Ideas for veg-heavy meals that aren't salad?



  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    Vegetable lasagna or casseroles are good. Roasted vegetables with some form of protein might work.
  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member

    I have recently developed IBS and for the time being at least, I can't eat raw vegetables and fruit without a lot of pain and discomfort. Any ideas for veg-heavy meals and snacks that don't involve eating any of them raw?

    I make curries, chillies, stew and soup but I'm in a bit of a rut, please inspire me!

    Two cookbooks by Madhur Jaffrey:
    - World Vegetarian Cooking and
    - Eastern Vegetarian Cooking.

    Last night I cooked a Nigerian bean stew that included lots of vegetables, kidney and butter beans and peanut butter. I served that on a bed of brown rice.
    A few nights ago I made a mixed vegetable curry on a bed of quinoa.
    How do you go with nuts? I have a combination of either fresh or dried fruit with nuts for snacks.
    kind regards,

  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member
    Anyone who has suffered IBS, can you tell me if you had any improvement taking probiotics?

    I don't have IBS but I can tell you that taking a probiotic every morning is now one of my routines. The health benefits are amazing and iit would not surprise me if it either greatly reduced your symptoms or helped to eradicate them entirely.
    kind regards,

  • xWendyJonesx
    xWendyJonesx Posts: 266 Member
    I've suffered with IBS and colitis in the past, I have them under control now.
    I take a probiotic everyday, it has to be a high strength one.
    I also find if I have bread based products, sweet corn or corn based products more than once or twice a week I suffer.
    Peppermint tea is really good for calming your tummy, I would drink it after a meal, I also carry peppermint oil capsules around with me for if I get that niggle or pain.
    Good luck, I hope you can find out what's causing yours and get it under control very soon, I know it can take over your life and the medication isn't nice either.
    Take care.
  • ThatCatholicGirl
    ThatCatholicGirl Posts: 209 Member
    Peppermint tea is really good for calming your tummy, I would drink it after a meal, I also carry peppermint oil capsules around with me for if I get that niggle or pain.

    ohmigosh yes! Totally forgot about peppermint tea! I always drink it after my meals too :) personally, it took me a while to get used to it, but now I love it. I don't take probiotics myself but some people do find that they appease the symptoms :)
  • mitchiejo
    mitchiejo Posts: 179 Member
    I love eating a whole bag of frozen veggies myself each day with dinner. Sometimes they are microwaved and sometimes I cook them in a basket on my grill, yum. This time of the year I also get zuchinni from my gardener friends.
  • Absonthebrain
    Absonthebrain Posts: 587 Member
    I usually sautee every vege that I have in my fridge and to me its so tasty and filling. I could eat it all the time!
  • chezjuan
    chezjuan Posts: 747 Member
    I like Ratatouille, especially in the fall and winter.
  • My fave is 100% fruit and veg sweet and sour (i.e no sauce!)

    Get 1/ a fresh pineapple, cut it up and then smush it, leave some chunks whole, mix into a tin of chopped tomatos- set aside
    Stir fry veg (mushrooms, onions, baby corn, carrot, baby broccoli, water chestnut etc)
    Mix together, add a tiny bit of salt, sugar and soy sauce

    Serve with whatever you like (bulgar wheat is my favorite and I usually add vegan sausage to it!)
  • SheilaHandler
    SheilaHandler Posts: 6 Member
    I make a really quick meal for my kids sometimes that involves making a spinach soup out of a couple of cups of broth, a 1 pound bag of baby spinach (Costco) and then mixing with a hand blender. Then I poach a couple of eggs in a serving of soup. We call it Landesmann eggs and they love it. It's an easy way to get them to eat a quarter pound of spinach.
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    If dairy is ok, check out Skinnytaste's Baked Spaghetti Squash with Cheese. It's really good and you can add additional vegetables if you want. I threw in some mushrooms and onions.
  • Aurora1525
    Aurora1525 Posts: 62 Member
    Pot pies are great and easy. I steam my vegetables, cook up some onions and fake chicken (I'm vegetarian) and make some homemade gravy. Mix everything together in a 7 x 11 pan and cover with croissant dough (Pilsbury or Immaculate Baking Company). Stick in oven for 10-15 mins and you've got comfort food!
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    In the summer I love grilling veggies on the BBQ. Zucchini, red onions, eggplant, bell peppers, mushrooms, corn, potatoes, etc. So good!!
  • Carmella9
    Carmella9 Posts: 171 Member
    Stuffed peppers/portobellow mushrooms!

    Healthy roast dinner with lots of veggies! :)
  • Carmella9
    Carmella9 Posts: 171 Member
    also diced onion, baby corn and mange tout with sweet chilli sauce (cooked) is good also :)