Stuck at the same place for about 6 months.



  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I would say start logging everything even your cheat days just to be aware of what your eating, I am willing to bet once you are aware the pounds will start coming off...sometimes we are eating way more than what we think and by logging this sets some boundaries..
  • ssmaling
    ssmaling Posts: 83 Member
    I agree, more protein.
    And less sugar.

    I've thought about protein shakes, but honestly they freak me out.

    I use a diet protein shake, by promax diet. It really helps on the days I can't get enough protein in - this one:

    Plateaus are frustrating but you have come so far please don't lose hope. Try to log every day I know from my own experience after a long time not seeing much change you can get a bit fed up of it, but logging is the only thing to keep me on track. Also you may still be recovering from your medical condition, it can take a while for things to fully get back to normal (speaking from experience here, and I am sorry for your loss) and hormones can play haywire with everything including water retention.

    Take care hun, and don't give up :D

    Thank you. I will check that out. I really appreciate your time and advice. I wont give up! I've come way to far and have more to go....I'm just frustrated. Thanks again!
  • ssmaling
    ssmaling Posts: 83 Member
    sorry about the weight not coming off as well as the miscarriage. that's a lot to deal with.

    my advice would be to LOG EVERYTHING and stop allowing for cheat days. sounds like you're super frustrated and are allowing bad habits to creep in. i would treat this like the beginning of a whole new lifestyle change, like you did when you first started.

    have you had your hormone levels checked since the miscarriage? you could be out of whack in that respect, which is skewing your body chemistry all up.

    stop focusing on the number on the scale. don't weigh for a month.

    Thank you. I am super frustrated and am super scared of going back to how I used to be. But, I wont let that happen! I have not had my hormone levels checked, but the Doctor did tell me it would take awhile for them to get back to normal. Thank you very much. :D
  • ssmaling
    ssmaling Posts: 83 Member
    It's only been a few months since the medical issue and hormones take awhile to change. Give yourself a little time. Not that you shouldn't try some new things. I echo the call for more water. I've personally had a luck switching to a 5-2 intermittent fasting schedule, which my nutritionist wholeheartedly approved. But it sounds like maybe you've already tried that, when you talk about shocking?

    Thanks. You know, several people have mentioned fasting to me. I may try that. What I mean 'shock' is going from drastically different calorie intake limits and exercise....Yeah, just frustrating! lol
  • ssmaling
    ssmaling Posts: 83 Member
    I would say start logging everything even your cheat days just to be aware of what your eating, I am willing to bet once you are aware the pounds will start coming off...sometimes we are eating way more than what we think and by logging this sets some boundaries..

    I don't have whole cheat days, usually just cheat dinner and I try to log those, but I don't always. I do find that when I'm super frustrated and depressed I eat way more and just say 'screw it'.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    Definitely log everything even a cheat meal or day. I'd also suggest pulling out the kitchen scale and spot checking your portions.
  • ecanales52
    ecanales52 Posts: 74 Member
    I agree, more protein.
    And less sugar.

    I've thought about protein shakes, but honestly they freak me out.

    Why do they freak you out? I made a shake this week with skim milk, vanilla almond protein powder, a banana, and some almond butter. I thought I had died and gone to heaven. Try experimenting with different flavors that you enjoy.
  • CLNor
    CLNor Posts: 1
    That nighttime eating thing you do? I know that too well! My way around that is to make sure I have a protein shake in the afternoon - helps with those evening cravings. I make the shake in my blender - buy just a plain whey powder and add my own flavorings like vanilla and a little maple syrup to sweeten. It's not too scary!
    Also - I reached a point in my life when I could not lose weight without aggressively lowering my carbs/sugar. Insulin resistance - but didn't show up in labwork - was only evident thru where I accumulated weight and the sudden and distressing 'sensitivity' (evidenced by unbelievably easy weight gain) to carbs. Now I know through trial and error that I can maintain weight if carbs average 150, but if I want to lose, carb total each day needs to be 125 or less, protein needs to be pushed to 100 if I can. (that's hard for me.) So - you might be looking at something similar - just a metabolic change perhaps involving insulin hormone and others, that may require you to reduce carbs and push up the protein. You'll find your own range. Good luck!
  • mspoopoo
    mspoopoo Posts: 500 Member
    I think you are eating more than you realize but you sort of know you are doing it because you aren't logging it.

    Ask yourself if you really want to lose the rest of the weight?

    Buy a food scale and measure and log every single thing that you eat and drink?
    Are you drink juice, soda, alcohol?

    Cut back on the sugar. The more sugar you eat, the more you crave it.
  • crandos
    crandos Posts: 377 Member
    I would say start logging everything even your cheat days just to be aware of what your eating, I am willing to bet once you are aware the pounds will start coming off...sometimes we are eating way more than what we think and by logging this sets some boundaries..

    I don't have whole cheat days, usually just cheat dinner and I try to log those, but I don't always. I do find that when I'm super frustrated and depressed I eat way more and just say 'screw it'.

    ^this here could be the problem someone lost alot of weight just eating poptarts and staying in his calorie target.
    Make sure you hit your calorie goal.
  • Some times it's not just as simple as calories in/calories out, it may be that you have a serious hormonal imbalance that needs addressing which would make sense after a miscarriage, all those pregnancy hormones (a lot of progesterone) and then a major drop off will leave you with high estrogen which is the usual culprit for women not being able to budge the weight (when everything else is in order). I'm working through the same issue and I'm on bio-identical progesterone and weekly acupuncture (through a school so its discounted), acupuncture is extremely effective for this but you really need patience as well. I'd also recommend the book Accidentally Overweight by Dr Libby Weaver, she is a genius with women's weight issues and explains why that extra weight sometimes won't budge, it's not ALL about what we do or don't put in our mouths!
  • baptiste565
    baptiste565 Posts: 590 Member
    hi. u r just not in a calorie deficit. either u r over ur 1500cals a day by not logging correctly or ur cheat days r killing u. good luck!