for anyone who lost nearly 50 or more lbs?

For anyone who has lost nearly 50 lbs or more, how did you do it? What did you do for diet and exercise, and how long did it take before you started seeing results?


  • kazsjourney
    kazsjourney Posts: 263 Member
    Hi I have lost approx 185 pounds. I did it by counting calories and calorie cycling (a lot dont believe in calorie cycling but it works really well for me) Exercise wise in the beginning I did 1-2 resistance sessions per week and the rest was cardio. Now I do at least 2 sessions of resistance/strength training and 2 days of cardio.

    I saw results within the first week (on the scales anyway) it took me till I had lost about 25 pounds till I noticed it in clothes etc...but I was very big started at 380 pounds so it takes more to notice it :)
  • sbrownallison
    sbrownallison Posts: 314 Member
    I have lost this weight since March '12 and am now close to my goal weight. My eating plan was 1200 cal/day and at the beginning I was doing little to no exercise. Frustrated with the results (as an older woman it is way hard to lose weight), I joined the YMCA and began taking an aerobics class (with weights intervals), then I added more classes. At this point I was losing a pound a week -- EVERY week, without fail. By the time I joined MFP in Nov '12, I had lost 30 lbs. About that same time I got a Fitbit One, which is a great little motivator. Nowadays I am losing slower as I approach my goal but I am staying active. I take 4-5 classes a week at the Y (I'm doing two weight-lifting classes per week, plus 2-3 cardio). In all this time, I have never gained so much as an ounce and only a couple short-term plateaus.

    The only change to my eating plan is that I now eat back some or all of my daily exercise calories. That has slowed my weight loss but at this point I'm not worried about it.

    I keep an open diary and welcome new friends who log daily and like to encourage and motivate others. I'm sending you a friend request.
  • tifsimmons91
    tifsimmons91 Posts: 84 Member
    Thank you for sharing your stories with me. Its nice to have an idea based off other peoples success so I can try and do the same. I just have so much weight to lose and I'd like to lose most of it fast but also healthily. As of now I eat between 1200- 1500 calpries a day and I do the turbo jam kickboxing video at home m-f. Last week was my first week and I lost 5lbs so far. I'm hoping what I'm doing is enough.
  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    It always requires patience! Don't give up and keep looking forward.

    You can get 15 responses and they probably won't help you at all. Everyone is different. We all have different things going on such as diabetes, thyroid disorder, high blood pressure, arthritis, cancer, different medications, and a host of other things.

    Try not to get discouraged and don't compare yourself to anyone here on MFP. You got this. You can do it.
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    I intentionally set things up so I could lose weight as slowly as possible in order to continue enjoying foods I love and to settle into a manner of eating that I could continue with only slight modifications once I got to maintenance. I set my loss on MFP to a half pound a week and I eat back virtually all of my exercise calories. My exercise is highly inconsistent. I do lots of walking, some taekwondo, and some weightlifting/circuit training. I'm vegetarian and I avoid gluten for medical reasons. I have my protein set at 25% and fats at 35% which leaves 40% for carbs. I'm 49 years old. I've lost about 65 pounds since January 15, 2012.
  • guessrs
    guessrs Posts: 358 Member
    I lost 60 pounds in a year. Slow, patient and consistent every day. I focus on healthy, filling foods and run.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    In the beginning I pretty much just fit everything into a caloric goal and tried to make better choices. Instead of a candy bar, a protein bar. Instead of chips, fat free pretzels. I would go to the gym and use the elliptical, treadmill and bike. I lost about 40 pounds. I did nog wory about macros.

    Then I fell off the wagon and gained all the weight back. My turning point was a snide comment someone I was dating said to me. I said I will never hear that again so I got my butt back in the gym and did the same thing and added weight lifting. I started riding my bike regularly. I lost 25 pounds and had stopped eating meat and eggs. I started concentrating on macros.

    Then I got pregnant and tried to keep my weight gain in check and overall succeeded. I went back to meat and eggs.

    Now I am 5 1/2 months post partum and the lowest weight I have ever been. I am in the best shape of my life. I walk and run, ride my bike and do DVD's at home. I eat pretty well. Most of my meat and produce is organic. I focus a lot on hitting my macros and getting a lot of healthy fat in. My hair, skin and nails look the best they ever have.

    I do have donuts but I work them off. Occasionally I will have a cheat day or meal but those days are quickly fading. After eating very well, I can no longer stomach a bad meal. I went out for wings the other night. Wings, chips and ice cream was wayyy too harsh on my stomach. I could barely get out of my car. As soon as I got inside my house, I threw up and passed out. I do not like that sick and fat feeling.

    I work midnights and we get fed at work. I like taking advantage of free food to save money so I try to eat as healthy as I can at work. When I get home in the morning, I work out to burn off as much crap I took in as I can.

    ***apologizes in advance for spelling errors. on phone.
  • fitocordon
    fitocordon Posts: 22 Member
    I personally started seeing results instantly. Changed my diet and started running doing bodyweight exercises at least 4-5 times a week. More importantly I cut out junk food to 2-3 times a week vs 2-3 times a day. And I also cut down on sodas to 2 -3 a week vs 3-4 a day... Just eat cleaner and get moving. If you need to lose 50+ lbs you should have an easier run at the beggining vs the end! Good luck :)
  • timwhoa
    timwhoa Posts: 325 Member
    I am now down 65 pounds in just over 3 months on Atkins, low carb, I have not counted a single calorie, just carb grams, like he says in his book,, smile
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    I have. I eat whatever type of foods I want with no shame and just log my food daily to keep it within my calories. Fear no foods and enjoy your holidays (eat the delicious stuff!). I loooooove my carbs and nobody could ever convince me to give them up.

    Just eat within moderation and don't make any changes you can't continue for the rest of your life (like only eating veggies or some silly fad diet that you clearly can only do short term). As far as exercise, I started doing the 30 Day Shred like basically everybody else on MFP did lol. I love level 2 and have done it about a bajillion times. At the gym I'd hit weights, treadmill, whatever I felt like doing.

    Currently I jog/run the neighborhood and do p90x when I'm feeling like it. If I exercise I eat back my calories to ensure I'm not in too large of a deficit and I use a HRM to estimate my calories burned. Weight loss is very easy when it becomes habit! :)
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    counting calories and staying around 180 carbs daily, working out mainly cardio 3-6 times a week for 30-60min, I don't see my own results.. but my labwork in the hospital shows it. So I'm happy
  • amie709
    amie709 Posts: 99
    I track my calories, carbs and protein. I exercise. I started with hip hop abs then slim in six and now doing chalean extreme. Clean eating as well.

    Started at 270 lbs Aprul 14, 2013. Currently 211. I would love to help you lose if you want!!
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,174 Member
    I did it by reducing carbs....I had to do that because I am a T2 diabetic. But it worked. I try to eat under 100 g. of carbs a day unless I exercise. As for exercise, I mostly walk, use my stationary bike, and in the summer, I jog in the pool.