I need advice from women about... woman things....



  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    It completely blows my mind how women use their period as an excuse. If anyone had the period excuse, I did after bleeding non stop for six months with terrible cramps and migraines. I could have crawled into a corner and cried and ate bonbons, but I'm not going to let a fact of life stop me. Take a pain pill, drink some water, and go work out.
  • zoe534
    zoe534 Posts: 108 Member
    I get super cravings too. I tried this last time, straight cocoa powder in hot water, took the edge off. But still I want to keep eating even when I'm not hungry, very furstrating when you try so hard the rest of the month. Sometimes I feel better if I have some meat or good fat also, and yes exercising for the cramps.
  • moni_tb_192
    moni_tb_192 Posts: 188 Member
    I take 2g of aspirin if I'm in severe pain. If I'm not, I run A LOT.
  • ShaeThaGawd
    To be honest, my first day is the worst, so I take it easy. Low impact stuff that doesn't require jumping or hopping down or whatever. And if I crave sweets, which I normally do, I keep it to the serving size and still try to stay within my calorie limit. The rest of the time I'm good and can continue normally, sometimes towards the end I may have a bad cramp day, so again I just take it easy. Listen to your body...it's the only one you'll have.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Im going to be honest here because I am EXACLTY the same. Don't fight with yourself and what you're after. If you tell yourself its okay to have treats you actually wont eat as many than if you say its forbidden. It works, seriously. I eat some more junk, but not near as much as when I try to fight it. Also you do burn 150-300 cals more during your menstrual cycle. So I suppose that helps :)

    A woman burns 150-300 more during their cycle? :huh: :noway:
    Um. Yes.
    A few days before and during the time you are menstruating, you do burn more calories due to the additional cellular activity taking place internally. Some female metabolisms may increase up to 15% during this time due to hormonal changes and loss of blood. The increase in metabolism can lead to an increase in appetite in order to compensate for the greater calorie burn (in the same manner that as exercise can lead to an increase in hunger), which is why some women tend to eat more or crave different foods during this time of the month. Cravings can also be caused by the hormonal changes that affect taste or thought processes.

    At the beginning of the cycle some changes can take place, which could lead to an increase in cravings etc. However, it is not correct to throw out a range of calories due to the specifics of each woman. It seems that women are looking for reasons to eat additional calories during TOM just because it is the TOM and it seems kind of silly to re-adjust calorie goals because of it.
  • ShaeThaGawd
    Im going to be honest here because I am EXACLTY the same. Don't fight with yourself and what you're after. If you tell yourself its okay to have treats you actually wont eat as many than if you say its forbidden. It works, seriously. I eat some more junk, but not near as much as when I try to fight it. Also you do burn 150-300 cals more during your menstrual cycle. So I suppose that helps :)

    A woman burns 150-300 more during their cycle? :huh: :noway:
    Um. Yes.
    A few days before and during the time you are menstruating, you do burn more calories due to the additional cellular activity taking place internally. Some female metabolisms may increase up to 15% during this time due to hormonal changes and loss of blood. The increase in metabolism can lead to an increase in appetite in order to compensate for the greater calorie burn (in the same manner that as exercise can lead to an increase in hunger), which is why some women tend to eat more or crave different foods during this time of the month. Cravings can also be caused by the hormonal changes that affect taste or thought processes.
    Wow I didn't know that. Good info.
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    Just take it one day at a time. I try to still stay within my calorie budget, but I do sometimes (not every time) have cravings for junk food. I tell myself to have one or two, and log it and go on.
  • PunkinSpice79
    PunkinSpice79 Posts: 309 Member
    Urgh! I've learned to just write off that week. I do have cravings, and I do indulge, I just try no to go crazy. Forgive yourself. The weight you'll gain is mostly water and it comes off real quick.
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    Thank god I'm post menopausal and all this nonsense is over.
  • mamaomefo
    mamaomefo Posts: 418 Member
    Try really hard to get that exercise in...and if possible, do more than you normally would. Exercise releases feel-good endorphins, which are really needed during TOM!
  • mawon4
    mawon4 Posts: 4 Member
    Don't beat yourself up about. If you had some junk get over it and get back in the fight. Prepare to start slowing down with things you felt "I must have" replace those words.
    Take ownership and move on ok. You'll be just fine.
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    Here is a group to give you some resources: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/779-periods-period
  • lifeskittles
    lifeskittles Posts: 438 Member
    Im going to be honest here because I am EXACLTY the same. Don't fight with yourself and what you're after. If you tell yourself its okay to have treats you actually wont eat as many than if you say its forbidden. It works, seriously. I eat some more junk, but not near as much as when I try to fight it. Also you do burn 150-300 cals more during your menstrual cycle. So I suppose that helps :)

    A woman burns 150-300 more during their cycle? :huh: :noway:
    Um. Yes.
    A few days before and during the time you are menstruating, you do burn more calories due to the additional cellular activity taking place internally. Some female metabolisms may increase up to 15% during this time due to hormonal changes and loss of blood. The increase in metabolism can lead to an increase in appetite in order to compensate for the greater calorie burn (in the same manner that as exercise can lead to an increase in hunger), which is why some women tend to eat more or crave different foods during this time of the month. Cravings can also be caused by the hormonal changes that affect taste or thought processes.

    At the beginning of the cycle some changes can take place, which could lead to an increase in cravings etc. However, it is not correct to throw out a range of calories due to the specifics of each woman. It seems that women are looking for reasons to eat additional calories during TOM just because it is the TOM and it seems kind of silly to re-adjust calorie goals because of it.
    I never said anything about readjusting calorie goals. You can argue all you would like to, but you do burn more calories during menstruation. Sure its going to vary just like metabolic rates of women in general, and the intensity of menstruation. This is however, an average. If you don't like it, you can argue with physiology. Or you can just troll.
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    Take a midol and get over it.
    Didn't your momma ever tell you to be nice...if you can't relate to someone else...be quiet!

    I thought it was actually quite a pragmatic response.
  • nicolemarthacraig
    nicolemarthacraig Posts: 20 Member
    wow i was just about to post up the very same thing!!! aaargghhh!!!
  • nicolemarthacraig
    nicolemarthacraig Posts: 20 Member
    Same here. I'm going to have to force myself out for a jog and try counteract some of the damage i did yesterday!!!
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    Just have something you enjoy but don't have too big a portion.. it will be alright. I always have cookies right before my periods.. Just 2-3 and the urge to eat them is gone. It's not that bad to have some sweets once or twice a month.
  • TamaraKat
    TamaraKat Posts: 533 Member
    When it's TOM for me, I tend to work hard at the gym and try to make myself so exhausted that to go to the fridge to grab something seems like the hardest task in the world. But eye-candy at the gym usually makes up for it :blushing: (Yes, I'm talking about you, Mr Physiotherapist...)
  • luceegj
    luceegj Posts: 246 Member
    Just drug yourself up on pain killer and hope for the best