T.H.E (Trying Hard Everyday) Team.... Starting again



  • kelseyleigh30
    Good morning everyone! Halfway through the week! I watched the Biggest Loser last night and it pumped me up even more!

    egam- it is nice having your mom do this with you. Having each other to support is great! I am trying to get my mom to join as well.

    sereney- of course you are welcome to join us. I have a five your old bot as well, and I agree that he and my 3 year old daughter are huge motivators for me. Congrats on your current weight loss. If you have any questions or need anything, the ladies in this group are great. Also, congrats on your degree! You seem to have a full plate right now.

    hope everyone has a great day!
  • nursejls82
    nursejls82 Posts: 2 Member
    Good morning. I'm pretty new to this site. So far so good though. Having been overweight the majority of my life, I've spent a large portion of my adult years dieting and exercising for short spurts of time (very short). Two years ago I finished nursing school at my heaviest of 263lbs. Since then I've been able to lose roughly 30lbs and keep it off. But my end goal is to get back down to 180. I have lots of support at home/work, but since most of those folks have never had to deal with losing weight I don't feel like they get it completely. So I'm hoping that with the added support of MFP, I'll stick with it this time. :)
  • profjan6
    Good morning to all! Trying to keep myself positive. Going through some rough patches work-wise right now. This is very new to me and it is causing me great stress. I like and need structure, and I'm not getting much of that now. Hopefully, working on myself including watching what I eat and exercising regularly will keep me up. Ok, enough complaining. Another pretty day here, and I'll get out in a bit. Happy Hump Day!
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Hey Guys!

    So, Zumba - WOW. I was very overwhelmed, but it was awesome at the same time. The instructor was CRAZY - but in a good way. She is this little 5'0 ball of energy. I have NEVER seen anyone move like that. (by the way she had "special" zumba pants that had streamers on them so everytime she moved...they moved... awesome! :laugh: ) I think doing it at home would be fun, but I think I worked out a lot harder in the class. There were probably about 25-30 of us, all the lights were off except some white xmas lights, which made it very neat to dance to. (also great because I didn not need a better visual of me trying to shake it! :blushing: ) I was really amazed by all the different ages and weights. There were a couple peope who were probably in the 300lbs range. Then there were a couple of "me's" right around 230 and then there were some thin/fit people. We were all bumping into eachother and laughing - it was a good atmosphere. And boy o boy did it work it! I had to modify parts of it for sure, lots of bouncing around and shaking haha. I bet I'll be feeling it tomorrow.

    But I would have to say I'd reccommend it! Maybe in a few more weeks I get some of the moves down and can focus more on really getting a good work out instead of saying "what did she just do with her feet?!?!"

    Sidenote - I also have to say going to Zumba was what I needed today. I started this journey a few weeks ago and have not had a significant change on the scale. After 2 weeks I was down 3lbs. and today I was back up to my starting weight. :sad: I"m ready to loose this weight - hopefully my body will be ready soon too!

    Have a great week everyone! Shake it! haha

    Great job at Zumba class. You will get the hang of it before you know it. Keep up the great work. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Marejardon-Welcome, glad you are here with us. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask, that is what we are all here for.

    Kaltgelt-You are doing AWESOME, keep up the great work. I can honestly say that I don't know why my back starting hurting, but it is getting better everyday with a little exercise here and there. Thanx for your concern.

    Egam-Glad to see you back. Having support from your mom will be a great help. You two can push each other and it will be a wonderful thing to have someone working out with you. Keep up the great work.

    Sereney-Welcome, glad you are here. It sure sounds like you have alot on your plate and a plateau just adds to it. Hang in there. A suggestion would be to switch up your workout. About every 6 to 8 weeks you need to switch things up to keep your body guessing and working hard for you.

    Nursejls82-Welcome. 30 pounds is definitely nothing to sneeze at and keeping it off is excellent. You have come to the right site, I have had tremendous help and support here and I know you will also. If you have any questions, we are here for you. I know you can do this.

    Profjan6-Sorry to hear about all the stress at work. Remember even 10 mins of exercise will help your stress level and keep you in check with stress eating. YOU CAN DO IT!!!

    Okay today was a great day. I got up early and was able to get a good run in. I feel awesome and I am so glad my back is almost at 100%. I do believe the exercise is helping out alot. I started off my run with some stretching exercises that I found on Runnersworld.com and I do believe they helped my run tremendously. My first mile was at 12:23 with a 1 min walk in there. My second mile was 11:30. I have improved from my run last Friday which was over 15 mins. Not bad for a beginner.

    I did get in some more yoga last nite and it was really good and relaxing for my back. It was a little tender each time I went into Downdog, but everything else felt good. Then I decided to get my HR up a little more with Billy Blanks Jr Hip Hop dancing. It was alot of fun. So, I have worked out six days in a row now and I am feeling great. I am hoping to start my HM training back up on Monday. :bigsmile:
  • marejardon
    Happy Hump day everyone! I'm feeling a little sabotaged today, My husband was going to eat the rest of the pizza from last night for lunch and he did not, so every time I get a glass of water it calls my name. So I ate some and went on a two hour hike to get out of the house and away from the rest of it. I felt better until I got home and my son made a very large plate of spaghetti and meat balls AAAUUUGGHH it smells so good! I keep telling myself 55lbs loss and if I want to look good for the Halloween party I can eat things just because they are convenient. I feel I'm hiding in my bedroom from food!!!!
  • kelseyleigh30
    Hello all! Well, my sweet hubby came home tonight with a sirloin to grill. At first I wasn't going to eat it b/c I was sure there were tons of calories. Then I looked it up and it wasn't so bad, so I had a much smaller portion than I used to. It was great though. I did skip the mashed potatoes, which I love. Had some steamed veggies instead. My kids had dance class today, so instead of sitting in the car and waiting, I went for a walk. I think I will do that every Wednesday.

    jjtonic-I am glad you are feeling better! How is the Billy Banks hip hop dancing? It sounds like fun. By the way, I don't think I have run a mile in 11 min since high school. Hopefully in a few months I can get closer to that!

    marejardon- It can definitely be hard when you have those temptations in the house. Good job going for a hike to work off the pizza you ate. How is the weather there? I am going to CO in a few months and can't wait to go hiking.

    profjan- I hope things get better at work. Keep working hard and know that you can do this!

    nursejls- welcome! Any support you need, we are here. You CAN stick with it. Never give up- you are too important!

    I hope everyone has a good night!
  • sereney
    sereney Posts: 69 Member
    Evening ladies,
    Hope everyone is doing well. So I went back thru some of my food diaries, and I have noticed a trend. Many days I was under my calorie count, but my fat count seemed to be over almost every day. So today, I set out to be under my fat contents as well as calorie count. I found it was not that tough after all. I really had to watch what I ate, but I feel a little more accomplished then yesterday. Hopefully that trend can continue.
    Sorry for not responding to a lot of you individually, once I learn names, I will be able to do that.
    Hope all is going well for you all
  • beccalgriffin
    I'd really like to give this group a try and sincerely appreciate the support! Historically I have not been good at sticking with any particular plan and think that some level of accountability may help. I went from 203 to 189.5 in about 2 months, and now I've gained nearly all of it back. Despite seeing success on the scale, I still hate the way my body looks. Why do I stop? Because I want to be happy with what I see in the mirror - not on the scale. Needless to say, my brain needs some work, too!

    I am a 29 year-old wife of an exceptional man and mother of a 3 year-old daughter and a 10 month-old son. I've been married to my wonderful husband for 5 years now, and life has been quite active in that time. My hubby and I both struggle with our health and truly want to be good examples for our kids.

    I'm looking forward to both giving and receiving some encouragement to get back on track! Thank you for creating this group! :happy:
  • tamariskmills
    Hello, I'm a 53 year old who needs to lose 93 lbs . How do I join:happy:
  • kelseyleigh30
    Good morning to everyone! Well, tonight will be my first big test. Our local fair is in town and my weakness is funnel cakes. The good thing is that I still haven't hit the point where I want to eat anything bad for me. I think I will bring myself a healthy snack to eat there and try to avoid the food area.

    becca- welcome! If you need anything, just ask! You know you can do this! Is your hubby trying to lose weight too, because you can be a great support for each other?

    tamarisk- all you have to do is join in the conversation. Tell us a little about yourself and feel free to share any questions you have.

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • profjan6
    kait you are doing sooo great! don't let the funnel cakes suck you in. you have really accomplished a lot. you must feel good!
    hi to tamara and becca. mfp is wonderful. so many tools to help us all!
    how is everyone doing this fine thursday? i am getting ready to do some walking now. it is summer all over again and just too hot for my taste. i ate a juicy pear this morning which was delicious but not the best choice for low carb. going from the summer fruit to the fall and winter fruit is tough since i get bored with apples. have a good day!
  • egam
    egam Posts: 127
    pears are actually VERY high in fibre and vitamin C, so although they do contain a lot of natural fruit sugars they are quite low on the GI scale, so good for you!
    Just a little random trivia for you!
  • profjan6
    thanks egam! good to know. i really like pears and this one was calling me! some of this stuff gets so confusing, and also overwhelming. at times i try not to dwell on the numbers so much. for me it can become a huge distraction.
  • marejardon
    Good day everyone, Well I'm off to a better start today had my fruit for breakfast and 4 glasses of water already. Went to the dog park and did three laps (1 mile) would have done more but my blind dog was in a grouchy mood and my dachshund wanted to be carried the whole time. Thinking today would be a good day to do some grocery shopping, may even walk there and back.

    Kaltgelt- The weather here is great ( in the 70's this week) I love the fall and is the best time to walk and hike. What part of Colorado are you going to visit?
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Marejardon-See if you can haver your family make better choices as well and if they have to eat that food to not brign it in the house. Try to make them understand that even though you have lost several pounds and have been doing so well with your food and exercise that it is still a struggle everyday and if they would please support you in every effort it would be very helpful. Believe me I know how hard it is with a husband that will support my active lifestyle, but still likes to bring in unhealthy food. UGH!!! Good job starting out your day right. Keep up the great work.

    Kaltgelt-Great job with dinner last nite. The Billy Blanks Jr. video I did was On Demand and it was a lot of fun. I really love to dance so it was a blast. Before you go to the fair tonite, make sure you eat foods that will keep you full for the most part. If you have to have a funnel cake (I don't blame you :wink: ) share it with someone and only have a few bites to quench your craving. I know you can do it.

    Sereney-Isn't it great that you are learning from your journal entries. Keep up the great work.

    Beccalgfiffin-Welcome. Try to look at this as a lifestyle change and don't look at the scale so much. Take your measurements and make an effort the feel how you feel in your clothes while you are lossing inches and pounds. You can do this and we are all here to help.

    Tamariskmills-Welcome. Don't hesitate to ask questions, that is what we are here for.

    Profjan6-How was your walk?

    Okay, for me. I did TurboFire 55 EZ Class and Stretch 10 Class this morning. Man was it AWESOME!!! It has a mix of punches and kicks and dance moves to it and I enjoyed every minute of it. I was kinda nervous because I had not ever done a workout quite like that. Insanity is WAY more intense (in my opinion), but TurboFire has it's own intenseness as well, just in a different way. I love Chalene she is a great motivator.

    Have a beautiful day everyone. :bigsmile:
  • kelseyleigh30
    Hi everyone! Today has been a great day. We pulled our recumbent bike out of storage and I rode for 30 minutes (that is pretty good for me ;)) I also am not much of a cook but threw some chicken, brown rice, black beans and salsa together for dinner and it was great. Only about 400 calories for a very large portion. I am going to try to start cooking more. We will see how it goes.

    jjtonic- it sounds like you are back in the full swing of things. That is great! You sure do work your butt off!

    marejardon- sounds like you had a good walk this morning. Did you end up walking to the grocery store? We are going to Dillon in November. My sister and her fiance have a time share and they go every year. My mother and I are joining them this year. I hope it snows (we never get snow here)

    To everyone else- I hope you had a great day and look forward to hearing from you soon!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Man, a girl gets a couple busy days and ya'll start chattin up a storm! hehe! I will have to go back and get caught up now!!

    SO happy to see our thread be active again! Welcome to the new people who joined us and welcome back to the teamies who are returning! Happy to see YOU!

    I cant say that the last 2 days were my "best" I did get a good walk in on Tuesday, then came home and ripped off another 2 hours of hard gardening in the yard. That was good for an awesome amount of calories burned. Yesterday my back was too stiff to do much of anything besides cleaning house, but at least I didnt sit all day. Hubby and I took a short trip on the Motorcycle, so my legs got a good stretch. Today was just messy wet outside, so I didnt make it outside. Its still early, so Im gonna go hop on the treadmill for 1/2 hour just so Im not over on my calories today. LOL I ate 1 too many tablespoons of butter on my toast this morning for breakfast, otherwise, I'd be right on target. :bigsmile: Oh well!

    New thread for tomorrow's weigh in.....


    See ya there!!
  • profjan6
    Guess everyone is pretty busy these days! Trying hard everyday is a terrific phrase for what I am going through! It seems each day brings a new challenge. I am trying to do some attitude adjustment and really focus on the accomplishments rather than the failures. So far today is going well and I intend to keep that pace! Good Monday to you all!
  • oselmer
    oselmer Posts: 1 Member
    Would love to your this group.