I need advice from women about... woman things....



  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    Sadly I am going to repeat the reply that I do to all these TOM questions.

    You are going to have periods...let us say for around 30 years or more.

    Multiply those 30 years x 12 = 360 periods (excluding excuses for menopause food overeating)

    Just try to get a grip really. Either over eat and moan or try to get through those 360 months of your life?
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    If you need to have a maintenance day or lower your goal for a couple of days so that you can eat more but in a controlled way. Bingeing really isn't the way to go though. Build in an extra small meal with protein to keep you full maybe. A sandwich or something is so much better for you than half a pot of ice cream and you'll feel better for knowing you didn't come off the wagon.
  • tessa175
    tessa175 Posts: 170 Member
    Take a midol and get over it.

    I am so glad we're friends. :flowerforyou:

    I think we should be friends!

    I honestly haven't had problems with my cycle since I was a teenager; I can't imagine even using it as an excuse. I'll admit I crave sweets for a day or two before hand but I just work those into my cals for the day.
  • littlekat1
    littlekat1 Posts: 53 Member
    I try to keep somewhat healthy snacks in the house for that TOM. I cannot keep anything "bad" in the house as I am not responsible enough to limit myself to just a couple. Example: Peppermint Patties I love them. But I will eat the entire bag. So I just don't keep stuff like that here. Once in a while I'll buy Hershey's Simple Pleasures or the Weight Watchers candies just to have my chocolate fix. When I do have a cheat day/meal, I try to keep make good choices, chicken sandwich vs. a hamburger. Sweet potato fries vs. regular fries.

    If the cravings get too bad, I'll go for a walk. I get out of the house and try to focus on something else. Everyone is different but that works for me. Before I started doing those, I would actually make cookie dough just to eat it. Not make any cookies, just eat the dough. It's tough. Hang in there!
  • Mjlefty35
    Mjlefty35 Posts: 17 Member
    I am having the same issue for some reason. I haven't ever been this bad but food is calling my name constantly this week and everything is telling me to give in--which I have over the last few days and then have a good cry over all the stuff I just ate! I am trying to find a happy medium with eating the things I like to eat, finding exercises or activities I enjoy and not beating myself up over every indulgence!
  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member
    take some vitamins. and if you must pig out get some grapes or something that aren't too bad in calories, are a bit slower to eat and aren't too bad for you.
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    Ladies.... what do you do when it's your TOM?? All I want to do is binge eat and then cry about it. I'm going crazy and it feels out of control. I've been doing so good and yesterday I just let my diet go to hell. I'm trying to have more self control today, but all I really want to do is eat everything in sight that is bad for me and just say f***-it for the week, but I've been doing so good and it's so hard for me to lose even when I'm being SUPER good on my diet, I don't want to undo all my hard work!! HELP!!! I'm going insane.

    I don't really get like that. I think I've got a lower frustration tolerance for a few days before, but it doesn't affect my appetite really.

    I have a bit less energy a couple of days before and might skip a work out but once I'm 'on' I'm okay. :flowerforyou:

    My energy levels are more determined by things like how many carbs or sugar I've had, when my energy and mood is more likely to yoyo so I try to avoid that.
  • emjaycazz
    emjaycazz Posts: 330 Member
    I used to have pretty bad TOM stuff until I had a baby (the baby is now 12 years old, so it's been a while). However, I do get a bit cranky and have more of an edgy and are a bit hungrier. If I am ravenous, I try and recognize it for what it's worth and choose "better" options and try and keep quantity down.

    A heavy lift session helps me--it takes some of the edge off.:flowerforyou:
  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    Generally I have a "rule" about cravings... if you have it more than 24 hours then have it. TOM, sometimes bets are off...give it. Not the end of the world or the end of your "diet".

    In everday: I eat what I want. I try to eat half of my "cravings" if its a lot in a day... It's just the taste your after...and because you "deny" yourself it you want it more.
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    wish i could help you but i don't get cravings to eat crazy when i am on my period.

    if it were me though, i would say f*** it and eat whatever the hell i want. it doesn't count if you're on your period. then a few days later it's back to normal eating. i agree with those saying it is worse if you forbid yourself, a few days of eating junk won't undo all of your work, drink mass water as well to keep bloating down.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    Can you fill out your profile and upload a pic?

    It seems like you have not even made a start yet, no diary available to see, no goals.
    What do you do the other days of the month?
  • MsWallwoman
    I try to be prepared. I make heathy snacks and put them into portions. I like things like protein balls, yummy guilt-less soft serve ...
    Then when I can't fight it, I can have yummy snacks that I don't have to feel guilty about! :). I am also easy on myself. I am human and TOM is not always an easy time. ;).
  • KatiePearson14
    KatiePearson14 Posts: 19 Member
    I try to do everything in moderation. If I feel like I "need" something with chocolate, I only eat half a candy bar, or a small amount of brownie, etc. And make sure you work out. Although it seems like the last thing in the whole wide world that you want to do, I have found it really does help me!
  • lifeskittles
    lifeskittles Posts: 438 Member
    Im going to be honest here because I am EXACLTY the same. Don't fight with yourself and what you're after. If you tell yourself its okay to have treats you actually wont eat as many than if you say its forbidden. It works, seriously. I eat some more junk, but not near as much as when I try to fight it. Also you do burn 150-300 cals more during your menstrual cycle. So I suppose that helps :)

    A woman burns 150-300 more during their cycle? :huh: :noway:
    Um. Yes.
    A few days before and during the time you are menstruating, you do burn more calories due to the additional cellular activity taking place internally. Some female metabolisms may increase up to 15% during this time due to hormonal changes and loss of blood. The increase in metabolism can lead to an increase in appetite in order to compensate for the greater calorie burn (in the same manner that as exercise can lead to an increase in hunger), which is why some women tend to eat more or crave different foods during this time of the month. Cravings can also be caused by the hormonal changes that affect taste or thought processes.
  • owieprone
    owieprone Posts: 217 Member
    Try taking good multivits (from a supplement site, not the **** you get in supermarkets) leading up to and during, this might help. It helped me when i suddenly started having pms which i'd never had before.

    if you have a craving, share what you're craving with someone, i get my husband to have what i want and just take the equivalent of a bite then break it up into smaller bits so i can savour it longer. he's always happy to do this as it means he gets stroopwaffle or an icecream or whatever ;) (i get the end of the cone with a bit of icecream left in it :P~ nom)
  • ldugganbos
    Take a midol and get over it.

    Didn't your momma ever tell you to be nice...if you can't relate to someone else...be quiet!
  • MommaSherryB
    MommaSherryB Posts: 79 Member
    Some people get on birth control to help rough periods...but I think you may have to try a few to find one that works good with your body. Some women says that progestin-dominant pills can cause cravings.

    When its that time of month, I take a midol, drink lots of water and still exercise, but take it down a notch. It really does seem to help if you push through.

    Also, for my sweet cravings I get an Atkins bar. They are chocolate flavored without a ton of sugar and have protein. The Caramel Chocolate Nut Roll reminds me of a Baby Ruth or Snickers. Really tastes good. (not like some of the other bars that taste like sawdust)
  • SJW1972
    SJW1972 Posts: 1
    Try taking vitamin B, I used to work for a Chiropractor who knew everything about vitamins. If you already take some increase the dose during PMS and your cycle. It will help stabilize you mood swings, if your craving chocolate like most of us do during the TOM, try chocolate chips! I have a few of them instead of eating an entire chocolate bar or two!
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I tend to go over on those days. I don't like it, but I'm way less b#tchy if I allow myself to a little bit.
  • pinkstp
    pinkstp Posts: 220 Member
    I have ovarian cysts and have had horrible TOM's since ... um, forever! So I know that feeling!

    If you aren't in too much pain, try to get some exercise in otherwise portion out what you're wanting to eat. If you want to down a whole container of ice cream, scoop ONE out, eat slowly and then remind yourself that you're emotionally eating and you've worked too hard to un-do everything :)

    Then again sometimes I just say "eff it" and eat a whole candy bar. To each their own ;) But definitely find some kind of OTC (Midol = heaven) to help with pain/bloating and try alternatives to junk (fruit? unsalted nuts?).