
Hi, I am new to fitnesspal. After 2 years unsuccessful dieting trying to lose at least half my body weight this website was suggested to me by my Doctor. I started Aquatone classes in January this year and go regularly every week now. I love it. Since excercising regularly and counting my calorific intake everyday with my fitness pal I have lost 10lbs already in just 3 weeks! I highly reccommend Aqua aerobics if you dont like conventional gyms and your rather large the weightlessness of the water makes it a great low impact excercise and you dont even have to be able to swim, so go on give it go! :happy:


  • SkinnyMel78
    SkinnyMel78 Posts: 434 Member
    I love swimming and doing water aerobics. I have a pool so when it is warm outside or even just sunny I am in swimming laps and jumping around like a goof. Good luck to you on your journey!! :smile:
  • Oooh...sounds lovely! Thank you. Good luck 2 u 2 :heart: