Defeated and Depressed



  • MMarcordes
    MMarcordes Posts: 58 Member
    Don't be so hard on yourself! You sound like you have the same problem as the rest of us on here. I'm blessed to have lost nearly 60 pounds - and still - I think about food every second of the day. What's my next snack? Is it time to eat, yet? When's dinner? What's for dinner? Is it time to eat, yet? The only advice I can offer - plan ahead. I only bring to work what I am going to eat that day. I don't keep snacks at my desk because I'd eat them all in one day. I don't buy snacks for home (unless I can count exactly how many calories there are). Potato chips are my downfall. But, I've figured out that if I bring a single portion of Pringles for lunch - that's good enough for me. The only other thing is take it one meal at a time. You can do it. You have three good meals in a row - and that's a whole day. You'll find that you actually survived and it makes a tiny bit easier the next day. Use the tools on here - they are very helpful. Good luck!!!!!
  • championnfl
    championnfl Posts: 324 Member
    Sounds to me that you need help....:bigsmile: We both went to a nutricnist to help us with meal planning. More info on what a carb,protein, & fat is. Its hard to reach your goal if not having the tools and knowledge to get there.
    2nd stop being so hard on yourself,start thinking positive, we always say goal achieving is 90% mental and 10% action!
    Surround yourself with loving,caring,& supportive people.[Sounds like you need alot of encouragement].:wink: YOU CAN DO THIS! Read message boards daily,you have alot of company.
    Finally, "make a plan & work your plan"----" Its a journey not a sprint"--- Took time to get this way,will take awhile to lose it----"believe to achieve"---- Fall off the wagon get right back on the next day!

    Everyone at MFP believes you can, DO YOU???????:drinker: :happy:
    P.S. Took me 4 years to get 60lbs over weight,but will lose it[starts above the shoulders]