivated.
  • Tamois
    Tamois Posts: 64 Member
    Right I'm going to buy this 30 Day Shred DVD today and start it. Feel free to add me new 30DS people and we can keep each other motivated!