Who's losing weight and eating carbs?

teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
I love carbs a lot. Pasta, rice. Love it. Are you losing weight while eating a lot of carbs? What's your exercise routine like? About how many carbs are you eating a day? About how much do you lose a week? Thanks.


  • Krista916
    Krista916 Posts: 258
    I eat carbs and have lost 23 lbs so far. I run 3-4 days a week, I lift heavy 2-3 days per week. Honestly, I don't really even pay any attention to my carb intake. Now, I'm not saying I eat rice and pasta with every meal, or even every day, but I eat what I feel like. I try to keep then in the form of whole grains or fruit.

    I don't deprive myself of anything, ever. As long as I'm doing my workouts and staying within my calorie goals I have what I like. I have done to many "diets" that don't allow one thing or another and I always revert back to eating like crap because I'm restricting things. If I want something I eat it...in moderation and I don't beat myself up about it and i move on.

    That's what works for me. You just ahve to fine what works for you and something you will be able to maintain long term and life long.
  • sally_jeffswife
    sally_jeffswife Posts: 766 Member
    I've found I can lose weight as long as when I have a carb I always have a type of protein with it and a veggie. If I have just carbs I will gain or if I have carbs on top of carbs I will gain but if I put a protein and veggie with it I will lose. For example if I get a cheeseburger and put it with a side salad I will balance out my blood sugar and lose weight but if I have a cheeseburger and fries instead then I will have carbs on top of carbs and gain weight. If its hard to get the protein in thru a meat or something with whatever meal am having then maybe even adding nuts to the meal or a protein shake with the meal will help. But seems like if I use the carbs as like a side instead of a main course and I have them with a protein for sure and usually a veggie too then I can still have them and lose at the same rate as without carbs sometimes lose even faster. I usually work out 7 days a wk but some days only for like 35-45 minutes. some wks are busy and I only workout hard maybe 4 days and the other 3 am doing walking or something of that nature. I do watch pretty close to stay within my calorie goals though and I drink a ton of water.
  • annenhie
    annenhie Posts: 91 Member
    I tried limiting carbs the first couple of weeks but back to eating them now and still losing a lot. If you keep on your calories allotted here, I guess it doesn't matter if you spend that on carb or protein. Just a caution though, noticed carbs are more high in calories than good lean proteins.
  • Doone33
    Doone33 Posts: 171 Member
    If there was no such thing as pasta, crackers, bread, rice etc.... I would never have to count calories in the first place.... I am loosing weight steadily and slowly.... I am eating carbs.... But I did pretty much cut my pasta down to once a week unless it was a little bit in some soup! I know everyone has a different goal, and different intake... but my intake is only 1600 calories... and including my coffee and peanut butter and occasionally the hummus and crackers... I often choose my crackers over the pasta!
  • talisamb
    talisamb Posts: 65 Member
    I lose just fine with all the carbs I want. I run 3-4 times each week, with heavy lifting 3 times per week. weight loss will come from a calorie defict, whether it's protein, fat, or carbs. You need carbs for energy. My daily intake is usually 160-200 grams of carbs, sometimes more. I am 5'4 with my weight ranging from 130-135 pounds, and I eat 1700-2000 calories daily. I maintain with this amount.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    53 lbs so far. I often go over my carb goal too (although it's still under MFP's default).
  • strick1982
    strick1982 Posts: 75 Member
    You need healthy carbs. I do low carbs for medical reasons but nonetheless, I still need carbs. Low carb eating is not helping me personally drop the poundage.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    I try to eat a mix of good carbs, protein and veg in each meal. My weight loss has slowed down a bit now that I am closer to my goal, usually about .5 to a 1 lb per week. It 'melted' off at the beginning, 16 lbs in the first month.

    3 days of cardio 63-67 mins per session
    3 days heavy lifting 80-90 mins per session
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Nothing wrong with carbs
  • During a hard training phase, I'll typically eat about 1.5 to 2 grams of carb per pound (use your current body weight). On the flip side of that, when I'm trying to cut down and tighten things up, I'll consume roughly 1 gram per pound. 1 gram isn't enough to maintain strength (for me), but it does help get things ready for beach season. No matter what, just make sure your carbs are healthy carbs...most of mine come from potatoes and steel cut oatmeal. Even in a hard training/eating phase, I'm still able to maintain a relatively decent 6 pack...and you can too.

    Everyone's body is different, but something simple like this is a good place to start. Once you get an idea of how your body reacts to different foods and amounts, you can adjust and see results.

    Good luck!!
  • MommyisFit
    MommyisFit Posts: 139 Member
    I think it just really depends on the person. I personally do not lose weight eating a lot of carbs, however, I have issues with low blood sugar. If I eat a bunch of carbs, too much insulin is produced and my blood sugar drops to very low and sometimes dangerous levels. This really destroys my body and I get inflammation and get nowhere with losing weight.

    I have the occasional treat (last night I had some ice cream) but overall, I keep all of my carbs to veggies and low gi fruit.

    I am guessing most people are ok eating carbs as part of a completely balanced diet.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    I eat around 200g of carbs a day. Nothing wrong with carbs, and eating carbs will not make you fat. Eating more than you burn makes you fat.
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    I eat carbs. I have my carb/protein/fat ratio set to 40/30/30. All things in moderation.
  • sjsosu
    sjsosu Posts: 135 Member
    Carbs fuel hard training.
  • QuilterInVA
    QuilterInVA Posts: 672 Member
    Actually you can die if you don't eat enough protein and fat. The body requires no carbs to live. Processed food is junk. Whole grains, fruits and vegetables are how I get carbs.
  • Yeller_Sensation
    Yeller_Sensation Posts: 373 Member
    Nothing wrong with carbs, and eating carbs will not make you fat. Eating more than you burn makes you fat.


    I eat between 160 g and 200 g of carbs every day.
  • ms_leanne
    ms_leanne Posts: 523 Member
    I eat carbs every day. I tend to eat wholegrains where I can and run twice a week and do bootcamp once a week.

    I'm a firm believer that totally cutting carbs means you will eventually have a carb binge and undo the work done.

    Best thing is jut to try and keep within your macros more so calories and weigh your food accurately.
  • BluejayNY
    BluejayNY Posts: 301 Member
    Ive lost 60 lbs and I always go over on carbs.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I eat pretty much whatever I want as long as it fits in the calories. Working for me!
  • cheryl3660
    cheryl3660 Posts: 182 Member
    Nothing wrong with carbs

    Yeah, tell that to my Type 2 Diabetes. Lol.

    It all really depends on your body. Some people can do fine eating carbs and losing weight, others not so much. I can't. Carbs make me bloated and raise my blood sugar too much. I'm too sensitive to them, so I have to avoid them as much as possible. Even then, it's still a slow weight loss for me, but it would just be gain, gain, gain and hunger and cravings if I ate them all the time. It sucks, because I really love carbs, too!