Labels for GMO foods are a bad idea



  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Is it really hiding the origin? Would seedless fruit etc also be slapped with a GMO label?

    If people are asking for information, and readily available information is not being provided, then yes it's hiding. Regarding foods like bananas and grapes, obviously there would need to be a definition to fall back on. Like "organic", it may well be a smokescreen after lobbyists get done with it. But it will be something within a set definition.

    Next step, true origin sourcing of foods. It's very close. Information is incredibly easy to provide, so I look forward to more and more of it.

    Ah but didn't it come up for vote and didn't pass, think it was in CA? So are the majority of consumers really clamouring for such information?
  • duckgirlpdx
    I disagree with OP that GMOs are safe. I have the right to know what is in the foods I eat. If the big processed food corps are so sure their GMO products are safe, then why don't they just label them as such and go on with their business. That way the consumer can make an educated decision on what to eat and feed their families. Eating organic has completely changed the way I feel. Less toxins = better health. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.
  • luckynky
    luckynky Posts: 123 Member
  • sagj
    sagj Posts: 256 Member
    Okay, whether GMOs are good or bad for you doesn't really matter to me. If I want to know what I am eating I should be allowed to know. No argument that people ( you and me) are too misinformed (stupid) to be allowed to know what they are eating should work. People should be allowed to know what they are eating; people who think that GMOs are fine should set about educating everyone in turn. A large portion of our population is concerned about GMOs whether they are labeled or not. Educate them rather than label them too "misinformed" to make decisions.

    Oh, and if they want labelling, it would go a long way in forming trust by allowing it. Otherwise it looks like GMOs have something to hide.

  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I disagree with OP that GMOs are safe. I have the right to know what is in the foods I eat. If the big processed food corps are so sure their GMO products are safe, then why don't they just label them as such and go on with their business. That way the consumer can make an educated decision on what to eat and feed their families. Eating organic has completely changed the way I feel. Less toxins = better health. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.

    I wonder if any of the pesticides organic farmers use are more toxic than their synthetic counterparts, hmmmm
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member

    Correct, a repost from Scientific American is def trolling, perhaps I should have posted the garbage Seralini study on GMO corn, rats and tumor incidence?
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    How does this discussion pertain to general diet and weight loss help?

    Good question.
  • cressievargo
    cressievargo Posts: 392 Member
    Okay, so what about the sugar beets that are genetically modified to be round up resistant? Why? So farmers can spray the living heck out of it with weed killer. So your food is covered in insane amounts of weed killer. Yeah that sounds safe.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    in for the inevitable gross misunderstandings of basic genetics and the "I am not a scientist but I know GMOs are bad for me because TOXINZ" rants


    also, interesting read OP. While I know GMOs are inherently safe, I do like to know where my food comes from. My beef with the labeling laws are mostly how they are written, what they cover, and the cost of implementing them. The ones proposed in California were so flawed that I couldn't understand how anyone would support them.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    My beef with the labeling laws are mostly how they are written, what they cover, and the cost of implementing them. The ones proposed in California were so flawed that I couldn't understand how anyone would support them.

    Part of the issue is the involvement of the multinationals themselves. If you didn't have Monsanto obviously outspending everyone involved in every one of these debates and pushing for a hard "no", perhaps people would be more inclined to look at the merits of each proposal and get to a workable product.
  • walterm852
    walterm852 Posts: 409 Member
    I eat organic and I eat GMO. I would like to know with a simple label, just like for allergins.

    If GMO's were so great, healthy and better for us, why wouldnt Monsanto and the others want to let the public know with labels? I mean they tell us when products are new and improved, why not say its a super food. Because the FDA approves something doesnt mean its as safe as one would think:
    Monsanto and FDA regulator relationships
    rBGH tie in

    Its sort of laughable, but also scary that this happens today in the US. GMO's can be awesome, the lack of transparency from a company that made Agent Orange DDT PCBs is really not comforting.

    Why is our food being made and modified by the worlds largest pesticide manufacturer?

    I want to pick my poison;-), a label would help
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    How exactly does removing labels protect consumers? It only protects the corporation that is selling it.

    So agree, one can nearly smell the money behind it

    I live in Europe [England] where all GM foods are banned so labeling does not come into it, however similar situation arose few years back regarding irradiated food [to prolong shelf life], the proposed labeling was to show the yellow triangle with black segments within

    Killed the irradiated food idea stone dead of course, once it was obvious consumers would be aware of what they were getting

    Just wish some of our supermarkets had labeled burgers as [illegally] containing horse meat
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I eat organic and I eat GMO. I would like to know with a simple label, just like for allergins.

    If GMO's were so great, healthy and better for us, why wouldnt Monsanto and the others want to let the public know with labels? I mean they tell us when products are new and improved, why not say its a super food. Because the FDA approves something doesnt mean its as safe as one would think:
    Monsanto and FDA regulator relationships
    rBGH tie in

    Its sort of laughable, but also scary that this happens today in the US. GMO's can be awesome, the lack of transparency from a company that made Agent Orange DDT PCBs is really not comforting.

    Why is our food being made and modified by the worlds largest pesticide manufacturer?

    I want to pick my poison;-), a label would help

    Strong logic, there must be a preponderance of evidence showing how harmful GMOs are, oh wait a second...
  • walterm852
    walterm852 Posts: 409 Member
    I eat organic and I eat GMO. I would like to know with a simple label, just like for allergins.

    If GMO's were so great, healthy and better for us, why wouldnt Monsanto and the others want to let the public know with labels? I mean they tell us when products are new and improved, why not say its a super food. Because the FDA approves something doesnt mean its as safe as one would think:
    Monsanto and FDA regulator relationships
    rBGH tie in

    Its sort of laughable, but also scary that this happens today in the US. GMO's can be awesome, the lack of transparency from a company that made Agent Orange DDT PCBs is really not comforting.

    Why is our food being made and modified by the worlds largest pesticide manufacturer?

    I want to pick my poison;-), a label would help

    Strong logic, there must be a preponderance of evidence showing how harmful GMOs are, oh wait a second...

    When I pick a protein supplement, I want to know how much is in each serving, so I can make an informed choice. What is so wrong about that?

    Maybe your right, just because Monsanto was wrong about products like agent orange means they learned there lesson, "oh wait a second" there was .. PCB's,, "oh wait a second" saccahrin then to Aspertame .... Round up and its ties to many ailments.

  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I eat organic and I eat GMO. I would like to know with a simple label, just like for allergins.

    If GMO's were so great, healthy and better for us, why wouldnt Monsanto and the others want to let the public know with labels? I mean they tell us when products are new and improved, why not say its a super food. Because the FDA approves something doesnt mean its as safe as one would think:
    Monsanto and FDA regulator relationships
    rBGH tie in

    Its sort of laughable, but also scary that this happens today in the US. GMO's can be awesome, the lack of transparency from a company that made Agent Orange DDT PCBs is really not comforting.

    Why is our food being made and modified by the worlds largest pesticide manufacturer?

    I want to pick my poison;-), a label would help

    Strong logic, there must be a preponderance of evidence showing how harmful GMOs are, oh wait a second...

    When I pick a protein supplement, I want to know how much is in each serving, so I can make an informed choice. What is so wrong about that?

    Maybe your right, just because Monsanto was wrong about products like agent orange means they learned there lesson, "oh wait a second" there was .. PCB's,, "oh wait a second" saccahrin then to Aspertame .... Round up and its ties to many ailments.

    saccharin and aspartame? lots of evidence of how terrible they are for you, oh wait a sec

    and by chance which studies are you referring to about round up, the seralini study?
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    I think GMO opponents are idiots, but if people want to choose not to eat them, let them choose.
  • djsjk
    djsjk Posts: 1
    I would highly recommend everyone watch Genetic Roulette to better and fully understand GMO's.
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    As a consumer, I have a right to know what I'm buying. If a producer won't tell me, mandatory labeing laws or not, I will find a different producer.

    This doesn't apply only to GMO, this applies to all ingredients.
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    Why have labels at all, then? Why not just put food out there and let the people take their chances?

    Gluten intolerant? Too bad! You have to learn the hard way.
    Peanut allergies? Be sure to carry your epipen at all times.
    Don't want trans fat? Hope you are a good guesser.

    I think informing the public of what is in their product is an important responsibility of the manufacturer.

    "The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has tested all the GMOs on the market to determine whether they are toxic or allergenic. They are not."

    So let's compare apples to apples. And trans fats? Hope you avoid grass fed meats

    The FDA is not a credible source any more, it is all about corporations, not the consumers. Let's label everything, and let he consumer make their choice.