Scales? How often do you step on?



  • Annawaywego
    Annawaywego Posts: 35 Member
    I weigh every morning after the loo and before I have had breakfast- but realised that my body holds on to weight no matter what I do- in a year I haven't lost a lot but the inch loss is another story. The scales depress me but sometimes they surprise me. i only record loss on MFP never gains as I have gain every other day and find I lose it by the end of the week. It's all rocket science to me still.
  • NomiS6
    NomiS6 Posts: 67 Member
    Daily when at home
  • xxhawk68xx
    xxhawk68xx Posts: 60 Member
    Once a month and tape measure once a week works for me.
  • Ben_1960
    Ben_1960 Posts: 97 Member
    Now every two weeks. Used to do every week without fail but now I am in the most intensive period of training for a half marathon in 4 weeks I cannot allow a rogue result to make me want to reduce back my calories. Calories for exercise energy are more important to me at this time rather than what the scales say.
  • Michelle_dirtracer
    I weigh every morning. If I see a smaller number than yesterday, it makes me more conscious about what I eat that day to see the same number or smaller the next day. I know some people don't even own scales and go by the way the clothes fit, I could not do that. I have to see a number.
  • dreamer12151
    dreamer12151 Posts: 1,031 Member
    My "official" weigh in for me is Monday morning, when first up, right after I've used the loo & stark naked. Then I will sometimes step back on around Friday or Saturday morning just to kind of give me an idea of how I'm doing for the week - to make sure the scale is "agreeing" with my mind & body, so to speak! lol. But the only one I log is the Monday morning one.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    I weigh two to three times a day, and my "official" weigh in is typically Sunday morning. I am an information hound so I like seeing those fluctuations, it gives me an idea of the patterns my body goes through over the day, week, month.

  • Gearjammer71
    Gearjammer71 Posts: 151 Member
    I weigh daily, but I only log my weight from Saturday morning. That way, I feel like I am keeping a secret from everyone all week, *evil laugh*
  • lepetitrouge
    I weigh daily, but I only log my weight from Saturday morning. That way, I feel like I am keeping a secret from everyone all week, *evil laugh*

    Haha! :)

    I hop on the scales every morning before breakfast. I know I shouldn't, because, for example, it went up by 0.4 pounds the other day, and I was bummed about it the whole day. How silly. It was probably water weight or something. I know I should weigh myself once a week to keep my obsessiveness in check!
  • Camera_BagintheUK
    Camera_BagintheUK Posts: 707 Member
    Not more than weekly - and first thing in the morning after the loo.

    If I weighed myself every day I'd go mad!
  • bongochick45
    bongochick45 Posts: 130 Member
    Once a month if that. I have been derailed by the scale so much. I get so down on myself if I don't notice weight loss so then I "abondon ship" as it were and fall back into my old ways. I now use the tape measure and how mu clothes fit to gage my loss. Nothing motivates like getting into jeans you haven't worn in years!
  • bob_day
    bob_day Posts: 87
    Every day, but don't obsess about it. Let the scale be your
    friend and point the way to a weight losing diet. You daily
    weight fluctuation can vary from a little to a lot, depending on
    how regulated your diet is. But if you think your weight is
    trending upward, it's time to take action -- increase your
    exercise and or reduce your portion sizes.
  • c_tap77
    c_tap77 Posts: 189 Member
    I weigh every day but I only record once a week.

    I try to weigh at the same time every day (I usually come home from work, do a workout, and weigh myself before I get into the shower afterward). I like to see how what I've been eating impacts my body and adjust accordingly. For example, when I know I've been working hard and eating within my calorie goals and my weight goes up, I know it's probably because I ate a lot of sodium or didn't drink enough water the day before and I'm probably bloated. So I go back and take a look at my food log--and usually the sodium is the culprit!!!

    Also (as someone else has mentioned) if I see a continuous upward trend, I know it's time to make some changes to my routine to get the scale going back in the right direction!

    However, I also enjoy seeing big movements on the scale which is why I only log once a week. That way I can see a pound (or more sometimes) lost every week and see that continuous downward trend!

    This is what works for me, but everyone is different. You just have to find a schedule that makes you feel good about your weightloss journey but still keeps you accountable for your choices!!!