Daily Weighers ONLY- Please :)



  • ThatCatholicGirl
    ThatCatholicGirl Posts: 209 Member
    Ohhh dollface I getcha! I weigh in 3 times a day, mainly because I'm curious, not so much obsessive. I weigh in first thing in the morning, then a little while after I've had some coffee as it *ahem* helps keep everything moving, and then again before I go to bed. About a week ago, I woke up one morning to find that in the space of 9 hours my scales showed me up as being 3lb heavier and it stuck like that for 2 days. THAT peed me off, lemme tell ya!
  • cindybowcut
    cindybowcut Posts: 250 Member
    I weigh every morning after I shower. My daughter thinks that I am obsessed with weighing myself. The way I look at it, is that it keeps me accountable and lets me know where I am at. I do get discouraged from time to time, usually on Mondays. It seems that I do so well during the week and on the weekends I blow it. So on Monday my scale is at the same number as it was the previous Monday. Even though during the week the number had went down. I believe I am into self sabatoge.
  • miniversion
    miniversion Posts: 17 Member
    I weigh daily also., but only when I'm trying to lose weight. It's almost like a game to me because I would weigh before and after I drink water etc. One thing I mostly pay attentiin to is my weight before I go to bed, and my weight first thing when I get up. I've been making guesses on how much it would change overnight depending on the amount of water that comes out lol. So far when I eat a lot of salty food the change overnight is less than a lb and if I did not it can be as high as 1.5 lbs. What can I say, my hubby finds it entertaining that I weigh so often..
  • c_tap77
    c_tap77 Posts: 189 Member
    I've done the same thing before!!!! I get so excited that the scale says what it does and then I go back to double check and it's like 2-3 lbs higher----ggggrrrrrrrrr.

    I've had to force myself to only weigh myself at the same time every day--which has worked really well since I keep a relatively similar routine day to day. It keeps me from acting bat-s#*t crazy when I see the numbers fluctuate in a matter of hours!!!
  • Ewa_Maria_M
    "affects" - he he..

    I'm a "daily weigher" since teenage-hood and now am in my 30's. I've stopped last year summer time because of some personal issues and I had no mind, well, for anything. And what do you know, a year later I'm 10 pounds heavier. I only realized it when I couldn't put my shorts on. Before this, I was always of healthy weight (I still am, just not comfortable) and within 5 lbs of my high school weight one direction or the other. I was already using, although very sporadically, myfitnesspal and still working out (that's just a habit), but since I never saw the scale, I didn't pay that much attention.

    For me, checking my weight every day is a good idea. With time, you won't obsess over it, it will simply become something you do every morning, like brushing your hair. It just lets you know which way your weight is going. If I gain a couple of pounds, I do nothing about it, if I'm closer to 5, I try to eat lighter for the next couple of days and perhaps take a longer walk. No big deal, and yet it has kept my weight in check for some 20 years.

    I suppose I could do it once a week, but knowing myself, I'd forget. I got in habit of doing it every day, and I just don't even have to think about it. The benefit of doing it every day is also that it keeps you very accountable - if you pig out one day, it will show on the scale the next day. That again reminds me to eat lighter the next day and perhaps refrain from overeating next time (well, okay, maybe at least for a while:) .

    Most importantly, don't be so hard on yourself. You've done amazing!

    P.S. Just don't weigh-in every 20 minutes, your scale already appears to hate you (perhaps it's time for a new one...)
  • audraws12
    audraws12 Posts: 18 Member
    Oh yes I too am a daily weighing... My habit is : First thing in the morning right after I've used the restroom and before I've had breakfast. In my mind I think that is me at the lightest point of the day. I will however only log in my weight once a week because I know I can fluctuate greatly from day to day just due to water weight.
  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    Happy daily weigher here. Wake, pee, weigh. If the number is suspect I weigh again as soon as I get out of the shower. I will occasionally weigh right before going to bed but that is simply out of curiosity. I log as soon as I am dressed.

    It sounds like you need a new scale! A few months ago I replaced a "top quality" WW scale that was giving me different readings 5 minutes apart with a $30 EatSmart scale. Best investment I ever made. Consistent readings again and again.

    Look what happened when I started lifting heavy! This is an old chart and after I leveled out the decline picked up right where it left off. 228 now.

  • melissaka7
    melissaka7 Posts: 277 Member
    I've done the same thing before!!!! I get so excited that the scale says what it does and then I go back to double check and it's like 2-3 lbs higher----ggggrrrrrrrrr.

    I've had to force myself to only weigh myself at the same time every day--which has worked really well since I keep a relatively similar routine day to day. It keeps me from acting bat-s#*t crazy when I see the numbers fluctuate in a matter of hours!!!

    I love this. It sounds excactly like me. Thanks!
  • Kitty7814

    It sounds like you need a new scale! A few months ago I replaced a "top quality" WW scale that was giving me different readings 5 minutes apart with a $30 EatSmart scale. Best investment I ever made. Consistent readings again and again.

    Hahah, yes, the ww is the one I have now that fluctuates within seconds, and after reading several reviews last night came to the conclusion that I'd go ahead and buy an EatSmart one as well, though mine was $38. Glad to see another endorsement this morning.
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    I weigh every day and always have because it helps me keep on track. I however will only get on the scale twice to make sure the reading is the same and they always are. If your scales changes constantly then you might need a new scale. Even on days when I'm good my scale will show a .2 gain. You cannot let this affect you because it's gonna happen no matter what you do. I don't see a .2 gain as a real gain so it doesn't freak me out. You can continue to weigh every day but I wouldn't get on the scale five times to make sure it said the same. Two times one right after the other is all I do just make sure my scale is working accurately.

    So you might need a new scale
  • Becky388
    Becky388 Posts: 157 Member
    I do the same and it can be quite irritating IF you let it. I keep track of daily weight on paper and BMF but not here on MFP, here I only record losses. I generally step on the scale once unless it's a really big change then I'll step on it again. I tried weighing weekly but Monday was not the day to do it, LOL, it is almost always higher on Monday because of salt over the weekend. I like daily so I can see a trend throughout the week. The way I understand it is, if you weigh daily you should average at the end of the week, I don't though. The only thing I average is calorie deficit and macros and for me the lower the carbs the better the number on the scale even with the same deficit. Don't let the scale drive you batty, use it as a tracking/trending tool not the end all/be all.

    edit: I weigh at the same time every day
  • melissaka7
    melissaka7 Posts: 277 Member
    Thanks to everyone who responded. You made me feel like I am not alone. I am trying to not let it get to me when it changes.

    This morning I kept the scale in the SAME place & only did it three times. Better than the 7 yesterday. It was 154.4 once & 154.8 twice, so I went with the 154.8. I am proud of myself for recognizing my problem & trying to work with myself on doing better.
  • desigirl23
    desigirl23 Posts: 18 Member
    I weigh myself daily - within 30 mins after I get up. Key is to weigh yourself at around the same time every day. I don't step on the scale again till next morning. It helps a lot. I was stuck between 157 and 158 for almost 2 weeks. Then within 3 days, I dropped to 156 and today to 155. Now whether the actual numbers are accurate or not is up for debate. But what is certain is the direction of those numbers - downwards!!! That is good.

    Good luck!
  • dvdadie
    dvdadie Posts: 193 Member
    I weigh daily. When there is an increase, I "talk" to my scale.
  • Turnaround2012
    Turnaround2012 Posts: 362 Member
    Me: "Hello, My name is ++++ and I am a daily weigher"
    Group: "Hi ++++"

    I hear you. For me it is just extra data. one trick that I picked up from someone else on the forums is to do a running average of weights. I track a 10 day running average of my weight and it really makes sense. That way if I spike 2 lbs .. it is all good!
  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    I weigh daily, but only once, first thing when I get out of bed and used the bathroom. I should be at my lightest since I rarely eat after dinner which is usually around 6pm. By then 12-13 hours have passed since I last had anything to eat. If I do have a dessert around 8pm, it does affect my weigh-in. I weigh every day to keep myself accountable. Normal fluctuations I am not concerned with, I just don't want to lose control.
  • FitterTerri
    FitterTerri Posts: 91 Member
    Yep, me too. Get up, go to the loo an then weigh. Once only though. My scales can fluctuate by up to 200g (not sure what that is in pounds), so I just take the first weight and BF%.
  • SuperHero_Girl
    SuperHero_Girl Posts: 72 Member
    Oh yes I too am a daily weighing... My habit is : First thing in the morning right after I've used the restroom and before I've had breakfast. In my mind I think that is me at the lightest point of the day. I will however only log in my weight once a week because I know I can fluctuate greatly from day to day just due to water weight.

    My daily weighing is similar. I wake up, use the facilities, and step right on the scale, (I have an Omron HBF-516B). I only weigh once and I record that weight in a weight tracker app that I have and it shows me a trend. I only log my weight on MFP if my weight has gone down from the last recorded reading, even if it's from one day to the next. I was fluctuating between 236 and 239 for about a week, but this morning it was 235 even. It usually goes up based mostly on my water and sodium intake the day previous, so I can usually predict and prepare myself for a gain, but even then it doesn't bother me because I'm more interested in the data and the trend of the fluctuations. I also measure my inches roughly once a week and usually will see only loses there, and I'm hoping to take progress pics on the 11th of every month for the sake of visual comparison.
  • missdoomcookie
    I actually feel like you should either weight in very infrequently (a few weeks in between) or once daily (in the morning before eating or drinking). This is my case for it:

    Your weight varies every day based on factors like water consumption, sodium consumption, constipation, etc. If you weigh in daily, you will be more likely to notice that pattern and see the overall trend of your weight (if you weigh in down five days of the week and only way up two, you can be confident you are actually down.) Since your weight can easily vary a few pounds in a given day and healthy weight loss only involves losing a pound or two per week, if you check in just once weekly, you could end up not seeing a change because one week you weigh in on a day that is low in these retention factors and the next week you weigh in on a day that is high in these retention factors. Fluctuations can erase the entire pound or two you lost that week with respect to the scale.

    Now, if you weigh in more like every few weeks, at that point you should be able to lose enough that you will still see a loss, even if you had some fluctuation factors.
  • Serrulata
    I weigh in at the gym, (5 days a week) but mainly to figure out how much water a lose from sweat to make sure I stay hydrated. Once before a work out, then once after. I see nothing wrong with weighing daily as long as you don't get obsessive about it. Keep in mind that the scales don't tell you what kind of weight you loss, so while you might have loss weight it could be decreased muscle mass and not fat, or a gain in muscle mass not fat. It is more accurate to have your body fat % checked at least once a month. Scales are for doctors and drug dealers.