Hi, my progress so far

jumpman233345 Posts: 9
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hello , I am new here and have been using this program on the iPhone for exactily a week today
I am a 29 yo male and prior to starting this program last week weighed exactily 90kg (14 stone) bt I am only quite small (5"7) so am quite podgy.
Now, after setting it up on the phone it gave me a daily calorie intake of 1650 but with good eating I have been taking in roughly 1200 per day ,it's hard at first but with determination it's getting a lot easier!!

Anyway after a week of carefully eating I have lost 3 pounds! And plan to follow it for a long time untill I reach about 10-11 stone
thanks for reading and good luck to you all


  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Just an FYI but the minimum amount for a woman is 1200, it is more like 1500 for a man. You may want to change the amount you eat, as any less than 1500 you can harm your metabolism. If MFP is giving you 1650, you should be eating 1650 as that number has a built in caloric deficit for you to lose weight.
  • Well done on your loss xxx
  • good job! but you might want to increase your calorie intake a bit as suggested above. ^
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    I agree with the others. Believe it or not eating less does not always help you lose weight. Everyone is different though. The thing is, you just don't want to mess up your metabolism. If you slow it down too much because it thinks food intake is scarce then you will have trouble losing in the long run because it just won't want to speed up and burn more calories because your body may think it's not getting anymore. Congrats on the weight loss so far!
  • Thanks for the advice boys and girls , I will bare it in mind and try to eat what it says from now on :-)
  • Good job! You will LOVE this site! It really helps keep you honest and motivated. The people are great and offer such helpful ideas and tips. We are here to encourage and motivate one another. Welcome and keep up the good work! Feel free to "friend" me. Have a great day!
  • alantin
    alantin Posts: 621 Member
    Just for reference: I'm male, 6', about 84 kg right now and eat about 1600 Kcal + exercise Calories. I started at about 94 kg three months ago and hope to be around my target of 75 kg in January.

    It is important not to get carried away with the big losses in the beginning and then get depressed when it slows down later. Eating less might seem like a good idea to speed things up at that point but it will backfire in a number of ways so better to just eat enough and enjoy every bite! I'm losing at the average rate of about 600g - 800g a week now and it is great to see consistent progress!

    Good luck with your journey. This does work like a charm!
  • Thanks once again guys! This is an obviousily very active forum! It's good to see
    so basicaily if I stick to the recomended 1650 per day (low fat foods) consisting of anything I WILL see weight loss every week?
    Providing I exercise of cause

    Alantin, your quite close to my dimentions , what sort of exercise do you do per week?
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Thanks once again guys! This is an obviousily very active forum! It's good to see
    so basicaily if I stick to the recomended 1650 per day (low fat foods) consisting of anything I WILL see weight loss every week?
    Providing I exercise of cause

    Alantin, your quite close to my dimentions , what sort of exercise do you do per week?

    Actually eating 1650 you should lose weight without exercising as MFP already has a built in caloric deficit at 1650 cals. If you exercise you get to eat those cals to keep your deficit intact, and to insure you don't eat too few calories.
  • I am new when it comes to healthy eating and all the number crunching that comes with it

    This may be a stupid question but I will ask it anyway,,
    IF when you exercise , you then have to eat back the calories to keep the defect intact, then what's the point in exercise? I thought as a rule it's best to burn off more calories than you eat?
    I hope you understand what I am getting at? :-)
  • Congratulations with your weight loss so far!

    Remember that as for fat burning, 70% comes from reducing your daily intake, and 30% from exercise.
    So make sure you keep your calorie intake to the amount recommend by MFP - and you should be good to go!

    Don't eat less calories that what MFP recommend you or otherwise you can produce a negative impact on your body, as others mentioned before.

    Exercise will help you to get muscle definition, and tone up your body. Make sure to choose something that suits you, and be consistent with your practice. Whatever you do, try to practice on daily basis, it doesn't matter if it's just low intensity or medium intensity exercise in the beginning, as long as you keep practicing on daily basis (it's ok to pause your practice one or two days during week end, in order to let your organism recover)
    Remember that consistency is more important than intensity (like in good old the tortoise and the hare tale!)

    Good luck with your journey, feel free to add me as a friend if you like.
  • alantin
    alantin Posts: 621 Member
    Alantin, your quite close to my dimentions , what sort of exercise do you do per week?

    I used to do tae kwon do for about three years but wanted to try other martial arts too so right now I'm doing a beginning course on kendo (Japanese sword) and taido (a pretty acrobatic Japanese martial art derived from okinawa karate). Both have two about 1,5 hour classes a week. I don't do any weight training other than the body weight exercises that go with the other training. I've also logged about 221 km (137 miles) of bike riding so far in this month. In the weekends I do what I happen to feel like doing. Tomorrow we are going wall climbing with some friends. Looking forward to that! I haven't tried it in years! :smile: usually I do at least a set of body weight exercises in the weekend too and/or a good stretching session.

    I thought I'll go through these beginning courses and then switch to juujutsu in the spring. I'm kinda in the process of finding my own style. One of my main goals for losing weight is the martial arts. Doing those with 5 kg of fat is a lot easier on the knees than with 25 kg of fat.. :wink:
  • alantin
    alantin Posts: 621 Member
    I am new when it comes to healthy eating and all the number crunching that comes with it

    This may be a stupid question but I will ask it anyway,,
    IF when you exercise , you then have to eat back the calories to keep the defect intact, then what's the point in exercise? I thought as a rule it's best to burn off more calories than you eat?
    I hope you understand what I am getting at? :-)

    The point in exercise is to maintain and improve your physical fitness and health. It also relieves stress and reduces the loss of muscle tissue that comes with dieting and losing weight.
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