How many pounds was it before...

... You started noticing a change in your clothes?

... You started noticing a change in your BODY?

... Other people started noticing a change from your body?
+what's your height?

I long for the day when I can start to notice my clothes getting looser! After a 9 pound loss however, still no such luck :(
I already noticed a change in my body; my hips are getting bonier and less smushy. That would makes sense, considering my pear shape... (although I really want to lose from my butt D'X It's nearly too big for my biggest pair of jeans!)
Lastly, no one has noticed yet, without the topic being brought up beforehand.

So, what's your story?


  • scottix111
    Lol smushy haha well I'm loosing weight lost a stone in last month or just over a month and my top half has stayed big I'm broad shoulders arms and chest and back so having to where baggy tops and people keep asking if iv put on weight not a good thing
  • SomewhatCool
    Lol smushy haha well I'm loosing weight lost a stone in last month or just over a month and my top half has stayed big I'm broad shoulders arms and chest and back so having to where baggy tops and people keep asking if iv put on weight not a good thing

    Really? How rude are people that they ask if you've put ON weight? :grumble: That seems pretty b*tchy to me.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    To be honest, I didn't notice a change (and neither did anyone else) until I'd passed the 30lb loss mark, and even then it's rare. I get comments from my family as I only see them about once a month, but people I see on a daily basis don't notice any difference, until they see pictures of the old me.

    Personally I noticed far more of a difference in my well being, mood and health than I did in my appearance. I sleep better, I'm far more energetic, I don't get out of breath any more just by walking up the stairs, I haven't had a cold in nearly a year, my blood pressure is now in the healthy range according to my doctor. And things like that are more important.

    I have a lot to lose though (another 60+ lb, ideally), and I'm tall (5"10), so the major changes are going to happen later. You will notice a difference eventually, you just need to keep at it. And take pictures! It can be quite mind blowing to look back on yourself.
  • scottix111
    Lol yeah ano people a work with tho all big fat old men so a just tell them where to go any one else a wouldn't they call me a gym freak
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    it takes a while, don't give up.

    I think it was about 10 lbs when i felt my pants were looser. it was about 15 lbs when i fit into a smaller size.

    People mentioned to me only yesterday that i look better - i think it also depends on what you wear. i have unfortunately been wearing my old clothing for the most part, and my tops are all baggy/big so i think it's hard to notice. and since i am quite obese, it's hard to notice anyway. *I* can see a difference, there are specific zones where i know that i am less - top of de boobs, back, tush, above the belly. belly is still not budging but that's ok. i know it will.
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    and that is why i am measuring myself and taking photos. it helps to see the progress
  • IILikeToMoveItMoveIt
    IILikeToMoveItMoveIt Posts: 1,172 Member
    I didn't see much of a fat change 'till after 15-20 lbs. Except when I strength train. It take a matter of weeks until I see an appreciable difference. I'm 5 7 1/2. Others noticed I looked stronger and thinner when I had lost about 25-30 lbs. I started out big after I had my daughter (I was 240 before that) @ 266. After a hiatus in which I gained 20 of the 40 lbs back (more fat this time) I find that I notice my legs toning up but not much else. I also do not train as hard as I did or nearly as frequently as last time. It took me 2 years to loose the weight I did. I figured out what was keeping me from loosing the weight and now I do light strength training and easy recumbent biking. I eat clean (organic, no msg or aspartame) and shoot for 1500-1700 cal. a day. (I can go to extremes either way on occasion) But I've lost 11 lbs in a couple of months, so I'll stick with it. It can only get better. If you put the work in, you really haven't much to worry about. You will notice the changes before others and soon after they will see it too.
    So to better answer your questions;
    1. Clothes- when I started loosing inches. About 10 lbs or so per inch lost.
    2. Body- 3-4 weeks into strength training. (whole body course,20 mins 3-4 days a week)
    3.Other People- At about 25-30 lbs lost
    4.Height- 5ft 7 1/2
  • SomewhatCool
    To be honest, I didn't notice a change (and neither did anyone else) until I'd passed the 30lb loss mark, and even then it's rare. I get comments from my family as I only see them about once a month, but people I see on a daily basis don't notice any difference, until they see pictures of the old me.

    Personally I noticed far more of a difference in my well being, mood and health than I did in my appearance. I sleep better, I'm far more energetic, I don't get out of breath any more just by walking up the stairs, I haven't had a cold in nearly a year, my blood pressure is now in the healthy range according to my doctor. And things like that are more important.

    I have a lot to lose though (another 60+ lb, ideally), and I'm tall (5"10), so the major changes are going to happen later. You will notice a difference eventually, you just need to keep at it. And take pictures! It can be quite mind blowing to look back on yourself.

    Ah... I'm 6 inches shorter than you and I don't really have all THAT much to lose. I do, however, know that at 135 I was able to fit into two sizes smaller in jeans and a size m in shirts!

    I'm more energetic as well, but I can't sleep for sheeeeit, but I've been that way for quite some time, so... BUT. Even the small amount of weight I have lost has boosted my confidence so much! It's great, really :smile:
    and that is why i am measuring myself and taking photos. it helps to see the progress

    I measure myself, but don't take photos. I hate pictures... For some reason they always bring me down. No matter how much I weigh in them.

    Good luck to the both of you! :flowerforyou:
  • rachaelgifford
    rachaelgifford Posts: 320 Member
    I can't remember when i started noticing the clothes change - a while ago. I am getting tons f comments now about my weight - after about 27lb lost - but at first I wasn't really taking it seriously so it was slow progress - now I have stepped it up and people are noticing!
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    I felt good buying some new clothes around the 9lb mark but no one started commenting until I'd lost 20lbs. I'm nearly at my goal weight now and I am only just realizing that I'm not big anymore. Mentally I'm finding it very hard to adjust to my smaller body although I know I feel and look better.
  • Helenca76
    Helenca76 Posts: 125 Member
    Have had a total loss of 26lbs and dropped nearly 2 dress sizes but nobody has noticed yet :sad:
    Hubby says he sees a big difference and he sees me everyday but people I haven't seen for a while have not said a thing!
    I can now fit into a few of my size 14 (uk) clothes and have thrown out my size 18 stuff.

    Am hoping someone says something soon!
  • ctinawilson
    ctinawilson Posts: 127 Member

    If its any help, I started at 135lbs and i'm 5'3.

    Actually on paper, I only had a few lbs to lose, but I was at 37% body fat.

    Since starting weight training (mainly kettlebells) and a couple of cardio sessions a week to shift it a bit faster, I've lost around 14lbs (have actually stopped weighing now and kept on with measuring instead). Have noticed new shape around my hips/stomach, less fat around thighs and more defined face.

    When you don't have much to lose, I'd recommend forgetting what the scale says and measuring / taking pictures as others have suggested, you can fluctuate by as much as 5lb based on retaining water / what you've eaten that day etc.

    Good luck!